Chapter 108: The Whereabouts of the Crusade

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3rd person's pov

At the Fairytail Guild, Alzack, Bisca, and Asuka sit and read The Key of the Starry Heavens book, with Asuka seeming uncertain over the ending. In the guildhall, Macao was currently discussing with Kinana and Wakaba about the situation at hand. "What's on your mind, pal?" Wakaba asked, "I'm worried that Romeo will turn out like Natsu." He stated, "Natsu turned out to be a great kid, Macao. Besides, Romeo is much smarter than Natsu, if you really think about it. And they also have Ezra." Wakaba said, "He has a good point, Macao." Kinana said. Meanwhile, Romeo was in trouble due to the fact that Byro had shown up at the ruins. "Wait... If I beat this guy, that means I will surpass Gildarts. He couldn't even beat him." Natsu said as he laughed at Byro and the giant Octopus he had been riding. "Are you still on about beating Gildarts?!!" Ezra snapped, "Of course I am! I will beat that old geezer and then I will beat Gildarts!!" Natsu argued, making Ezra sweatdrop. "We don't have time for you to make a sudden declaration of war, you flame brain!!" Ezra snapped, making Natsu yell at him. "At least he isn't being completely stupid." Ezra thought, looking away from Natsu. Ezra and Natsu look to another, sending each other a nod. They both rush forward, attacking Byro, but Kanaloa's squishy body and deadly ink prove to be much more of a fight. As Kanaloa fires, Lucy, Ezra, and Natsu act quickly, saving both Dan and Coco from the attacks. "How could you attack your own allies?" Natsu shouted, clearly upset by Byro's actions. "Any member of the Legion Corps is prepared to throw their lives away for their goals." Byro explained, making Natsu even angrier with him than before. "You are such an asshole. Why the hell would anyone want to ever be teamed up with you?" Ezra snapped, Byro talks of the lives that were lost, the clock piece in the wall behind him starts to glow with strange golden symbols.

"What the hell?" Ezra looked up at the clock piece, starting to become a bit more worried.


"Looks like I need to get home soon." Mary Hughes said, as the clock piece she was holding starts glowing as well. "Yeah, that's not happening." Elfman said, "We're not letting you leave here with that clock piece." Mirajane stated. "Fine, then you leave me no choice." Mary Hughes said, deciding to teach the group a lesson. She uses her Command magic on Mira, forcing a Satan Soul clone of Mira to separate itself from her. This shocks both Elfman and Lisanna, who were worried about the fight about to come. Using the clone's speed and strength, Mary Hughes begins her attack on them as Lisanna watched from the side. "What do I do? They're both in trouble and I'm not strong enough to fight Mirajane's Satan Soul." Lisanna thought to herself, as she watched the fight.

At the same time, Gajeel, Grayson, Levy, Jet, Droy, and Pantherlily are returning home after collecting the clock piece. It was obvious that they were annoyed with Samuel since he had been following them the whole time. "That exceed won't stop following us.. Why do they need the clock pieces so bad?" Grayson thought to himself, as he kept his eyes on Samuel. "Is there something wrong, Grayson?" Jet asked, noticing his foul mood. "I don't trust that exceeds intentions," Grayson said. "I don't blame you. That exceed is still following us." Levy spoke up, looking heavily irritated as she walked beside Gajeel. "What do you want?" Pantherlily asked, turning to Samuel as he had just as annoyed as everyone else. "I wanted to talk with you in private." He said.

Also returning home, Erza, Wendy, Cana, and Carla are shocked to find themselves still in the skin-tight suits of the Butt Jiggle Gang. "You guys... Are so crazy for wearing that... I can't believe you're still wearing it." Hairi said, shaking her head. "Oh hush, Hairi. They are actually quite comfortable. I don't know why you are so against it." Cana said, "I'm against it because it looks completely ridiculous, you know!!" Hairi snapped, which started an argument between her and Cana. The others simply disregard the fact though and sat down for another picnic, only to be encountered by the Jiggle Jugs Gang, a trio of obese, big-breasted men who try to make them leave the area, claiming it to be theirs. "You've got to be kidding me?" Hairi sweatdropped, watching this new trio appear to ruin their picnic. "Seriously?!! We just sit down and now you have to sit here and ruin our picnic?!!" Hairi shouted, incredibly agitated as she had been hungry through the whole mission. When the trio overstepped the line and try to eat Erza's picnic food, Erza summons forth Demon Blade Benizakura and makes short work of the trio, whilst Cana, Wendy and Carla watch on while keeping on wagging their rear ends. Hairi takes her eyes off of Erza, looking to Cana, Wendy, and Carla.

"When will the stupidity of theirs run out? Why do they keep wiggling their butts? It's a little too much... This is why I didn't wear that stupid outfit." Hairi thought to herself, as she let out a frustrated groan. "And those bastards ruined our picnic!!! I'm hungry as hell!!"

Meanwhile, Mary Hughes uses Mirajane's Satan Soul clone to quickly overpower both Elfman and Lisanna. Awakening to see her siblings in danger, Mira wonders what to do. When her clone fires a deadly Magic ray at the trio, Mira springs into action and uses Take-Over: Demon Halphas to block the attack. Despite the master having forbid her to use it, Mira moves to turn the fight around.

Also trying to turn the fight around are Ezra, Natsu, and Lucy, with Lucy summoning Aquarius to counter Kanaloa's ink. However, when Natsu and Romeo move in for the attack, Kanaloa is still able to counter them. "Why are you taking that when it's not rightfully yours?!!" Lucy shouted, "I'm not stealing the part, but rather safekeeping it." Byro started, "The parts of the clock go together to make the Infinity Clock. Should this happen, the world will end. Zentopia Church's Archbishop has ordered the Legion Corps to collect all of the pieces to prevent this from happening, as we believe the pieces to be too dangerous in the hands of a mere Mage guild." Byro finishes, making Lucky shake her head. "I don't think that's your call." She said, making Byro look at her. "If your words are true then nobody should have the clock pieces and they should be left where they are." Ezra stated, making Lucy and Romeo nod in agreement with his statement. "Whatever the Archbishop has declared must be correct, therefore I have the right of retrieving of the parts." Byro stated, shocked that Ezra had managed to turn the argument around on him. Concurrently, Kinana collapses at the Fairy Tail guild, her arms glowing purple and her eyes wide with shock. She begins to say that she can hear everything and that "it is near", before fainting.

"Kinana!!" Max shouted.

"Oh no.."

"Everyone, don't panic... She has had fits of this sort before. She will be okay." Macao spoke up, consoling the other guild members. Macao looks over to Wakaba and the two seek Master Makarov for assistance. In her fight against Mary Hughes, Mira gets the upper hand with her advanced Take-Over. However, Mary Hughes declares the fight is not over and uses her Magic in taboo to merge herself with the Satan Soul clone. Now one, Mary Hughes attacks again, but Mira is still able to overpower her. As she scolds Mary Hughes for her ways with the Zentopia Church, Mira strikes one final time and knocks Mary Hughes out, with Elfman and Lisanna watching on in shock.

"I am getting all of those clock pieces regardless of what he said." Lucy said, "Are you sure that doing that is a good idea?" Lucky asked, looking up at Lucy who was holding onto her. "Yes, Lucky. It'll be better if we have those clock parts then the legion corps. There is no telling whether what Byro said was true." Romeo said, as he looked at her. Romeo and Lucy use their magic to hold down Kanaloa, while Natsu and Ezra finally take him out. For once, Natsu and Ezra nod to one another with a small smile on their faces. "Nice one, Natsu." Ezra held out a hand to Natsu, "You're not so bad yourself there, Ezra. Guess I underestimated you." Natsu and Ezra smirk at one another, giving each other a high five.

"They pick now to praise each other?" Lucy sweatdropped, "At least they are getting along." Romeo sighed, "Don't count on that lasting very long." Lucky sighed, looking at Natsu and Ezra who had started arguing. "Wow... That didn't take long." Michelle spoke.

"As from what I have seen from you mages, your actions are blasphemous," Byro stated, making the group look to him. Natsu and Erza stop fighting one another, looking to Byro. "Seems like all the clock pieces will come together soon at this location." Byro noted, looking to the clock piece. With this in his mind, he decides to take on the group seriously. Whilst talking privately to Panther Lily, Samuel brings to light that Exceeds perceive time differently to humans, and that due to this there was something in the Key of the Starry Heavens book that leapt out at him. As he moves to explain, Asuka who is still at the guild claims to hate the book. The Zentopia Archbishop sets out candles in preparation for the end, while Gildarts and Laki arrive at a serene location.

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