Chapter 133: The Chosen Teams

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Tsubaki's pov

After going through the horrendous pain of unlocking our so-called "second origin", I woke up in Gray's lap. He told me that I had passed out during the rest of everyone else's rituals and that Jellal, Meredy, and Ultear had left. Three months passed and we all finally finished training, which was a relief to Ethan and Kai. Both of them looked exhausted as we headed back to the Guild Hall, "Thank god, we finally are done." Ethan complained, "I'm right there with you. I'm beat." Kai hunched over slightly, looking exhausted. "Me three," Natsu sighed, "Well, we did endure a lot of pain." Erza said, "We honestly got lucky that those three showed up when they did. We would have been essentially useless and far behind the other guilds who will be competing at the games." Ezra mentioned, he had a good point. There's no telling how much stronger the other guilds in Fiore have gotten in the Seven years we were gone, but it made me really excited about the possible challenges we were going to face in these games. I knew that Master Makarov was probably to tell us who was on the teams for the Grand Magic Games, I just hoped that I might be one of them. When we arrived at the Guild Hall, we were shocked to see just how many of our guildmates had changed in appearance. Especially Elfman, he bulked up heavily which meant he must have trained very hard. "Wow, Elfman. You look good," I spoke, "Thanks, Tsu. It's nice to see you all. Where have you been?" He asked as Lisanna wrapped me in a hug, "We've been training. It's kind of a long story though," Kai scratched the back of his head, this got everyone to start talking about their training and how much stronger they have gotten in the last three months. I knew that Natsu was just as pumped as I was about the Grand Magic Games, we both had made a promise to give it our all. "I see you guys finally made it." Hairi walked over from the bar with a drink in her hand, "And where have you been? We saw you leave but didn't get a chance to say goodbye." Gray asked, wrapping an arm around my neck. "Actually, Grayson and I went on a trip back to my hometown." She smiled, taking a sip of her drink. 

"Really? You went back home?" Lucy asked, "Yeah... After we came back from Tenrou, I didn't have the chance to go visit my brother.. And when we were in the Celestial Realm it made me think about my village so I went to check." Hairi explained.

"And?" I started, "How did it go?" Something in Hairi's eyes changed, I could see a hint of sadness in them. "It went okay... A lot has changed but for the most part, my brother is alright and his people are doing fine." She said, I knew that she was lying about something. She always touches her ears when she's lying, some days she can be very good at lying, and other times, not so much.

"Can I have everyone's attention?" Master Makarov called, everyone turned to look at Master Makarov who had papers in his hand. First, he commended everyone for their hard work and told us to head inside, I knew that he was proud of how much everyone had grown in their own ways over the course of the past three months. I could barely hold back my excitement, I knew he was going to tell us who was on the team. "Wow, sis. Calm down." Ethan said, looking at me with concern. "I don't think she can, Ethan. She's been very excited about the Grand Magic Games ever since we first heard about it." Ezra chimed in, "Just think of all the crazy challenges we possibly could have.. And the crazy strong guilds we'll have to face. I'm pumped about trying out my new strength on them. We're going to definitely be challenged, it's so exciting." I ranted, Gray chuckled at my enthusiasm. "Yeah, that's the spirit." Natsu high-fived me, the two of us definitely way too excited. I didn't notice how fondly Gray was looking at me since I was too invested in hyping Natsu and the rest of our guild up about the Grand Magic Games.

"Is it just me or does Natsu and Tsubaki both seem way too excited about the games?" Juvia asked, "Nah, it's not just you. We see it too." Levy nodded. "I think it's cute that she's so excited about it." Gray smiled, "Only you would find her overexcitement to be adorable, lover boy." Cana teased, "He's not the only one who thinks she's being cute." Lisanna pointed to Kai, who I didn't notice was staring at me. 

"Who do you think will be competing?" Kai asked, looking at us.

"Who knows? It could be any one of us." Lucy said.

"Yeah, I just hope I get picked," Natsu said.

"Me too." Gray agreed.

"The announcement that I have to make is for those who will be competing in the Grand Magic Games." He started, and I excitedly grabbed Natsu's shoulders. "The team will be: Lucy, Erza, Gray, Natsu, Tsubaki, and Wendy." As soon as he said the members of the team, I immediately started freaking out. "YES!!!!" I shouted, startling most of my guildmates standing around me. Erza and Ezra both let out an amused chuckle as I shook Natsu back and forth, "We're on the same team and we get to battle other guilds!!!" Natsu smiled, laughing as I continued shaking him. The two of us started hyping our team up, both Lucy and Wendy both surprised by Master Makarov's decision to have them competing in the games as well. "I didn't think I would get picked," Lucy commented, "Me neither." Wendy agreed. "What? You guys have proven how strong you really are. You totally deserve it." I said, "We do?" Lucy asked, "Yes, you do." I nodded. 

"Wow, I never thought I would see Tsubaki get that excited about a tournament." Grayson said, "Yeah, me neither. She doesn't usually get like this when it comes to tournaments." Lisanna chimed in. 

"Why didn't you choose Laxus or Gajeel?" Wendy asked, turning back to Master Makarov. "They aren't back yet." 

"Master picked the team based on his decision on teamwork." Erza comforted Lucy, "I will restore our guild's reputation." Erza vowed. "This is going to be one hell of a tournament." Grayson said, "Yeah, it is." 

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