Chapter 88: Daybreak at Tenrou Island

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Tsubaki's pov

I dodged an attack from Hades, I jumped backwards, sliding in between Ezra and Ethan. "It looks like Natsu is the only one who can get close to him, right now." Ezra stated, as he panted slightly. "Yeah, but then again... He's been taking more hits from him than we have." Ethan panted standing to his feet, as I faced forward. "No time for slacking... We gotta keep going." I flinched as I held my side, I stood to my feet as sweat fell from my temple.

"Are you sure, you're okay?" Lucy asked, "Yeah, I'm fine. I won't let a little wound slow me down."

I stood up fully in front of Lucy and lit my hands on fire, I gave off a little smirk which didn't go unnoticed by both Erza and Gray. They didn't have to ask questions, because they knew I was planning to do something stupid. "Why are you smirking like that?" Ethan asked, "Oh this can't be good." Gray sighed, "Why?" Wendy asked, "She's got something up her sleeve. Don't you, Tsubaki?" Erza shifted her eyes to me and I nodded. "I know how to make him mad." I suddenly disappeared, causing panic among the others and all I could hear was Natsu's laugh. He must have known that I had something up my sleeve from what I could hear, while Wendy worried for my wellbeing. I landed myself farther away, crouching behind Hades's chair and charged up an electric attack. I quietly came from behind only being noticed by Laxus, who seemed to keep quiet and watchful eye over me.

"Ice lightning Dragon secret arts: Winter Artic Blaze!!!" Hades turned around at the last minute not expecting my attack and tried to protect himself by using his chain magic, I dodged it at the last minute and hit him with full force causing him to fly backwards into the wall behind Erza and the others. I landed gracefully on my feet as sparks crackled at my feet, Laxus looked to me in shock. I didn't hear Hades get back up, "Look out!!" I turned my head, hearing Gray shout to me and run towards me. I turned my head back around only to be hit by Hades' bullet magic in the arm, legs and chest. Before I could move away, his chain magic wrapped itself around me and slammed me into the ground before flinging me backwards. "Tsu!!" I heard more shouting and then felt myself fly out of the ship but before I could fall any further, a hand grabbed onto mine. I opened my eyes and looked up to see Laxus holding me, while I heard Natsu fight with Hades.

"You caught me.. Huh.. Never thought you would do that." I chuckled l, letting out a cough as I chuckled.

"I may have been horrible to you guys in the beginning, but I won't let my guild mates get hurt." He pulled me up onto the ship, "Can you stand?" He asked, "Yeah, I think so." When I rose to my feet, I felt a sudden pain run through them and my legs buckled from underneath me. Laxus caught my waist, just before I could hit the floor and held me up. "Damn it, that bastard is so dead. I'm gonna kill him." I growled out as Hades' tried to use Grimoire Law, I pushed myself off of Laxus giving him a small nod as a way of thanking him and pushed myself to run forward. Although both legs were hurting and injured, I couldn't let him use another spell on us.

"Tsu!" I looked to Natsu and nodded, letting him attack Hades as I put up and ice shield. Once Natsu hit him, the impact of the blast came my way and I held on for as long as I could to stop the blast from reaching everyone else but halfway through my legs gave out. I flew backwards as the blast broke through the shield, "I gotcha!" I felt warm arms wrap around me and looked back, to see Gray holding onto me.

Finally bringing Hades down we all stood in amazement while Gray held onto me, just as we were celebrating Natsu almost fell off the ship luckily Lucy caught him and his scarf before it flew away. I caught onto a familiar smell and turned my head to see Pantherlily, Lucky. Happy and Carla running towards us with soldiers coming after them, but luckily the other members came in the nick of time to save them.

"Is everyone alright?" Cana panicked as she looked at me and my wounds, while Mira held onto Lucky. "Where's Hairi?" Ethan asked as he stood to his feet, but no one answered making me feel uneasy. "Where is she?" I looked to Gildarts, who looked away. I felt a sudden pain in my heart and knew exactly where it came from, I cried out falling to my knees as the pain got worse. "Tsu!" Evergreen called out as I hit the ground, I cried out as everyone rushed over. "Look, the purple markings are back." Lucy moved my arm and lifted my shirt, seeing the trail as it became harder to breathe. Tears fell down my face, as Ethan placed himself between Gray and Lucy.

"What's happening to her?" Gildarts questioned, "Remember she got new powers because of her destiny?" He nodded, looking to Cana. "Among all the new dragon slayer powers she got it's her clairvoyance magic. She can feel everything that happens to everyone in the guild because of her link to everyone. While you guys were struggling with battles she felt everything." Cana explained, "So you mean every time one of us got hurt on the island, she felt it?" Elfman asked, concern laced in his voice.

"Yes. But with us being on an island where the Tenrou Tree keeps our magic going, she gets worse when a battle goes on. Somehow, she manages to endure the pain and fight while it takes a toll on her body. She gave us quite a scare while we fought a seven kin of purgatory." Lucy spoke, I felt my vision becoming blurry.

"We should find Hairi, she must be having trouble with her battle." Ezra stated and bent down, while Ethan helped pick me up. "Tsu, you're gonna be okay." The two held my arms as they draped over their shoulders and we all headed off of the ship. Before we left, Hades' begged Gramps to finish him off but he didn't oblige and told him to get off of the island. We headed back to the camp, where we found Hairi. She was severely injured while Carson was completely unscathed, I fought through the pain pushing myself off my brother's and rushed forward without thinking.

"Iron lightning dragon wing attack!!" Carson didn't see my attack coming, as I hit him.

He flew pretty far away from the main camp as I landed on my feet in front of Hairi, she coughed as she pushed debris off of her. Ethan rushed over and helped her stand to her feet, "You guys being here must mean you defeated Hades.. Am I right?" I turned my head to look at her and nodded.

While we sat around resting Gramps, scolded Laxus for coming back on the island as I sat near the two. We made small talk and before long Juvia managed to make it back to camp but she seemed upset, which made me confused. Where had she been all this time?

"Juvia, where were you?" Lucky asked as she found her way towards her, "I was a bad girl. I let go of Zeref for a few minutes and he was gone. Please, Gray-sama. I'm not worthy of a reward, if you like.. You can hit me." I growled trying not to lose my temper as she held her butt out towards Gray, who did not seem pleased at her request.

"Uh oh, looks like lover girl is pissed off and quite jealous." Cana teased and I turned my attention to her, "Lover girl?" Laxus asked and looked over to Ethan and Ezra. They all seemed to be around the same age and while we weren't together for that long, they managed to find a way to be friends. "Yeah, it's a secret." Lisanna giggled, "What is?" Laxus asked still confused. "That Gray and her have become a thing. Those two kinda ended up together because of you, if you think about it. It started during the battle we had with the other guild members." Mira whispered so Juvia wouldn't hear, while Gray kept refusing to hit her.

"Oh, I was wondering when you two would finally get together." Laxus smirked, making me glare daggers at him while Wendy tended to my wounds. "You wouldn't believe it when we all found out about it. Juvia still doesn't even know although she might suspect it." I sat and talked with Lucy, while Gildarts had a separate conversation with Laxus. When he reacted to Lisanna and patted her on the head, I realized that he had changed for the better which made me happy. I wasn't as mad as I was with him before, I looked over to see that the boys had made a line in front of Mira and Wendy but changed when they saw Erza all dressed up. Of course she managed to mess up dressing their wounds which cracked me up, "Looks like your brother is still love sick." Cana joked, as I chuckled watching my brother stare lovingly at her.

What am I gonna do with that boy? As I watched everyone in front of me, I got this feeling in my chest and it wasn't a good one. It was more like it was a feeling that something was about to go very wrong and I didn't like this feeling at all, I shook it off and continued to listen in on Lucy's conversation with Levy. A sudden thought crossed my head as I watched Mira patch up Hairi, who kept hissing everytime Mira touched one of the bruises.

"Are we really safe? I have a bad feeling that something horrible is going to happen and not only that but now Zeref is on the loose. This calls for trouble." I thought and was brought out of my daze when Cana asked me something.

"Looks like somebody's got lover boy on their mind. Well, I can't blame ya." I snapped out of my thoughts and glared at Cana, who continued to tease me which made Lucy try to keep me calm.

"C'mere Canana!!!" I shouted and chased after her, making her run off around the camp. I didn't realize that everyone else was watching but I kept my sights on Cana, who wouldn't stop teasing me as I continued to chase her around.

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