Chapter 47: The Mysterious Guy

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Lucy's pov

Ezra decided to take us with him, to get Tsubaki back. Erza, Gray, Juvia, Gildarts, Levy, Gajeel, Happy, Lucky, Wendy, Pantherlily, Carla, Mira, Lisanna, Freed, Natsu, and I were the group he took along. We also ended up catching Lamia Scales' attention, because they happened to see Ethan carrying Tsubaki. So Sherry, Lyon, and Jura came along with us. We were all now out of Magnolia by now, "How long will it take us to get there?" Freed asked, he may not have gotten along with Tsubaki because of what Laxus did, but he was concerned about her.

"Just be patient. I have just the thing to get us there." Ezra made a magic mobile and we all piled in. I sat next to Natsu and Gray sat to my left, Happy sat on my lap and Lucky was sitting on Gray's lap. Lyon sat next to Levy, while Sherry was squeezed in the front with Mira. Jura sat in the back with Gildarts, Pantherlily sat on Levy's lap and next to Natsu was Erza. Across from Gray was Juvia, and next to him was Gajeel. In the front seat was Levy, and next to her was Mira. In the other seats sat Freed, Lisanna, Gildarts, Wendy, and Carla. We were all facing each other, that's what's amazing and not to mention it was comfortable.

We explained to Lyon, Sherry, and Jura who Ethan and Ezra were to Tsubaki, so they could understand what's going on. Ezra was driving the mobile and kept his attention on the road, "Wow, this thing is amazing. Ezra, why is it that Natsu and Gajeel are not getting sick?" I asked, usually Natsu would get sick in a magic mobile. "This vehicle is specially made for motion sickness. This mobile allows its passengers to ride with ease, without feeling the effects of the actual sickness." He explained, "Whoa, how did you learn how to do that?!" Gajeel asked, "It's a few things I picked up over the years in Edolas. Now when we get there, you guys aren't gonna like it. I know what he plans to do so we need to make a plan." Ezra said, "Well, what type of magic does Ethan have?" Lyon asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Dragon Slayer magic." Ezra said, with a sigh. "Wait! What?" We all shouted, there was no way. "But how?" Gajeel asked, "We had lacrima's placed in us as kids, and our mentor happened to be the Edolas version of the dragon powers we use." Ezra explained, "So you're like Laxus?" Levy asked, "Yeah, although I've never met him. Lisanna told me a lot about the people in Fairytail here." He explained and turned his attention back to the road.

"Lucky?" I looked down at her, as she fidgeted around in Gray's lap. "Lucky, what's wrong?" She started shaking and flew out of Gray's lap, out of the window. "Lucky!!" Erza yelled, leaning forward. "Come back, lucky!! Come back, please!" I yelled, "Lucky." I looked out the window and saw her in the distance. She was leading us, towards the house. "I can smell Tsubaki." Natsu said, "How far is she from here?" I asked, looking at him.

"Maybe a couple of miles. She ain't that far." Gajeel shrugged, "Happy, Lily can you smell her as well?" I asked, looking back at the two. "Yeah, just like Gajeel said. She isn't that far from here." Pantherlily nodded, agreeing with his dragon slayer companion. "What about her sword? Did Tsubaki have it with her, when he showed up?" I shook my head at Erza's question, "Come to think of it, she didn't have it on her earlier that night either." I held my chin, looking down at the floor.

"You mean this thing?" Freed held up a sword, with a blue handle. "Yeah, where did you find that?" I asked, amazed that Freed had it. "It was on the ground in the guildhall. Thought I recognized it, so I took it to see who owned it." He placed the sword back down, next to him.

"When did Tsubaki get a sword?" Ezra asked, "It was a little while after Gajeel and Juvia joined the guild. She requested that he make her a sword from his magic, that she could fight with. She's been carrying that thing around ever since then. She only pulls it out when she's about to get serious." Gray said, "So you willingly made a sword for her?" Ezra asked, looking over at Gajeel.

"Well, not really. At first, I just scoffed at her and said some things, that I shouldn't have. She got really pissed off and almost killed me. If it wasn't for Gray and Levy holding her back, I would have been burned to a crisp." Gajeel sat back in his seat. The car came to a sudden stop and we flew forward a little bit, "What's going on?" I looked forward to Ezra, "We're here and I can tell he's here as well." He didn't say anything else, before jumping out of the mobile and we all looked at each other in confusion. "Who do you think he's talking about?" Juvia asked Erza, who shook her head at her question.

"Come on, we don't have all day." He shouted from outside and we all piled out of the mobile.

Once we got out, the mobile disappeared and we all turned to Ezra, who was walking up a hill. We followed after him, seeing a house in the distance. "That's the house, isn't it?" Lucky asked and we turned all of our attention to Ezra. "Yeah, it is Lucky. This is the house, we grew up in and where our parents were murdered." He nodded and started walking, having us follow him. "So what do we do?" I looked back to Ezra, as Erza asked her question. 

"You all go around the back and I'll go through the front." He said and we nodded.

"You don't have to do that. I'm right here." Ethan appeared, standing in front of the house, and beside him was Tsubaki. Her long blue hair stuck close to her face as if she had been sweating and her eyes held surprise. Her arms had been tied, behind her back with chains.

"Tsu, oh no..." Lisanna gasped, standing beside Freed and Sherry.

"Ethan." Ezra's hands clenched into a fist and he stood firm, while looking dead ahead into Ethan's eyes.

"So, you're all here. This is a surprise. Well, not really. I knew all of you would come to get her but I didn't think Lamia Scale would be here as well." I narrowed my eyes at Ethan, I can't believe he was doing this to his little sister. "Let her go." Natsu stepped forward, with Erza not too far behind. Gildarts looked just as pissed as Mirajane did, they both were ready to take Tsubaki back home.

"I can't do that." Ethan shook his hand, as his black hair shook with him. "And why can't you?" Lyon stepped forward with Gray, the two looked unbelievably pissed.

"Because of me." A guy appears out of nowhere to the right of us, standing a few feet away. He had pink hair and blue eyes, "Just who is he?" I thought and looked back at Ezra, whose fists tightened.

"Just who the hell are you?" Natsu asked, giving the guy a death glare. "He's the man who attacked Tsubaki and I as kids." Ezra spoke harshly, as shock ran through everyone.

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