Chapter 90: Fight With All Your Heart!! Tsubaki is being controlled?!

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Lucy's pov

"Uncle?" Tsubaki asked, tears pooled in her eyes. I couldn't believe this, how had we not known that their uncle was in the guild? "Why didn't you say anything about this?" Ethan's face was full of anger and grief, "I didn't think it was the right time," Grayson stated, shaking his head. I could sense the grief and sorrow he felt, I knew that Tsubaki could feel it to. It was quiet for a few minutes as the siblings let the news sink in, they were all looking at the ground.

"How long?" Tsubaki's voice cracked, "What?" Grayson's eyes met with Tsubaki's blue ones, she had tears in her eyes but also looked angry. "How long were you in the guild? Who else knew that you were my uncle?" She asked, her voice waved and I could tell she was trying not to cry.

Before he could say anything to her, something shot out of the bushes heading straight for Gray. "Gray, watch out!!" Erza shouted, rushing to get towards him. Before she could get to him, Tsubaki jumped in. She tackled Gray, taking the hit for whatever had just shot out and fell backwards onto the ground with Gray. "Tsu!!" Lucky shouted, I stood in shock just staring at Tsubaki. The area became completely quiet as Gray caught Tsubaki in his arms, another shot was fired off heading for Hairi this time but was deflected by Grayson.

"Damn, I thought you wouldn't be here. Guess I was wrong..." The same guy we had seen earlier fighting Hairi stood in front of us, he was right where the attack had come from. "Carson, I thought Tsubaki had finished you off." Hairi spoke, which only made Carson smirk.

"Nah, she almost did. I landed near the tenrou tree, luckily I had this with me." He pulled out a small potion bottle from his pocket, "The healing potion made by Emilia. I should have known." Hairi scoffed, by this time Gray had stepped in front of Tsubaki while Wendy and Mirajane were trying to tend to her wound.

"Here to kill her?" Laxus stated, standing next to Ethan. The two brother's had finally snapped out of their daze and had their full attention on Carson, so did everyone else. "To be honest, my goal is to kill all three Klein siblings.. But then I found out, it would be better to kill her friends first in front of her. Then her brothers, and see where it gets me on that list." He chuckled darkly, his facial expression made shivers run down my spine, as I stood there looking at him. "You bastard.... You put her out of commission for your own little sick game." Natsu glared hard at Carson, who only gave off another maniacal laugh. "That's it, Carson. You asked for it." Ethan growled, throwing off his jacket as Ezra did the same thing. 

"We're not letting that happen." A dark bluish aurora appeared around Ezra as a lighter blue one appeared around Ethan, both of them seemed just as equally pissed.

"You know, it's great to draw all your attention to me. It's going to be easier to kill you all." Carson stated, "Are you really going to kill all of us? Cause I doubt that you can." Bixlow stated, "Oh, I'm not the one who will kill you. She will." I heard a loud scream come from behind me, I swiftly turned my head to see Mira holding onto both Wendy and Lucky. "What happened?" I asked, as smoke and dust clouded the area. We all had our attention turned to whatever had just attacked, when the smoke finally cleared all of us froze in our spot.

"Tsu?" Gajeel scrunched his eyebrows in confusion, as we stood in front of her. Tsubaki didn't look like herself, she had purple markings around her left eye, it looked similar to the mark around Jellal's eye. She had a strange mark on the side of her neck, which didn't go unnoticed by anyone else. Her eyes weren't as bright as they usually were, instead they were a dull blue color. "There's a mark around her eye. It looks a lot like..." Natsu trailed off, "Like Jellal's mark..." I stated, looking to Erza.

"What did you do to her?!" Laxus shouted, becoming angry.

"That bullet I shot her with... Has mind control magic hidden within it. This little sucker really does work... I'll have to thank Emilia for this..." He threw up a small gold bullet, catching it in his hand.

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