Chapter 84: Gray Vs Ultear! Ethan & Tsubaki vs. Carson!!

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3rd person's pov

"Huh, I'm afraid I'm might enjoy killing you so much that my heart will explode. With Joy." Ultear glared at Gray. "You need to show some respect for your mother." Gray threw his shirt on the floor. "And since she's not around, I'll have to teach you that lesson for her!" Gray rushes forward and punches an unsuspecting Ultear.

"Ultear!" Meredy cried.

Ultear flies backwards from the impact of Gray's punch, but she  manages to flip herself onto her feet, "Don't worry about me. I want you to hurry and take Zeref to the "escape point." Ultear ordered.

"Right." Meredy replied.

"Hey Juvia, time to wake up!" Gray called to Juvia, who let out a gasp. She shot upright with hearts in her eyes, "It's my beloved Gray!" She let's out a satisfied sigh, "Waking up to the gentle sound of my love's voice. I can't think of a better way to start my morning." Juvia added, as she started to daydream which to no end annoyed Gray.

"Snap out of it!" Gray yelled. "You have to go after her Juvia. You can't let her get away with Zeref!" Gray pointed to Meredy who was already well on her way towards the escape point that Ultear had talked about. "K!" Juvia had hearts in her eyes again and jumped into the air following Gray's orders. Juvia quickly followed after Meredy and the fight between Gray and Ultear continued.

Much to Gray's surprise, Ultear strikes back with an attack similar to Ur's called Ice Mane: Rosen Krone. "You are much like your mother." This pisses Ultear off and their fight sends them tumbling down a cliff.

As they fall, Ultear starts to remember how Ur had abandoned her and was replaced by Gray and Lyon, while she was painfully experimented on in a facility. Her anger and hatred towards her mother led her to Hades and Grimoire Heart. The two continue fighting underwater but her mother's voice and memories interrupt her train of thought. Ultear sees her mother's past and the painful memory of Ur being told that Ultear had died, and how she was grieving over the loss of her child. Since she was distracted this helps Gray by giving him an opening and defeats her with Ice Make Gungnir. With Ultear being trapped it gives Gray leverage, "Ur once told me that you were her happiness and proof of her life. Even when she was training us, she still mourned over you. She told me that we could never replace her daughter." Gray stated. "All I wanted... Was to see my mother again." Ultear admits. When she recovers, Gray decides to head off to his next battle and this time, he won't be alone.


"Fire dragon double blades!!" Tsubaki wielded two swords, that were covered in fire but had an iron handle and swung them both down on Carson but he had already dodged her. "That was a weak move. You are really slow." Carson chuckled as he stood behind her. Tsubaki spun around giving him a glare while Ethan snuck up behind Carson, Tsubaki shifted her eyes discreetly to him and he sent her a nod. Ethan queitly went on the attack but Carson figured out his movements before Ethan could, he swiftly turned around and stepped aside causing Ethan to stumble forward. Carson grabbed the back of Ethan's shirt and then threw him forward, causing him to collide with Tsubaki. The two Klein siblings went flying into a giant boulder which pushed it back farther, than it originally was sending panic into the group. "Lucky, go find Ezra now!!" Hairi instructed and Lucky quickly flew off. Hairi stepped out, causing everyone else to protest. "Hairi stop. You don't have to fight him." Lisanna cried out.

"If Tsu and Ethan are having trouble, then I have to fight. I'm not leaving them to fight him on their own." Carson turned around and looked to Hairi, before smirking. "If it isn't Hairi Sachi." Carson chuckled as Hairi grimaced at the name he had given her.

"Hairi, do you know Carson by any chance?" Makarov asked, "Yes. But we aren't good friends." Hairi stated, throwing her jacket to the ground. "I can't believe you're still alive, Sachi. You know I heard from Kazuki, that you were dead back ten years ago. But he also told me, you showed up when Ezra did. You amaze me, Sachi." Carson chuckled and shook his head as Hairi stood on the defense. "Don't call me Sachi. Thats not my name and you know it Carson." Hairi became quite agitated at Carson, "But why Sachi?" Carson was using the nickname to piss her off, but Hairi had already caught onto that tactic and played along. She charged at him finally getting agitated enough and attacked him, he used his magic but Hairi dodged it and grabbed his arm and threw him forward onto the ground.

"Whoa," Lisanna gasped.

"He played right into her hands. She must have seen that he was doing this to piss her off." Freed held his chin and stared forward.
Hairi began to fist fight with Carson, occasionally dodging the magic blasts he created. "You've gotten stronger since the last time we fought, Sachi." Carson slid backwards but kept his right foot firmly planted in front of him, as he held up a hand. "It's been ten years, Carson. Did you really think, I would let ten years go by and not train?" Hairi stuck her right foot in front her, taking the same defensive stance as before.

Ethan and Tsubaki were groaning, but managed to stand up. "That bastard." Ethan helped Tsubaki stand up, as he shook off the debris from her hair. "Are you alright?" He asked her, "Yeah, let's go beat that bastard up." Tsubaki growled, as she grabbed her older brother's wrist and pulled him forward. Once they came into view of Carson, who had his back to them Tsubaki became upset.

"He's mine to deal with." Tsubaki started walking forward, "Wait Tsu! Come back!" Ethan shouted, but she didn't listen and raised her fists. "Where did she come from?!" Natsu shouted, as Tsubaki jumped up into the air. "Ice Lightning iron fist!!" A bolt of lightning struck down around Tsubaki's figure as Carson turned to look, he smirked thinking he could dodge it but when she came down he realized he couldn't.

She struck down on him and he flew past the group, into the small broken campsite. "Whoa," From another part of the island, Laxus could see the lightning and ice. "Was that Tsu?" He stared up into the sky in shock, wondering if it really was Tsubaki or someone else using lightning.

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