Chapter 119: The Angel's Tears!

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Tsubaki's pov

"Let her go!!" I threw a large electric fireball towards Imitatia, hoping to get to Lucy. Natsu, Elfman, Ethan, Ezra and Coco were all trying to help me get to her but it was no use. That damn witch.. The more she dodged each attack I sent at her, the more frustrated I became with her. I'm not letting her keep Lucy, no way in absolute hell was I letting that happen. Lucy does not deserve this after everything we have all been through, she's been through too much. We've all been through way too much, the last seven years were gone for us. "Let her go, you bastardless traitor!!!" I snapped, Natsu who had been standing to my left looked a little shocked at my strong language but Imitatia was unbothered, which only pissed me off even more. Ethan and Ezra sweat dropped at my insult, not really sure if they could stop me from cursing her out. "I will protect Lucy at all costs. It's best if you just give up and leave for your own sakes." I shook my head, anger rising in my chest.

"What right do you have to do so?!!" I snapped, completely enraged with her motives.

"You betrayed her!!! You freaking kidnapped her!! She trusted you!! She trusted her with her whole heart and you sat there and lied about who you were!! I was right not to trust someone as fishy as you! And even when you revealed yourself, you didn't even apologize to her! You haven't begged for her forgiveness!!! Instead, you're keeping her away from the people who she can actually trust with her life! Unlike you! You acted like she was your big sister, does that not mean anything now? Huh?! Were you being insincere when you called her big sister? Were you being fake with her when she offered you a place to stay, brought you on missions and shared all kinds of things with you?" Imitatia's eyes widened slightly as she stared at me, she must have been shocked by my harsh words. Natsu who had been talking with Elfman and my brother's nudged me, taking my attention off of her.

"What Natsu?"

"Elfman, Ethan, you and I are going to attack her while Coco and Ezra will try to get Lucy." He explained, I turned my attention back to Imitatia who was now glaring harshly at me. Without saying a word, I went after her first causing Elfman, Ethan and Natsu to shout after me. Not being able to stop me, I slipped through Natsu's grip and charged ahead. Imitatia took a defensive stance waiting for my attack, I hurled a large fireball at her. She easily dodged my attack, coming after me but Natsu, Ethan and Elfman flanked her from the sides. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lucky, Ezra and Coco rush over to Lucy.


Meanwhile, in the Fairytail guild hall, Macao manages to drive off the powers of Real Nightmare so that nobody could be harmed. The rest of the guild members are either researching the Infinity Clock with Jean-Luc and the Archeology Society or otherwise searching for Kinana. In the meantime, Macao and Wakaba discuss the responsibilities of each of their guildmates. "I haven't seen Romeo a lot lately." Wabaka said.

"That's because he's growing up." Macao said, "Actually.. I think it has to do with Natsu and Tsubaki. He may be growing up, but he's always looked up to Natsu hasn't he?" A guildmate spoke up, "She's right. Now, look at him. He can't get enough of being with Team Natsu. Especially with Tsubaki around." Wakaba said, "What's that supposed to mean?" Macao squinted his eyes at his best friend, "I think what he's trying to say is that, Romeo might have a crush on Tsubaki." The guildmate giggled, as they continued their conversation, Romeo was standing outside. He silently told Natsu and Lucy to wait for him, as he looked at the Infinity Clock.

Back with Natsu....

Coco, Ezra and Lucky were unsuccessful in their attempt to rescue Lucy, so Natsu, Elfman, Ethan and I began our fight with Imitatia, however, the Dark Mage easily maneuvers through all of our attacks, creating a frustrating level of difficulty. Ethan could tell that I was getting more and more impatient and pissed off, which he had always seemed to hate. He said that when I got too frustrated with someone or something, I have a tendency to wreck the things around me and become irrational.

"Pain and your "silly" emotions cannot affect me in any way." She said.

"Yeah, I don't think that'd true. Even if one is confident, a person will still have a bright look in their eyes. But your eyes show hesitance more than any other emotion." Natsu said, catching me off guard.

"No, I'm not."

"Oh really? You say pain and our "silly" emotions can't affect you?! Then why the in freaking hell are you protecting Lucy?!" I threw a punch her way and she dodged it, her eyes went wide as she saw how close I had been to hitting her. She swung at me, but I quickly dodged as Natsu charged at her from the side. When she nearly hit him, I quickly stepped in and attacked her from behind. She swung around, dodging my leg as I flipped over her and landed behind her.

"Tell me that!! Why are you protecting Lucy if you think our emotions are so frivolous?! Lucy is our best friend! She is my sister! She is the one person who brought me back so many times from the bad places I found myself in! So give.." I threw my fist at her, but she dodged.

"Her!" I threw a right hook, but she once again moved.

"BACK!!" I threw a left hook and it caught her in the stomach, she flew back from the impact as I stood there looking satisfied with myself for that. Natsu, Elfman, Ethan, Ezra and Coco looked at me in shock as Imitatia recovered from it. She quickly defends herself, coming after me but Natsu, Ethan and Elfman stepped in. Coco and Ezra rush in, joining the fight which prompted me to turn to Lucky. "Go!" She quickly took off towards Lucy, while Natsu, Elfman, Coco, Ethan, Ezra and I kept her busy. What I didn't account for was the fact that Imitatia had already sensed where Lucky was going on. She turned away from us, turning her attention to Lucky and got ready to attack her. I immediately became pissed off and charged at her, she turned back towards me as she heard my running. This time she couldn't dodge me as I had been so close to her, I let out a shout covering my fist in fire and ice. The punch landed on her stomach causing spit to fly out of her mouth upon impact, she flew back into the wall and crashed into it. I stood to my feet, standing up straight as I stared at her with a newfound determination in my eyes. I was going to get Lucy out of that stupid clock and away from this imposter, and I am going to do whatever it takes to get her back.

Elsewhere, Happy and Pantherlily are unsuccessful in locating Lucy. This upsets Happy as he worries about what Samuel plans to do with her. They have a discussion about Samuel's motives, which are tied to the similar goals of Legion Corps. Simultaneously, Samuel scales the Infinity Clock in his Battle Form, thinking back to what he plans to do now for the sake of others.

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