Chapter 4: The Cursed island

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Tsubaki's pov

Lucy, Natsu, Happy, Lucky, and I traveled to the dock to see if anyone could take us to Galuna island, but a lot of them turned us down immediately. I found it odd that so many people were turning us down, it was as if they were scared to go near the island itself. When we finally found one who was willing to take us, Gray showed up. "Gray, what are you doing here?" I stepped forward, "Master told me to bring you guys back, he knows you stole an S-class mission." Gray said, "Oh no! He'll kill us!" I shouted, panicking as my imagination started to take off with many outcomes of what Gramps could do to us. "We aren't going with you, why should we?" Natsu argued, "I am taking you all back whether you like it or not." Gray shouted, "When Erza finds out about this, she's gonna be so angry." Gray said, this led to Natsu and Gray arguing. The guy on the boat told us to get in, "Not gonna happen." Gray clenched through his teeth. Natsu kicked Gray, knocking him out and we all got on the boat.

"I don't think I should have gone with you guys." I shook my head, I really shouldn't have gotten involved in this. The guy on the boat was talking to us about how the island was cursed when Lucy mentions that nobody wanted to take us. We spotted Galuna Island and the guy who took us here, disappears from sight. "Where'd he go?" Lucky asked, "I don't know. He was just here." I shook my head, looking around but there was no sign of him. "Do you think he was a ghost?" Natsu asked, "I really hope not," Lucy shook, scared about just thinking about it. "Guys, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but we have a problem." Lucky shouted, turning all attention to her. "What's wrong?" Gray asked, I followed her line of vision, causing my breath to hitch in the back of my throat. "Everyone, hold on tight!! It's the only way, we'll make it out of this alive!" Gray shouted, as the giant tide pushed the boat and we washed up onshore. "This curse is really freaking me out." I mumbled, we all headed off the beach and found the village. We showed them our emblems and we finally got inside. All of them had parts of them that looked strange, it was like they had been changed.

"Our symptoms began around the same time the moon fell under an evil spell." The village chief explained, "What kind of spell?" Lucy asked, "Since ancient times this island has absorbed the light of the moon, causing it to glow almost as beautifully as the moon itself. However, several years ago the moon's color began to change and an eerie purple glow was cast upon the island." The chief said we saw it ourselves.

"Oh man, you look so cool!" Natsu said, we all turned stark white in response to Natsu's blunt comment. "Natsu, this is not a joke." I slapped him on the back of the head, making him whine. "Oh no, we're all gonna turn like that. Tsu, we gotta get off this island." Lucky started pulling on my bag, but I barely moved from my spot. "Lucky, slow down... We aren't going to turn and we aren't leaving the island. Besides Gray and Natsu are here, what could go wrong?" I smiled a wide grin at Lucky, which served to make her panic even more. She lifted me up but Gray grabbed my foot, stopping her from getting up to high. "Lucky, stop it!" I yelled, this got her to let go of me as she dropped me on top of Gray. My boobs landed in his face and I quickly scrambled to stand up, blushing from embarrassment. "Sorry 'bout that, Gray." I helped him stand up, as he slightly blushed and shook off what happened. "When are you fools going to destroy the moon?" The chief demanded, is it just me or is this chief somewhat bossy?

"Some people went crazy because of the curse and we've had to put them to death. I should know, I was forced to kill my own son." We saw a picture of him, the guy was so familiar. "That's the man we saw on the boat." Lucy said, "We're not letting you die." I said and we finally got into a room. As Lucy was talking, a shirt hit her in the face. I looked to my right to see that Gray was taking off his clothes, making me shake my head. I ended up sleeping next to Gray, who kept kicking me all night. Natsu, Happy, and Gray complained about being up this early, as we began to investigate. "Shut up!" I punched them both, I was in a rotten mood because I got no sleep. We heard loud pounding coming from behind us, we turned around as a giant rat appeared. I let Gray and Natsu handle it, but they only managed to piss the thing off even more. The rat charged forward, causing all of us to start running. Gray turned around swiftly, getting tired of being chased, and stopped it. We walked inside the temple, which was nearby where we had just come from. "Look at all the moon symbols," I said, my eyes roamed over all the carvings on the walls.

"This ground doesn't look safe to even walk on." Natsu started stomping on the ground, which got Lucy and I to worry about what was to happen next. "Wait! Natsu stop!" The floor underneath us collapsed, "Natsu, you idiot!!!!" I shouted, and it wasn't long before we all landed on the cave floor. "Natsu, you idiot!!" Gray yelled, "Natsu, you couldn't have just stopped to think what could possibly happen if you hadn't of done that?!" Lucy and Gray were annoyed with Natsu, as I just stood there and watched his reaction. Natsu got excited because of the underground cave, this boy is such an idiot. "Would you stop running around like a crazy person?!" Gray yelled, but as soon as we got closer, Natsu spotted something. There was a giant monster trapped in ice, which sent chills down my spine as I could feel that this was not going to go well. "That's impossible, it's Deliora." Gray freaked, I've never seen him like this before. We heard footsteps and quickly hid behind a rock, watching as three people came in. We listened to their conversation, which was about the giant monster that was trapped in ice. I was really creeped out by the pink-haired girl's last statement, "Oh my god." I had a certain memory of Deliora, five months after my brother and I lost Ethan, my oldest brother, and Ezra's twin. Deliora had destroyed a whole town and I vaguely remember seeing a young woman saying goodbye to a young boy, who looked like Gray. Ezra took me away from there, not wanting to stick around and get caught up in the chaos.

Gray explained what Deliora was, when Natsu started talking about taking it down. Before he could do anything to the ice-covered Deliora, Gray punched him in the face. He still looked freaked out about the idea of releasing Deliora, this monster must really scare him. Gray told us that his master sealed it in a spell, only to lose her life, and told us to wait till the moon shows up. Lucy called on a spirit and she played us some beautiful harp music. It was so peaceful but it was short-lived, when I felt the ground move. We saw a huge group of people chanting and Lyra told us about the moon drip. A guy in armor came out but there was a fourth guy, who looked like Ethan. Natsu shouted as Gray charged, attacking them. "Lyon!" Gray yelled, the guy who looked like Ethan ran off. "Happy, Lucky... Get Lucy and Tsubaki out of here!" Lucky picked me up, despite me arguing with Gray, and flew away with Happy. Lucky flew us towards the village and Lucy told the village about the other people we found on the island, who were up to no good. We set up a trap, and people thought it was stupid. Natsu and gray came through the gate and lucy freaked out, while I laughed at Natsu. Gray was out cold. A drop of green stuff was dropped from that giant rat flying overhead, which was headed straight for Lucy. My nose suddenly caught onto the scent, making me panic as Lucy just stood there. "Lucy, move!!" I shouted, rushing forward. Luckily, Natsu pushed her out of the way.

"I knew that was poison."

They dropped the whole bucket, destroying everything in its path when Natsu had an idea. "Lucky, fly me up there." She nodded and I headed for the giant rat. I kicked the third guy off, but noticed that the other three he had been with had gotten down safely. "Lucky, drop me!" I said, "But why?" She asked, "I have a plan, just drop me. Go help Lucy." I said, "Right!" She responded and dropped me. I landed safely on the ground, standing up straight. "Who are you and why do look like my brother?" I said, "The name is Eines." He sent an attack, sending me into a tree as I gasped for air. Before I could fully recover, I was punched in the stomach. I stood up to my feet, punching him in the face with my ice and fire. I kicked him in the stomach and then in the back, sending him into a small pile of boulders.

A memory popped into my head of Ezra, Ethan, and I when we were younger. I didn't have time to dodge the oncoming blast and flew up in the air, I fell back down kicking him in the face. "Tell me, why you look like him?! Why do you want to bring Deliora back to life?" I asked, but he seemed unfazed by it and grabbed me by the foot. He stepped on my stomach and held his foot there, while I struggled to pry it off. He sank down to my level and smirked, I growled at him and kicked him in the stomach. He picked me up by the back of my shirt and in one swift move, he threw me up in the air. I grabbed again before I could recover and slammed harshly to the ground.

"I forgot to tell you, I met your brother." He stood over me, looking down as he crossed his arms. I wanted nothing more than to punch him, but I couldn't move at all. He bent down and picked me up by the front of my shirt. "So Tsu, how's it going?" He kicked me in the stomach, making me yell out in pain. "I'll tell Ethan, you're doing okay." He kicked me again and I cried out in pain, I coughed up some blood as he disappeared from sight.

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