Chapter 36: The World On the Other Side, Enter Edolas

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3rd person's pov

As Natsu, Carla, Happy, Lucky, Wendy, and Tsubaki fly through the anima, they arrive in Edolas. "Are we there yet?" Natsu asked, "Whoa, look at this place." Tsubaki said, staring in amazement. "Look at all these floating islands!" Wendy exclaimed, as they flew through the sky. "You come from a pretty cool place Happy, don't you think?" Natsu asked, looking up at his blue-haired best friend. "Yeah, but I don't really know what to think." Happy said, "This place is so strange." Tsubaki said, "I've never even seen trees like these!" Wendy said, "Oh wow, check it out Happy! See there's a river in the sky, can you believe it?!" Natsu smiled, while Tsubaki stared in awe.

"Okay, everyone get a grip on yourself. Remember we're not here on a sightseeing trip, so keep your wits about you." Carla scolded the group, "I know." Wendy sighed, "Sorry, sorry." But as he said that Happy, Lucky and Carla's wings suddenly disappeared. "AHHHHHHHHH!" They hit a large round ball and bounced off, hitting another ball. Natsu was stuck upside down in the bouncy thing, "Oh, Natsu!" Tsubaki yelled, trying to pull him out. "Let's go! We gotta find where they took all our friends!" Natsu shouted and they started walking.

"How do we find them if nobody knows their way around?" Happy asked, looking up at his pink-haired best friend. "Piece of cake. We follow my nose." Natsu said, "But Natsu, there are too many different smells around here." Tsubaki fell backward, overwhelmed by the smell. "Oh no, Tsu!" Wendy cried, "It must be all the new smells. They're overwhelming her nose." Carla said and they helped Tsubaki up.

"I don't feel so good." She muttered, "Snap out of it Tsu. Get a hold of yourself!" Natsu said. "We're in a strange world and all you can think about is food?!" Carla asked, agitated at happy. "Where are we going anyway?" Wendy looked at Natsu, "Beats me, we gotta walk somewhere so why not this way?" Natsu said, making Lucky sweat-drop.

"I was afraid you were gonna say something like that." Happy said, with a sigh. "Uhhh Natsu, I'm not so sure about this!" Lucky said to Natsu, who just laughed. He was covered in big leaves, Tsubaki was wearing a dress made by Natsu out of leaves. Carla and Wendy wore the same disguise while Happy was completely covered as well as Natsu. "Well, leave it up to Natsu to solve our issues." Tsubaki sweatdropped, watching Natsu be stupid. "Happy, can you stop thinking about food for one minute?!" Tsubaki yelled, agitated with him. "Look there's a man over there!" Wendy pointed to the older man, who was sitting at the edge of a cliff.

"He must be an Edolas native." Carla told them as they talked. "Where did Natsu go?" Wendy noticed Natsu's disappearance, "Oh no, I don't have such a good feeling about this." Tsubaki mumbled, with a dreadful look on her face. Natsu pops up behind the man fishing, "Hey, let me ask you something." Natsu said, but his shadow came off as scary. The man screams out in fear, "Of course, this happens. Leave it to Natsu, to not stick with the plan." Tsubaki sighed, "I'm looking for a bunch of wizards from the Fairytail guild, you've seen them around anywhere?" He asked, "Please don't hurt me!" The guy screams and runs off.

"Hey wait! Come back! What's his problem, I just wanted a little help?" Natsu asked, "Think before you act, idiot." Tsubaki said, giving him an agitated look. They ditched the costumes since it was stupid. "Whoa, a big fish!" Happy yelled, "Tsubaki, I don't like the look of that thing!" Lucky hid behind her leg, "It's-- it's huge!" They all yell, as the big fish comes up out of the water even more. "Natsu, don't do it!" Tsubaki shouted, but Natsu didn't listen.

"Fire dragon iron fist!" None of his fire came out when he punched the fish. It slapped Natsu into the water, and they started running away from it. They come across a dead end, and the fish flies overhead. "Oh jeez." Tsubaki sighed. They get spotted again and the two people bow down to Happy, Lucky, and Carla.

"Please mighty exceed, spare our lives!" The man said, "Exceed?" Natsu and Tsubaki look at each other, in confusion. Natsu steps forward to ask a question, but seeing Happy and Lucky standing behind him made them scared of them. They ran off and pretty soon they ended up finding a building, with the Fairytail insignia on it. They walked inside expecting to find all of their friends. But what they saw, really freaked them out. "Natsu, why is everyone acting differently?" Tsubaki asked, "I'm not sure, but I sure don't want to be spotted." They hid under the table, "Do you think they are the Edolas's version of the guild?" Wendy asked, "It's possible." Tsubaki said, "Is that Wendy?" Happy asked, pointing to the grown-up version of Wendy.

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