299: The One With The Freedom

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"Veronica?" I ask confused as I open the door. "What are you doing here?" I ask quietly. "I need a place to stay. You're the only person I trust." She says quietly. "Also you're like, my only friend that's home right now." She tells me. "Well, if you want to stay with me for a bit you can. Why are you here though? Like what actually happened?" I ask her. She looks at me. "I dropped out of college." She says quietly. "No one knows yet." I nod. "Well, come in." I say quietly. She walks into the living room. "Sorry this place is a mess." I say quietly. "I just got a new mattress and had to move a bunch of stuff out of my room to get it in there." I explain. "Ok." She shrugs. "That explains the mattress in the middle of the living room." I tell her. "I know it'll be a bit weird but you can barrow it, I can get a fresh sheets." I say quietly. "Ok." She nods. "Hey babe! I'm ho-." Cheryl stops when she sees Veronica. "Hey! V! What are you doing here?" She ask quietly. "I dropped out of college." She nods. "Oh! Ok. That's very out of character of you but you're an adult do whatever you want. Especially since you're filthy rich." Cheryl says awkwardly. "So what are you doing here?" She ask confused. "Oh! I can't go home my parents will kill me and I don't feel like dying today, maybe tomorrow." She nods. "Cheryl, you ok?" I ask concerned. "Ah! Yeah." She says before going into our bedroom. "I didn't realize you guys were living together. I can go." Veronica says quietly. "No, it's ok! Just don't live here for like a year and I think you'll be ok." I explain. "Just a few days." She tells me. "Is she ok?" She ask quietly. "Yeah, she's still traumatized." I tell her. She looks at me. "From what?" She ask confused. "Conversion Therapy." She looks at me. "What?" I nod. "Yeah... her mom essentially kidnapped her and sent her. Luckily my grandfather sent me to the same place so I know how to escape that place." I tell her. "Holy shit!" I nod. "I was able to get over it faster than her. Probably because the whole time I wasn't paying attention and I didn't really behave either." I explain. "Is that why you didn't go off to college?" She ask quietly. "No, I didn't get into any I didn't want to anyways." I tell her. "What about her?" She ask quietly. "Oh! Cheryl couldn't bring herself to go." I explain. "Honestly, she doesn't really leave the house that much. Only for therapy." I say quietly. "Damn."

I sit down on the bed. "Cher..." I whisper. "I don't want her here!" She whispers before getting up and looking out the window. "Cheryl it's just a few days." I tell her. She looks at me. "Cheryl, it's more than that isn't?" She nods. "What?" I ask quietly. "You guys had a thing!" She says quietly. "It was one night, it didn't mean anything to anyone! We weren't even together yet!" I tell her. "So, if I go out there and ask her I'll get the same answer?" She ask pissed. "It might not be word for word but yes." I tell her. We both walk out of the bedroom and go over to Veronica. "That thing you and Toni had meant nothing to you right?" She ask. Veronica looks at me, I shake my head. "Yeah! It meant nothing." She says quietly. Cheryl walks back into our room. "You never told her?" I shake my head. "I don't know how and honestly it's not important." I whisper. She nods. "Also she doesn't need this right now." I tell her. She nod. "I'll tell her one day." I whisper. "Like, right before she dies so she can't kill me." I smile and walk into the bedroom. "I love you Cheryl." I whisper. Cheryl doesn't say anything. She lies in bed and I lie down next to her. She raps her arm around me and lies into me. I wipe her tears as I feel her cry. "We dated, not for long. We broke up because we realized there was nothing there." I confess. She looks at me. "I'm sorry." I whisper.  She nods. "It's your life." She tells me. I nod. "I can't control your past." She says quietly. I nod.

"Here." I say putting a plate down in front of Cheryl. She looks at me. "You ok?" I ask her. "Are you mad at me?" I ask annoyed. "No!" She says quietly. She eats her breakfast and walks into the bedroom. "What's up with her?" Veronica ask quietly. "I don't know." I lie. "She might not have taken her meds." I whisper. I go into the bathroom and grab her meds, I grab a glass and fill it with water. I walk into the bedroom and put them down next to Cheryl. "Did you take them?" I ask quietly. "No." She whispers. "Why not?" I ask her. "Because I forgot." She says quietly. "Can you take them?" She nods and takes them. "I'm sorry if you feel like I'm pushing." I tell her. She shrugs. "It's fine." She nods. "I need it." She says looking at me. "Are you mad at me?" I ask her. She shakes her head. "No!" She whispers. "Then what's wrong?" I ask quietly. "I don't know." She shrugs. "Do you not love me?" I ask her. "No, I love you." She says quietly. "Are you bored?" I ask quietly. She shakes her head. "No." She whispers. "Are you annoyed that Veronica is here?" I ask concerned. "No! I honestly don't care about that!" She says quietly. "I'm just happy she trust us enough to come here and that she has a place to stay." She tells me. "I'm still fucked up about it." I nod. "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask her. "I don't really know if I'm ready." She whispers. I nod. "When you're ready." I tell her. "I get it." I whisper. "It took me a while to even admit that I went and broke out and actually got away with it." I say sitting next to her. "I'm also surprised my grandfather hasn't found me yet." I whisper. "No offense but your grandfather's kinda an idiot." I nod. "Definitely." I whisper. "You sure you don't want to talk to me?" I ask quietly. "Not yet." She tells me. "Well, I'm gonna help Veronica find a place to actually live if you want to join us. I think you need to get out more." I tell her. She looks at me. "Please? I think it'll be good for you." I whisper. She nods. "Ok." I kiss the top of her head. "We're leaving in 20 minutes."

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