247: The One Where They Play Dodgeball

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I look at Cheryl and nod. "I don't want to do this." She says holding the ball. "He's making me play with a busted knee Cheryl! I have a note that says I shouldn't participate in gym. If you do this I will thank you!" She looks at me. "I can't." She says quietly. "Stop being a pussy!" Veronica says grabbing the ball and throwing it straight into my knee. I fall to the ground.

Cheryl and Veronica walk into the nurses office. "You ok?" Cheryl ask quietly. I nod. "Yeah. I told the nurse what happened, you're both off the hook since it was my idea." I tell them. "What about our stupid gym teacher?" She ask quietly. "Weatherbee is looking into it. I guess this isn't the first time something like this has happened, I was just the only one who did something about it." I explain. "What about your knee? Did I hit it too hard?" Veronica ask concerned. "I'll be ok. Just now need to rest for a week then I'll be back kinda on my feet." I say quietly. "I still can't play in gym but I can move around. Also the blinding pain is gone." I say smiling. "Someone coming to pick you up?" Cheryl ask quietly. "Yeah, my grandma." I say quietly. "Do you want me to go with you?" She ask quietly. "No, there's only like an hour left of school and I know you need to help Betty with the yearbook." I whisper. "But I know my grandma is gonna make chili and I don't like it so if you're gonna come over after can you pick up Pops so I'm conveniently not hungry later?" I ask quietly. She smiles. "Yeah." She nods laughing a little.

I look at Cheryl, who's sitting at the end of the bed. "You can get in bed with me, it's not against the law." I say breaking our silence. "Yeah, but I don't want to hurt you." She says quietly. "Than move the chair closer to me so I can kiss you and hold your hand!" She comes over with the chair. I sit up a little and kiss her. Our kiss deepens and my hands slowly go up her thighs. She quickly pulls away. "I'm sorry." I say nervously. She looks at me. "It's ok." She whispers. "I forgot!" I say feeling bad. "Toni, it's ok! I would, but you know how I feel about sex and also your knee." I nod. "Makes sense." We both smile. "You know this is why I don't like seeing you play football." She says looking at my knee. "Yeah it was a little gross. I think I passed out looking at it and I still get a little nauseous thinking about it." I say quietly. "Yeah." She says quietly. I look at her. "You ok?" I ask concerned. She nods. "Yeah. I think I'm gonna go see my therapist again." She says quietly. I sit up even more. "Can I ask why you want to go?" I ask quietly. "Is it-." She stops me. "No! It's not you, just the reality of Jason is starting to set in more than before and I don't know how to handle it and I think I just need a personal to take my hand and walk me through it!" She explains. "Also it's nice talking about you without it coming back to you." She says quietly. "I don't mean that I talk shit about you, but it's nice to talk through our relationship with someone who isn't like Veronica or Betty because they don't need to know about the fights we have, also sometimes I just need to talk through them. I am paying a therapist to listen to me for an hour, might as well take advantage of that." I move some hair out of her face. "I'm sorry, I should have told you." I shrug. "It's ok, I do the same thing." She smiles a little. I cup her cheeks. "Also I'm sorry about earlier. I know sex isn't really your thing and I should have stopped myself." I whisper. "Toni. You forgot! I stopped you and you didn't try to push it further than that, it's ok." She says before kissing me.


"Have you guys-." I stop my therapist. "No." I say quietly. She looks at me. "I feel like something is wrong with me!" I say. She looks at me. "Why?" She ask quietly. "Because I don't want to have sex." I say quietly. "Does Toni want to?" She ask me. "Yeah, I feel like she's compromising for me, and I hate it! But I can't do it." I whisper. I say quietly. She looks at me. "What's wrong with me?" I ask quietly. "No interest in sex?" I nod. "None! Like at all and it's not like something happened when I was a kid." I whisper. "I really want to want to have sex but every time Toni get to that part in our night or afternoon depends on how horny Toni is, we get to that point and I can't. It's just uncomfortable for me, luckily Toni is understanding and we stop. I feel like I'm holding her back. She deserves better." I explain. "She wanted you to break her knee to prove a point to your teacher, she loves you." She says quietly. "That doesn't mean she doesn't deserve more!" I whisper. "True, but you're perfect for each other. I remember that one time she came to pick you up and she couldn't take her eyes off you Cheryl. She loves you!" She tells me. "You're not fucked up! Cheryl, have you looked into asexuality?" She ask me.

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