Chapter 93: The Empty Seven Years!

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Tsubaki's pov

I sat at the bar, watching as everyone was having a good time. But as I sat there, I had this gut feeling that there was something more that was going to happen in the next few days. I pushed the thought out of my head, shaking my head as I watched Ezra argue with Gray. Those two never seemed to get along and for one, it was starting to get old. "Do those two always do that?" Uncle Grayson asked, I hadn't noticed that he had been standing near me the whole time.

"Yeah, but they usually don't argue here. They usually argue on missions. It's quite annoying." I crossed my arms as I sweatdropped, continuing to watch the two argue over whatever they were arguing about. Uncle Grayson let out this laugh, which made me look over at him. The smile, the way he laughed, even the facial features.. All of it looked just like Dad. It's amazing just how much he looked like him, I couldn't believe the resemblance. I tore my eyes away from Uncle Grayson, looking down at the ground as a memory of Dad popped into my head.

~ Flashback ~

"Daddy, look at what I made." I was only three years old at the time, Dad was currently sitting at his desk surrounded by a lot of papers, he looked over the stack of papers and down at me. "What is that sweetheart?" He asked, Dad had this kind and soft voice that I don't think I've ever heard someone sound. "I made a rice ball and named him Tony. He's for you." I held out the rice ball towards Dad, who just started laughing at the look of my rice ball. Instead of taking it, he stood up and walked around his desk. He reached down, picking me up in his arms and laughed, as he went to sit back down. "You are the cutest thing ever, you know that? Let me have a bite of the rice ball." He went to take a bite but I held it away from him, "No, you can't eat Tony!" I quickly crawled off of his lap, taking off which caused my father to run after me. I giggled like crazy running around his office, trying to keep Dad from eating Tony and Dad kept chasing after me, laughing just as much as I was.

~Flashback over~

"Tsu, what's wrong?" I snapped out of my daze and wiped my face, not realizing that I had a few tears running down my face. "I just remembered something, it's nothing. I'm fine, Gray." I shook my head, wiping my tears away. "Are you sure?" He placed his hands over mine, making eye contact with me.

"Yeah. I promise."

I heard Macao from the other side of the guild hall, trying to get gramps to agree to be guild master again. I could see just how frustrated Macao was with the job and smiled when Gramps let Macao keep the job for the time being, his reaction was priceless. Gramps deserved to have some time off from being guild master, but so did Macao. Seeing as how hard they had it since we disappeared for seven years, he must have had a hard time.

"Hey!! Watch where you throw that!" Natsu shouted, turning my attention to him and Ethan. "What's that, fire boy?" I sighed, shaking my head as the two started arguing. Just before things got out of hand, the door was flying open and five mages entered the guild hall. I quickly got up on my feet, ready to fight but relaxed when I saw who was standing in the doorway. As soon as my eyes landed on Lyon, tears formed in my eyes. I had never been so happy to see Lyon in the first place, I couldn't believe it. "Lyon!" I threw my arms around his neck, wrapping him in a tight hug as he was a bit caught off guard but he relaxed when he realized it was me. "Tsubaki, it's nice to see you. It's been a really long time." He wrapped his arms around me and held me just as tightly, which I didn't realize made Gray a little jealous. I let go of him, taking a step back to greet the others that were with him. I couldn't help, but give the others a warm smile.

"It's nice to see you all again. Especially after what you guys did for us." Wakaba smiled warmly at them, "Lamia Scale and Blue Pegasus helped us search for you guys as well as Tenrou Island after you all disappeared." Macao explained, looking over at us. After that, Lyon took Gray over to the side to talk to him. Sherry had explained everything that had been going on for the past seven years since we disappeared. I decided to head to the apartment, leaving Lucky in Mira's care just in case we couldn't get back into the apartment.

As I got to the apartment, I saw that our stuff had been placed outside on the curb. I sighed, looking down at our stuff and pinched the bridge of my nose. Before I could pick up anything, I heard her shrill voice ring out. I thought that she would yell at me for disappearing for seven years and not pay rent but instead once she spotted me, she threw her arms around me. I was caught off guard as she suddenly started crying into my neck, I couldn't believe it.

"Ms. Kizuki.. What are you doing?" I asked, feeling awkward as hell.

She pulled back from the hug, wiping her eyes as she looked up at me. "I just couldn't throw any of your stuff out. When I heard what happened to you and your friends on that Island, I didn't know what to think. I was so upset that you had disappeared for seven years and nobody knew what happened. I could barely stand the not knowing." She explained, blowing her nose into a handkerchief, which seemed to be pulled out of nowhere. "What about my apartment, Ms. Kizuki?" I asked, "You don't need to worry. A young fellow who claims to be family has been paying the rent on your apartment for the past seven years." She wiped her tears, "Here are your keys." She handed me the keys to the apartment, before walking away.

"It's nice to see you back again, Tsubaki." She said.

I watched her walked away, looking down at my keys which were in my hands. I headed over to my apartment, unlocking the door only to see that there were gifts all over the place. I didn't understand where these had came from, one particular gift stood out the most. As I walked over to it, I heard a knock and I looked over at the door. "Hey, it's just me." Gray spoke as he entered the apartment, he closed the door behind him as he came in. "Who left all the presents?" He asked, "I don't know. Ms. Kizuki said that someone has been paying my rent for the past seven years. But I don't who would do that." I shook my head, as Gray hugged me from behind. "Maybe it was a relative, who found out what happened." He rested his head on top of mine, as I looked at the gift in front of me. I opened the small card that had my name written on it and took a deep breathe and began to read it.

"Dear Tsubaki, I, uh.. I don't know where to begin. I don't know what was going through my head, when I tried to kill you when you fought me back then.. I was going through a really rough time, because my parents were dealing with a lot. I'm sorry for acting like such an ass hat and for trying to kill you and your best friend. I hope you can forgive me for the things, I put you through. I hope that you are alive, as well as your brother's and Uncle Grayson.. I hope you all come back alive.." Tears poured from my eyes as I read the letter in my hand, the words felt so genuine. "I would be happy to see you again.. In fact, I was thinking about once I get myself together that I could join you, in your guild. I know that what I said back then was horrible.. I.. Never really wanted to be the bad guy.. I just fell in with the wrong crowd, growing up. I honestly was happy, when my parents told me that I had a cousin who was around my age and that she had brother's. But I guess it was bad timing, because the next thing I knew.. My parents and I were moving far away and your father, my uncle, had passed away. I wish we had met on better terms, but I'm glad to call you my cousin. Even though I didn't know well and only knew you from a villain's perspective since you were the good guy, I could tell just how much you care for others more than yourself. I made enough money to pay for your rent, so don't worry. You will have a place to live when you come back. I hope we can see each other again on good terms this time. Bye, Cousin.. From: Satoru Klein." My shoulders shook as I cried slightly, looking down at the letter.

"Tsu, what's the matter? Why are you crying?" Gray asked, becoming concerned.

"My cousin, Satoru, the one I fought when we were dealing with the Oracion Seis... He paid for our rent.. And he wants to become friends." I sniffled, looking at Gray who had placed himself in front of me. "I think that's a good thing. Don't you?" He asked, "Although he tried to kill us, I think I can forgive him.. He needs someone in his life." I sniffled again, "Well, if you him see again.. Maybe, just maybe.. You can talk to him about it. Maybe you can get past what he did. So don't cry, instead.. Thank him." Gray wiped away my tears, making eye contact with me. "Tsu, it'll be okay." I gave Gray a small smile, as I stopped crying completely.

"You know... I think it'll be great if you stayed here. Help me get the apartment nice and clean and maybe we can talk about something else." I said, making him smirk as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Of course, Gray had somehow during this whole conversation he had stripped down to his underwear. "Talk about what?" He raised an eyebrow, "You know.... This and that." I smirked, as Gray pulled me close to him. His hands were on my waist as I was now pressed up a little closer to him, "Oh, is it gonna be interesting to talk about?" He asked, "Yeah, it will..." I leaned in, kissing Gray on the lips. Gray didn't waste any time as he kissed me back, kissing me at the same pace I was kissing him and damn did it feel good to be back home.

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