169: The One Where Cheryl Flushes Her Meds

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I look up and a woman starts walking over to me. "Are you the owner of this house?" She ask quietly. "Yeah. Why?" I ask quietly. "Well I was looking over at your house when I was cleaning the dishes. And I noticed your pool was really dirty and clearly hasn't been cleaned in a while and I was wondering if and when you were going to clean it?" She ask quietly. I take a deep breath and pull out the cigarette out of my mouth. "Um... I don't know. I'm coming off of some heavy medication and my wife is working in the garage right now." I say quietly. She nods. "Oh- ok, can I-." I stop her. "No please leave." I say quietly. She nods and leaves "Cheryl!" I hear coming from the house. I turn around and see Toni. "Cheryl! Are you serious right now?" She ask pissed. "What?" I ask quietly. "Where are they?" She ask holding up an empty bottle where my pills were. "Please tell me you didn't take them all!" I shake my head. "No, I flushed them." I say quietly. "Why?" She ask concerned. "Because they make me numb." I say looking at her. She takes the cigarettes out of my mouth. "Also I told you to quit smoking before it kills you!" She says throwing it on the ground and stepping on it. I look at it then back at her. "Rude." I whisper. She nods. "Thank you." She whispers. "Come on, we're going to your doctor and getting you new meds!" She says quietly. "No." I whisper. "To bad." She looks at me.


The doctor hands me a prescription for lithium and some other medication for Cheryl. I look at the woman and thank her. "I don't need this." Cheryl whispers. "Cheryl, you ran through the house last night with a knife swinging at anything that moved." I tell her. She looks at me. "Cheryl the lithium is temporary ok. You'll be feeling better with the other meds. Ok?" I whisper cupping her cheeks. I wipe her tears. "Sweetheart, this is what's best for you and I know you don't want to admit that but it is." I tell her.

Our neighbors walk over to us while I'm helping Cheryl out of the car. "Go upstairs and lie down." I whisper hanging her the keys to the house. I look at our neighbors. "Hi!" She smiles. "I'm Sue and this is my husband John." I nod. "Cool." I say quietly. "What do you need?" I ask. "Well, I tried talking to your friend earlier but you guys were busy so I decided to come back. I noticed your pool was really dirty and clearly hasn't been cleaned-."
I stop her. "First of all, she's my wife! And second, we're dealing with some personal stuff and this isn't going to be our house much longer, we're cleaning it out and getting ready to sell it. The pool right now is the last thing I'm worried about because it's so dirty and barely has any water in it, it means my wife is less likely to jump in and drown herself trying to kill herself. So you are going to have to suck it up and I'm sorry that is doesn't match your image for one percenters." I explain with a smile. "So in about a month we'll be out of your hair and you can deal with the new owners. Now stop complaining and get back to your toxic lifestyle of cheating and pretending everything is fine." I say before walking inside. I go into the kitchen and see Cheryl looking at her meds. "What's wrong with me?" She ask holding back tears. "Nothing. Your mind is just different and it's ok. Everyone has there demons." She looks at me. "Why are mine so evil?" She ask quietly. "Because you got stuck with what your father had!" I say going over to him. "I don't want to have kids if they're gonna end up the same way. And I can't be trusted to take care of them right. I'm sorry." She tells me. I look at her. "Cher, we don't have to have kids. We can get a bunch of cats or dogs. The nice thing about us is we can't accidentally get pregnant and be stuck with a kid." I say moving some hair out of her face. She lies her head into my chest and cries a little. I rap my arms around her and kiss the top of her head. "Let's go lie down." I whisper. She nods and we go upstairs. "Get into something comfy." I whisper. She changes into a pair of sweat pants and one of my sweatshirts. She lies on the bed. I lie next to her and hold her. "You're ok." I whisper. "It's ok to have setbacks, we'll get through this, we always do." I remind her. "You're amazing, you're smart, you're beautiful, you're my morning, my night. You're my pain, you're my happiness." I whisper. "Stop. This isn't our wedding." She whispers sitting up. I nod. "So? It got your attention." She lies into me. I look at her. "You'll be ok!" I whisper. "How do you know?" She ask quietly. "I don't but I'll find a way."

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