Chapter 22: The Fallen Angel: Celestial Spirit Battle

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3rd person's pov

As Natsu comes across a lake, he finds Gray passed out on a small float made of wood. This made him worry for Gray, since he had been fighting against Racer. "Gray, are you alright?" He is tricked and almost killed by the fake Gray but is saved by Lucy, Hibiki, Wendy, and Carla. Lucy summons Sagittarius, who shoots an arrow at the fake to stop him. "Gray, what's going on with you?" Natsu asked, he was confused by the fake Gray's action.

"He must be affected by Nirvana's magic." Hibiki said, "Gray, where's Tsubaki? She went to find you, where is she?" Lucy asked, but they realize he is a fake as soon as he starts listing information about them. The imposter then turns into Lucy, and lifts her shirt up exposing her boobs. Lucy lets out a loud scream, causing the two boys to blush tomato red. "Stop looking, you pervert!!" Lucy kicks them, sending them flying back a little. "Sagittarius, shoot Hibiki." The fake lucy commands but Sagittarius couldn't resist, so Lucy was forced to close his gate.

"Carla, take Wendy somewhere safe," Lucy says and Carla agrees to take Wendy somewhere else. Once they leave the fake summons Sagittarius, surprising Hibiki and Lucy.

"Shoot that cat out the sky, Sagittarius." The fake commands, but before that happens Angel appears. Revealing that she is a celestial spirit mage, and the spirit is revealed to be Gemini, the one who attacked Jura. Natsu was incapacitated laying on the rocking float, so Lucy figured she would have to fight Angel on her own.

"Everyone is down meaning, I'll have to fight her on my own." Lucy thought and summons Aquarius, in return Angel summons Scorpio, Aquarius's boyfriend. The two refused to fight and left on a date, which left Lucy to her own devices.

"Wait! Come back, you can't just leave me alone here with her!!" Lucy yelled running after her, but the two left and she cried out.

"You should know the relations between your celestial spirits." Angel scolds so Lucy summons Loke. In return, Angel summons Aries, a dear friend of Loke's.

"Leo," Aries stated in shock, "Aries." Loke stared at Aries, just as shocked as she was. "Loke, what's wrong?" Lucy asked, looking to him in concern. "She is a dear friend of mine. We had the same celestial wizard." Loke explained, "I was the one, who killed Hibiki's former lover and Aries and Leo's former master and took Aries from her." Angel explained.

Hibiki begins to waiver between good and bad upon hearing what Angel said, but he manages to stifle. "Loke, you don't have to fight her." Lucy said, shaking her head.

"Since we were summoned by different people, we have to fight for our master's sake." Loke said and Aries agrees. Since she isn't a combat spirit, Angel summons Caelum and ruthlessly shoots through Aries just to reach Loke.

"I can summon two celestial spirits at once." Angel smirks, but her actions horrify Lucy. Due to the damage from Caelum, both Loke and Aries are forced to return to the celestial spirit world to heal.

"I'm sorry, Lucy." Loke apologizes, "I'm glad, you found such a nice owner." Aries said before the two completely vanish. Angry, Lucy summons Taurus but Angel re-summons Gemini, who turns into Lucy. In doing so, it distracts Taurus, who was charging at Angel. Angel then uses Caelum to knock Taurus out, but as for Lucy she was beginning to grow tired.

"Please, just release Aries from her contract." Lucy begs in a final act of desperation. "She deserves to be happy together, with Loke." Lucy begged.

"I agree with you but the price for her freedom is your life." Angel smirked, "Kill her Gemini!" Angel orders but Gemini, who feels lucy's love for her spirits begins to cry.

"We can't kill her." Gemini cried, making Angel angry and close their gate.

Just as this happens, Hibiki appears grabbing onto Lucy's neck acting as if Nirvana's magic has affected him. Making both Angel and Lucy believe, he was affected by Nirvana's magic.

"It's just a trick, Lucy. I'm gonna transfer a high-level spell through my archive magic." Hibiki says to Lucy, who had fallen into a trance reciting an incantation, as Angel charges at her wielding Caelum. Lucy recites an incantation called Urano Metria spell against Angel, who was still charging at her. Lucy wakes up from her trance, not knowing what just happened.

Meanwhile, with Tsubaki and Gray......

"Damn it Sherry, just listen to me! Lyon is not dead." Tsubaki dodges another branch, "I don't think she's gonna listen. She's too far gone." Gray smacked a branch with his ice sword. "I'm not giving up on her Gray. No way am I doing that. Lyon wouldn't want Sherry to be like this or to blame anyone for what happened just to him." Tsubaki flipped three times, dodging the branches coming after her.

"You were never one to give up on people. That's what makes you special, Tsu." Gray spoke, slashing the branches.

"Thanks, you're the same way too." Tsubaki lands next to Gray.

Back with Lucy, she notes the presence of her friends and rushes towards Natsu. Angel rises up from the water, for one more attack to take down lucy with Caelum. But she fails and faints, as she remembers her prayer of fading into the sky like an Angel. Although her attack failed her, falling into the water made the raft Natsu was on sail towards a waterfall. Lucy grabs onto Natsu and holds him close, as they fall from the raft down the waterfall.

"Gray, do it now!" Tsubaki shouted from the trees and Gray nods. He runs around Sherry, trying to distract her while Tsubaki jumps down from the large tree heading for Sherry. Sherry didn't notice, what they were doing. Tsubaki tackles her, the two hit the ground harshly. "Sherry please, snap out of it. I'm not giving up on you." Tsubaki pleaded, but Sherry doesn't listen to her. She kicks Tsubaki in the stomach, sending her flying into Gray. The two collide with each other, hitting the tree behind them as Sherry stood up.

"Ow, that really hurt." The two stood up, "You good, Gray?" Tsubaki rubbed her head, "Yeah, what about you?" He rubbed his side, looking to her.

"I'm good." She nodded.

"Alright, let's do this." Tsubaki stated.

Elsewhere, Brain figures that Angel was defeated. "I won't let the death of my comrades go to waste. I'll crush the light." Brain states, in a river Angel, floats there alive stating that she isn't dead.

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