Chapter 27: Your Words

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Tsubaki's pov

Hopefully Erza's alright and I still don't trust that damn Jellal, but he did seem to forget everything. Anybody could fake losing their memory, but I didn't get that feeling from Jellal. It genuinely seemed that he lost his memories, which must have pained Erza a bit. That guy I fought earlier, I still haven't found out his name. But I hope that he didn't go after Erza and Jellal. The question I have now is how do we stop this thing from getting to Cait Shelter? I can't let this happen to Wendy, I won't let her lose her guild and guildmates. "There has to be some way of stopping this thing from getting to Fait Shelter before it's too late." I held my chin, "So if there isn't a pilot seat or control panel we can stop this thing with, what are we gonna do?" I looked down at Happy, who looked just as concerned as the rest of us did for the Guildhall. "Destroy it, of course." Natsu said, Lucy and I sweatdropped at his answer.

"Leave it to us to demolish a city, right?" Lucy asked, "Not to sound pessimistic, but that's a pretty tall order." Gray said, "Before that, we should see if Brain knows how to stop Nirvana." Jura suggested. "I doubt that brute would share such information with us." Carla shook her head, she was right about that though.

"If he won't tell us, maybe Jellal will know." Wendy looked down, "Is everything okay?" Lucy asked, when Wendy gasped. "You think of something that'll help?" I looked over to Wendy, who turned away. "Well, I'm not quite sure.. But it may be the best option we have, so I'll do my best to find it." She ran off, leaving the rest of us confused.

"Wendy? Where are you going, child?" Carla followed after her, "Hey!" Gray called out, "She sure is determined." Lucy said, "My friends, can you hear me? It is I the wizard, known as Hoteye." I looked up at the others, hearing the voice in my head. "You guys hear that too, or am I going crazy?" Lucy asked, "I heard it." Natsu said, "Me too." I looked around, trying to figure out where the voice was coming from.

"Did you defeat Midnight, Richard?" Jura called, "I tried my best, but in the end it seems my magic simply wasn't strong enough to trump his. Do not concern yourself with my rescue, you must work together to take down Midnight for good. If you succeed in defeating him Nirvana's source of magic power will be rendered dry and the city will cease the destruction in its path." He explained.

"Am I supposed to know this guy?" Natsu asked, "So we can stop Nirvana without destroying the whole thing?" Gray asked, "Uhh?" Happy sounded confused, this guy was confusing everyone.

"He's directly below you, just inside near the royal throne. His power is not one to be underestimated. Please be cautious, my friends." Hoteye said, but for some reason I was getting a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. "Same to you, Richard." Jura said, with a shake of his head. "What are we waiting for?" Lucy asked, looking at us. "Nice, this mess just got a whole lot easier." Gray said, "I'm all fired up now!" Natsu said. "We're coming for you sleepy head." Natsu said, "Come on, I know you can do better than that." Happy suggested, waving his paw.

"Alright, how about Sir snores a lot?" Natsu asked, looking at his best friend. "Only one of the six prayers remains in the battle. All of my confidence is in every one of you to defeat Midnight." He said and we ran through the staircase. "It should be through there!" Gray said, "Let's do this thing." Natsu started, trying to kick the door open. He pulls on the handles and pulls it open and a light flashes. What the hell is that?

"Everybody get down!!" Jura yelled and there was an explosion. I started coughing, pushing some rubble off of me. "Hey you guys, is everyone okay?" I heard Natsu's voice, "Keep your voice down will ya?! I'm trying to sleep here." Gray said, "Aye." Happy sounded tired, "Well, we're all so dumb enough to get buried alive." Gray stated, I agreed with him on that. "What? If that's the case then where's Jura?" Lucy asked and I sat up. Natsu punched a hole through the rock wall, "Oh my god, Jura!" I shouted, he was badly injured. "AHHHH." Gray shouted, out of both shock and concern.

"Are you okay?" Happy asked, "He risked his life to protect us." Lucy said, "Pops, hang in there." He turned his head to us, "The strength and courage you guys possess, your guild is a lucky one. It brings me great relief to know you're still alive." He fell backwards, making all of us panic.

"Pops, no!" Gray shouted.

"Has anyone seen Lucky?" I looked around, not seeing my pink furred best friend. "No, I don't see her anywhere," Lucy said and that's when I spotted her bow. "Oh no." I jumped out of the rock wall, sliding down to the ground. "She must have gotten caught in the blast." Gray said. I picked up her bow and started picking up rocks, to see where she was. "Lucky??!!!" I called out but got no answer, which was honestly scaring me. "She's somewhere around here." Natsu said. "Oh my god, I found her!" Gray shouted and I rushed over to him, she was unconscious. I picked her up, this was the third time I was with her and something bad happened to her each time.

"Is she okay?" Lucy asked and I teared up. "Lucky, hey Lucky. Come on, say something." I shook her gently, but she wasn't giving me an answer. "Lucky? Lucky please wake up!" I shouted, she still wasn't giving me anything. My body started to shake, not knowing what to think.

"Tsubaki." Lucy bent down next to me and I laid her down, "Brain is such a fool, to use the last of his power to play his trap. And yet, only two of you fell in its snare." I held my tears back, looking around to see where the voice was coming from.

"Who are you?" Gray asked, "Over there." My eyes followed where happy was pointing. In front of us stood a weird looking staff, I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. "He was a pitiful leader, a disgrace to the six demons." My tears stopped as soon as my eyes landed on a staff, a talking staff. "But our goal is not falling out of reach, as long as Midnight stands we shall be victorious. Since he's busy at the moment, there is nothing stopping me from disposing you myself." The staff came closer and I stood up. I became angry with the stupid thing, he thought he was all high and mighty.

"That thing is talking to me??!" Happy shouted, completely shocked. "You're a talking cat, I wouldn't think you would find it all that surprising." Lucy said, with a sweat-drop. "I guess." He said, the staff rose up in the air, laughing evilly.

"That's crazy, it's the staff that Brain was carrying around." Gray reminded us, "Okay, I'm freaked out now." Lucy stood up, looking over to the staff. "I've had just about enough of you." I snapped, clenching my fists. "Tsu?" Lucy started, instead of answering I grabbed the staff and smacked it on the ground.

"AHHHH!" Lucy yelled, "SHUTUP!" I yelled and it got back up, trying to get away from me. Natsu grabbed the end of it and started smacking it on the floor, telling it to shut up as well. Both of were highly annoyed with this damn thing, especially since it insulted us. "Hey! Stop grabbing that, there's no telling where it's been." Lucy reprimanded him.

"How dare you insult my fancy living? Show some respect! Before you feel the wrath of the seventh member of the oracion seis. He wakes from his slumber to-" Natsu started, smacking it against the ground again. "I've had just enough about of you!!!!" Natsu shouted, he was just as annoyed as I was. "I thought there were only six members of the Oracion Seis!" Lucy sounded confused, "You're right, it doesn't make sense." Happy shook his head. "I know and don't think I didn't hear you slipping in that for change comment, you fleabag." Lucy said. "That doesn't matter, what does he mean seventh member? That staff is talking about kicking our butts." Gray asked, pointing to the staff. "Look on the bright side, it can't really kick our butts since it has no feet." Happy said, bringing me out of my bad mood. The staff got out of Natsu's grasp, which surprised me. Natsu had managed to grab that thing several times, I don't know if it was going to avoid Natsu.

"It won't be long till their wretched guild is within our sights. Then we can finally be able to cleanse this world of refuse." The staff explained, did he realize he was giving away their secrets?

"You mean were already that close to Cait shelter?" Lucy asked, "Indeed, we are. Once this is done, we can truly start our charade of darkness." I growled at him and grabbed him again. This time I threw him down on the floor, before stepping on his head. "You need to shut up and tell us how to stop this damn thing!!!" I shouted, repeatedly stomping on him.

"Hey!!! That's not nice, stop it!" He managed to get from under my foot. I learned his name was Klodoa, he explained why Nirvana was created in the first place. "They are the only people in all existence that can seal Nirvana once more, therefore the Nirvits should be wiped out." Klodoa stated, but it only pissed me off. "That's it." I growled, "All of you Oracion Seis will pay for trying to wipe out Wendy's guild. I will make sure of it." I growled.

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