Chapter 112: The Dissonance of Battle!

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3rd person's pov

Lahar wanders through an unknown town, when he finds himself heading into a small pub. As he enters, a group of Fiore soldiers mock and laugh at a drunkard sitting at the bar. "While you sit there and get drunk, we are out there risking our lives and fighting for justice." A soldier stated, at this, the drunkard starts fighting the soldiers using Teleportation magic. Lahar gets in the middle of the fight, "Doranbolt, what are you doing? Stop this." He said, making Doranbolt sigh. "Follow me." Lahar stated, and the two walk out of the pub. They find themselves standing on a snow-covered mountain top, which overlooked the town. "Why'd you pull me out of the pub? Is there something you need?" Doranbolt asked, his eyes never leaving the scenery in front of him. "I need your help on some recent matters." Lahar said, "I'll help you... But I prefer to be called Mest now." He explained, "Alright then, Mest." Lahar sighed.

Elsewhere, Natsu, Elfman, Lucy, and Michelle were standing opposite of Jackpot, prepared for a battle while Byro watches from above. Natsu and Elfman rush at Jackpot, but he manages to block their attack with his slot magic. "It looks we'll need to use teamwork against him. Open, gate of the giant crab, Cancer!" Cancer appears ready to help out, but as it turns out, Natsu, Elfman, and Cancer do not get along well and it starts an argument between the three. "Why are they arguing like that? Cana's card magic predictions were supposed to create teams with good chemistry." Lucy stood there completely confused, "Maybe the magic didn't account for your spirits' personalities." Michelle shrugged.

Max, Evergreen, and Erza were currently hiking up the side of a large mountain side. "My feet are killing me... You know these shoes aren't the best for this kind of terrain." Evergreen complained, "Stop whining and keep moving. You shouldn't have worn those shoes." Erza stated, which causes the two to bicker. "Why did Cana think pairing these two up would ever be a good idea?" Max questioned, muttering to himself as he made a face.

Back with Natsu's team, they were still being defeated by Jackpot. Lucy acts quickly, summoning Aquarius to try and help defeat him, but again he uses his Slot Magic to counteract their advance. This causes tension between the three again, starting another argument, which left Lucy dumbfounded. "This is strange... Why aren't they working together?" Michelle questioned, looking confused. "This is not good. Not good at all." Lucy muttered, watching the three argue again.

A mysterious blue-haired mage stands beneath a large tree, holding onto a celestial spirit. An unknown man runs up towards the female mage, "It's too dangerous to wander outside alone. You know this." He exclaimed. "Anyways... Fabrizio has been taken away." The female mage looks to the young man, "It might be my turn next." She said quietly, looking away.

In an unknown mountain pass, Wendy, Hairi and Bickslow encounter Grim reaper. Grim Reaper's lack of memory becomes evident as he doesn't remember being "Erigor" of Eisenwald. Wendy's attack is backfired by Grim Reaper, who uses it to fly a herd of cows through the air. "This is not good at all." Hairi watched the cows flying in the air, becoming worried about the poor animals. "Wendy!!!" Hairi shouted, sending her own attack at Grim Reaper but he dodged it. Bickslow pushes Wendy out of the way and is buried beneath the cows, as Grim Reaper allows them to fall. "Bickslow!!!" Hairi let out a frustrated sigh, watching on in horror. She thinks for a moment, trying to figure out how to protect them. Wendy senses the sudden change in Hairi's demeanor becoming extremely worried, she knew that she sometimes acted on pure and raw emotion. "Wait, Hairi. Don't do anything. Every time we have thrown something at him, he's managed to throw it back or dodge it. You won't be able to do anything that will affect him!" Wendy cried out, grabbing her hand. Hairi looked back at Wendy, struggling to get out of the young girl's death grip. "I don't care about that Wendy. What I care about is the fact that he has just wounded Bickslow. And I need to make sure he doesn't harm you. Now, let go Wendy." She said, Wendy worriedly stared up at the woman in front of her while Grim Reaper watches the two from above.

"Samuel, what are you doing here?" Lucky asked, the blue cat found himself staring lovingly at Lucky, who didn't notice the look in his eyes. "I need your help.." He started, "And why exactly should we help you? You guys are the enemy." Pantherlily questioned, crossing his arms as he glared at Samuel. He was not only annoyed with him, he was pissed that Samuel was making googly eyes at Lucky. "The Infinity Clock has been completed by the Reborn Oracion Seis. This complicates everything even more than it was before. Which is why I need your help." Samuel explained, "Hmm... Should we help him?" Lucky asked, looking to Carla and Happy. "I think we should. The Reborn Oracion Seis are a lot stronger than they were back then. We'll need all the help we can get to take that clock back." Carla said, making Lucky nod. "Are you crazy?!" Happy shouted, looking to the two female cats in front of him. "Stuff it, Happy. We're doing this." Lucky said, making Happy gulp as she stared at him with a scary look on her face. Carla and Pantherlily sweatdrop, watching Happy pale at her threat. "Alright, then. It's settled. We'll help." Lucky smiled, "I have a question to ask you Carla. Have you had any visions in regards to the clock at all?" Samuel asked, looking at Carla. "I have. And what I keep seeing is what worries me." She said, as Lucky places a paw on her shoulder. "What's most worrying is the fact that Zentopia's doctrine is being misused." He said, leaving them all confused.

Gajeel, Juvia, and Grayson arrive at a destroyed church. "What in the absolute hell happened here?" Grayson questioned, looking around at the debris. The three look to one another, spotting Mary Hughes emerge from the wreckage of the church, regretting what had just taken place. Guttman Kubrick follows behind, stomping on Hughes. "The Zentopia doctrine means to what is asked, it does not mean to question the faith." He snapped, before attacking her with his Rupture Magic. "HEY!!!" Grayson shouted, spotting the two. Mary Hughes looks up, just as Guttman turns his attention off of Mary and onto the three Fairytail members standing a few feet away from him. "What are those idiots doing here?" Mary questioned, "What do you think you're doing, huh? What the hell are you stomping on her like that for?" Instead of answering Grayson question, Guttman attacks the three of them. Grayson flies back from the impact, hitting debris from the fallen church building. Guttman stands over them, reveling in Gajeel, Grayson, and Juvia's pain. Meanwhile, Laki and Gildarts arrive outside of mysterious abbey. "Are we allowed to enter?" Gildarts asked, "We do not allow outsiders to come in." The nun said. When refused entry, the two of them sneak into the place through wooden beams. But it is not long after that they are discovered, the priests and nuns within the abbey attack the pair in a zombie-like fashion. Gildarts uses his Crush magic, discovering that they weren't human at all. "This is strange. The priests and nuns weren't even human." Gildarts stated. "They were wood dolls. But it's not molding magic that created them." Laki explained, "Then what did?" Gildarts asked, "I don't know.." She said, the two looking to one another. Brain II suddenly appears on the rooftop of Kardia Cathedral, he looks down blankly at the area beneath him.

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