Chapter 82: Erza vs. Azuma

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Tsubaki's pov

I sat down on a log trying to think about what was going on the island, the tree was down but what I didn't understand was how the tree was brought down in the first place. There must be someone on the island that is powerful enough to bring down that sacred tree, but how did they get through everyone else?

I stared up at the sky thinking about it, there's no way the members could have let this happen.. Unless, there was someone else just as powerful as Bluenote who got past everybody. I knew that Mira must have been taken back to the main camp with Lisanna, but I couldn't tell if any of them were having trouble which was odd. It must have been because of the tree, that I was still feeling a bit weak. Because of my clairvoyance magic, I was connected to the island.

Gramps told me about clairvoyance magic after I got my powers, while Hairi helped me train but it wasn't all that easy.

It was hard to control it and I often felt pain because many people were out on jobs including Shiroichi, he's been a long time member even before I joined and he's just about Macao's age. I couldn't get used to being so connected to everybody like that and it felt a bit uncomfortable especially because I could tell what they were feeling at times. The clairvoyance magic was really strong and it really messed with me a lot, but it became different when I stepped onto the island for the first time.

I felt really connected to everything on the island and not just that it was everybody else, it was easier for me to be able to tell what was going on around the island and the positive energy that was created by my guild mates. Everyone was excited for battling against each other and finding a way to win the s-class trials, it made me happy to be around the positive energy and the island seemed to make the clairvoyance magic easier to use and made it stronger but it came with a downside.

Once we were attacked I could feel everyone's pain, especially from the battling they did against the enemies. I could also tell that there were people, who weren't supposed to be on the island at all and they gave off a sense of danger.

"Tsu, what are you thinking about?" Natsu brought me out of my daze and my eyes connected with his, "I was thinking about the tree." Lucy looked over at me in confusion, "Is it because it's affecting you too?" Gramps asked and I nodded my head, as I sat down on a nearby boulder. "It's not just that Gramps, the tree made it easier for me to use my clairvoyance magic and enhanced it's powers making it stronger. That's why I felt worse, when everyone had started battling against Grimoire Heart. I'm still connected to the island but everything is a lot harder now. I'm worried that whoever else has magic left is gonna get seriously hurt and I'm worried about everybody else." I shook my head and looked up to the others.


Erza and Azuma were going full on in the battle, Ezra was feeling just fine but was a bit injured despite not having his magic by his side. Erza requipped with lightning speed combined with her masterful swordsmanship, and Azuma controlling the roots for both formidable attacks and defense. Ezra sat up finally getting the tree off of his lower body, watching as both mages acknowledged the others skill and proceeded to fight.

"Damnit, he knocked down the tenrou tree. Because he knocked down the tree, I can't use my magic. Erza seems to be the only one who can still use her magic. But what about Tsubaki? She's the dragon protector meaning she must still have her magic." Erza found herself, running out of armor options and used her last resort and requips into her Clear Heart Clothing in order to let go of all defenses and takes out a single sword. She puts all of her power into the one sword, the Demon Blade Crimson Sakura in attempt to take down Azuma.

"Damn," Ezra cursed as he slowly stood up, leaning against one of the surrounding trees. Azuma captures Erza using tree roots and casts Terra Clamare, which sends all of the magic onto her making her collapse. Just as this happens, Tsubaki hits the ground as they were walking making everyone panic.

"Tsu!!" Cana swiveled around as Wendy and Lucy rush to check if she's okay. "Erza. Erza's in trouble." Everyone looked at each other as Doranbolt lifts her up.

In prison, Jellal senses Erza's condition and starts muttering. But by doing this, it catches the attention of the guards who think Jellal is attempting to use magic and torture him. But Jellal pays no mind to it, and tells Erza not to lose. Ezra watches as Erza stays down and begins to get worried, "Erza!!! Erza get up!!!" He shouts up towards the tree that she had collapsed in making Azuma chuckle.

Despite the distance, Erza wakes up upon hearing his voice and remembers all of the times she had with him but then she hears the shouts of Ezra. She manages to stand up to resume her battle against Azuma, much to his surprise. She overcomes his attacks and defenses with her newfound strength, although he still manages to bind her and unleash Terra Clamare once again. Upon having this massive power directed at her, Erza sees the images of her friends and recalls that she's always been protected by her fellow members and not the other way around.

"Erza. You can do this. For everyone's sake please." Tsubaki mutters which despite how far apart on the island they are, Erza could hear her. Erza gains even more confidence and strength, bursting through the island's magic and manages to land a final blow on Azuma knocking him down for good. She lands on her feet back down on the ground and Ezra rushes over wrapping her in a giant hug, he sweeps her off of her feet and swings her around laughing.

"Kyaa!" Erza lets out a little yelp of surprise, as she is lifted off of her feet and swung around. "Erza, you did it!!" He laughed, making her laugh with a big smile on her fave as he places her down on her feet. "Come on, we gotta go find the others now. But I think we should find Tsu now." Erza agreed to his statement.

Tsubaki finally stands up not in pain anymore, "Tsu, are you okay?" Doranbolt asks a bit worried, "Yeah, Erza did it. She beat him." She smiled, "How did you know it was Erza who was the only other one left with magic?" Natsu asked, as Tsubaki looked over at them. "I felt it. I knew it was her when I sensed her in trouble. But she's not anymore." The others smiled, as they knew what she meant.

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