Chapter 134: The Capital: Crocus

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Tsubaki's pov

"Oh my god, we finally made it." Ethan huffed and panted as my other teammates collapsed on the sidewalk as we stood in the town square of the Capital of Crocus. We were all still pretty exhausted from the Second Origin ritual, which was hell for me as I felt everyone else's pain on top of my own. I hated that so much, the day after we had the ritual, I could hardly walk. Gray had to carry me around for a while before I ended up on bed rest, my body was just too exhausted to do anything. So to make sure I wasn't bored, my teammates came over and spent time with me before they headed off to train. The last one to leave was Natsu, he had been very concerned especially since he had been the first one to go through with the ritual. It warmed my heart to know that no matter what has happened in our lives I could always count on Natsu to be there when I needed him, and the same goes for Erza, Lucy, and Gray. Even though I was still tired and sore from the ritual, I was so excited to be standing in the capital and I wasn't the only one either. Both Hairi and Kai were just as excited as I was, the three of us stood in awe as we looked around the area we were in. The rest of the guild trailed behind us, all of them were excited and just as tired as my teammates who were scattered across the ground. "This place is amazing," Kai stared, looking completely starstruck and it seemed that Hairi was too. "I know... It never fails to surprise me how this place looks." Hairi smiled, she looked so happy. Gray had doubts about the ritual actually working, which I disagreed with. I felt more powerful than I have in a long time, it made me proud to see how far I've come since the time I joined the guild.

"Yeah, I hate to agree with you but I see your point, Gray." Ethan said, "Really? I feel like my magic has grown so much more than on the level it used to be." Lucy said, "I feel the same. I think that ritual unlocked some hidden abilities I have." I agreed, stretching out my limbs. "You guys are so pathetic, you should be excited about this power-up." Erza seemed to be the only person who didn't feel exhausted from the ritual which got me wondering why.

"I have a feeling that you might have had a Second origin all along," Gray stated, Lucy thought for a moment, "Yeah, me too. Tsu, you were the only one among us who had predestined powers before you were of age to come into them." She agreed, "Really?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, "Yes."

"Just think about it, Tsu."

"Erza might have had it all along too." Gray suggested, "That's possible. Erza isn't the least bit tired or in pain." Kai shrugged his shoulders, "Oh, you finally made it." I turned around, smiling as Master Makarov, Bisca, Alzack, Levy, Jet, Droy, and Asuna appeared. I thought it was adorable that Asuna was being carried on Gramps's shoulders, I never got the chance to do that when I was younger so it was nice to see him with Asuna. "Master!" Erza and Hairi exclaimed. "We've just finished getting you signed up. Let's show everyone what Fairy Tail is made of!" Gramps exclaimed loudly, something tells me that we are going to be in for a treat with how our reputation went downhill after the Tenrou Island debacle.

"Hey! Fairy Tail's here!" Somebody nearby said, overhearing our conversation.

"Them?!" Another person exclaimed, "The weak and eternally-last-place guild?!"

I closed my eyes in annoyance, I was tired of everyone ratting on our guild just because we had gone missing for a while.

"Who just laughed at us?!" Ethan snapped, and Ezra sighed in response. "Let it go." He said, "Yeah, it's not worth it." I said, "Just ignore them. "If they think they can underestimate the power of Fairytail, then they got another thing coming. Just wait, we'll show them who's the number one guild in Fiore." Ethan clenched his fist, "I should have known he was going to get all riled up," Ezra shook his head, "Yeah, me too." I agreed. "You're just gonna come in last again!" I shook my head, choosing to ignore the bystanders. I was not going to let their badmouthing get to me, not this time. "Sabertooth's going to win for sure!" I had heard of the guild Sabertooth, they had been ahead of us since we disappeared. For seven years that guild and others surpassed us in strength and reputation, after all, most of us who had been on Tenrou were considered the strongest teams in Fairytail.

"If anyone wants to laugh, let 'em laugh!" Jet stated, Hairi just sighed and shook her head. She couldn't stand the hate and badmouthing that we got, it was hard to keep her from losing her temper when we went out on missions together. "Don't mind if I do!" Happy laughed, putting a paw over his mouth as he looked at Jet and Droy. I looked away, trying not to join in on the laughter with Happy because it was rude but Happy sure knew how to say the right things to get under people's skin.

"Don't look at us and laugh!" Jet snapped.

" Listen!" Jet started, "We're doing this for 30 million--"

"...To be Fiore's mightiest guild! Give it your all!" Master Makarov interrupted, "Unless we do something, we won't be fit to face our founding master who saved our lives! Now, then. The games begin tomorrow... but we unfortunately don't know what they'll be." He said, "Huh? But we've taken part for years." Natsu stated, looking confident. "They change the games every year." Master Makarov stated, slightly deflating his confidence. "Yeah, the year we didn't participate had target shooting and such." Alzack stated, "And the year I didn't enter had a running race." Jet added. "The total score over several contests determines the winner, though. I looked through some old records but found no consistency to the games." Levy stated.

"Then I guess we play it by ear!"

"I sure hope there's a battle!" Natsu exclaimed, looking very riled up. "Yeah!" Ethan and Natsu high-fived, I didn't think I would see them high-fiving one another in agreement since they always argue with one another. "We sense unusual magic power during the games every year. Mysterious magic power... and mysterious games." Erza muttered, looking lost in thought. "Erza." Master Makarov handed Erza a large book, which looked like some kind of manual. "Damn, that book is huge." Ethan said, "Yeah, it is. Looks like it might be a rulebook." Kai suggested, "Read through the official rulebook by tomorrow."

"Look at that, you were right," Ezra said, patting Kai on the shoulder.

"I'm to read this?" She asked, looking at the book. "Leave it to me!" Levy smiled, "I have my Wind-Reading Glasses!" She took the book from Erza, putting her glasses on. "Way to go, Levy!" Lucy smiled. "To sum it up, I guess there are three major things. The first is that the master of each guild isn't allowed to participate." Levy started explaining. "Sounds sensible enough." Ezra shrugged. "Those without a guild's emblem can't participate as a guild's guest." Levy said, "Makes sense." Hairi commented, "Each game will remain a secret until just before it begins, at which time the game's rules will be revealed." She continued. "That's not very helpful information." Gray stated, "Yeah," I agreed, "Oh, there's one additional note." Levy began, looking back down at the open book.

"Participants must return to their designated inn by 12:00..." She looked up at us. "12:00? What time of day?" Natsu asked, looking confused. "It must mean midnight tonight." Levy pondered. "Back by 12:00, huh?" Gray crossed his arms, "Reminds me of a princess and her glass slippers." He added, I smiled and wrapped my arm around his. "We got plenty of time until 12:00, then!" Ethan exclaimed, "Since we're in such a huge city and all, let's go exploring!" Natsu suggested, "Aye, Sir!" Happy raised his paw, I shook my head as I just found it too cute. "Count me in!" Lucy exclaimed, "Hey! Do you know where we're staying?" Erza called after Natsu, Happy, and Lucy. I chuckled, watching the three rush off excitedly. I have a feeling that Natsu might get himself into trouble while they are out, he always does. "Honey Bone, right?!" Lucy quipped, "Be sure to be back by 12:00! Is that clear?!" Erza called after them, "Aye!" Happy waved.

"It's strange that such a rule exists.." Hairi questioned, "Who knows?"Ethan shrugged, "Maybe they just want to keep people out of trouble." Kai proposed, "Maybe..." Ezra trailed off, thinking to himself.

"What do you want to do?" Gray turned to me, "How about the two of us go exploring as well?" I quipped, "I like the sound of that," He smirked, and the two of us started walking off, leaving Lucky with Ethan, Ezra, and the others.

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