Chapter 40: The Hero and the Villain of our New World!!

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3rd person's pov

"So you're going to send all of the magic out of Edolas?" Pantherlily asked, "Yes. There has to be a villain and a hero. I will play the villain, PantherLily, you have to kill me and become the hero and the King of the new world." Mystogan said, "No, I can't do that. I can't kill you. You should become king instead if you destroys the world then you should take responsibility by leading it instead of dying." Pantherlily said. When Mystogan tells him that this solution won't quell the chaos, PantherLily offers to be the villain instead, but Mystogan is adamant in his decision. They are then interrupted by Nadi who tells them that four people, who turn out to be Natsu, Wendy, Tsubaki and Gajeel are wreaking havoc in the city. Seeing that the islands are falling from the sky and after conversing with Nadi, Natsu decides to dress up and declare himself the Great Demon-Lord Dragneel, the villain needed by Mystogan. He ties up Faust in front of the Royal Capital, "I am the one responsible for taking Magic away from Edolas, and I command my servants to destroy the streets of the Royal Capital." Natsu laughed evilly, "What in the hell is he thinking?" Gray asked looking up at Natsu, who was standing on the roof. "Ha good one, but he's not the only one that took away the magic! I did, The Great Black Cat Tsubaki." Earthland Tsubaki laughed, causing confusion among her friends and edolas friends. "What the hell is she doing?" Ethan asked, scrunching his eyebrows. "I have no idea." Edolas Tsubaki shook her head at Earthland Tsubaki, who stood next to Natsu. "What the hell are you doing?" Natsu whispered to Tsubaki, not knowing what she was doing. "I know Mystogan needs a villain so that he can be seen as the hero. So that the people can believe in him." She whispered to him.

Mystogan then shows up, saying that there's no reason to fight anymore with the King defeated, but Natsu doesn't listen and revealed Mystogan's lineage towards the masses. The Great Demon Lord then taunts Mystogan to fight him if he doesn't want Natsu to destroy the whole city, and Nadi reveals to the prince that after finding out about Mystogan and Panther Lily's argument, they decided to become the villain and take the fall. Since the Anima is taking away the Magic from Mystogan's Magic items, he and Natsu resort to hand to hand combat. In the midst of their battle, Natsu starts reciting the Fairy Tail Farewell Ceremony, though he forgets the second rule so Mystogan recites that one himself. After he finishes the recitation, he collapses to make it look like Mystogan has won the match and says that he wishes they meet each other again, and shortly after the Anima starts absorbing the people with Magic Power to send them back to the Earth Land realm. As they start to lift up in the air, Gray lifts up the spirits of the edolas Fairytail Guild. "What makes a guild is not Magic Power, but the allies who support one another." Gray said to them, "So you're really leaving?" Edolas Tsubaki teared up, "Yeah, I'm so sorry. I am so glad that I met you, I'm glad that Lucy saved you." The two hugged and the edolas Fairytail guild and Earthland Fairytail members smiled. "Those two are almost exactly alike." Mira said, "I'm gonna miss you so much. I don't know how I'm gonna be able to get along with Ethan." Earthland Tsubaki laughed, as the tears poured down her face.

"It's alright. You are gonna get along fine with him. I know you are." She laughed as she sniffled, "But what about you and earthland Ethan?" Earthland Tsubaki asked, "It's never gonna happen. He hurt my friends and he hurt me. My other brother, Ezra, died a while ago. But you are gonna be just fine." Earthland Tsubaki laughed more, as she sniffled. "I hope we can see each other again." Edolas Tsubaki cried, not wanting Tsubaki to leave.

"I don't think we'll ever be able to come back." Tsubaki broke down in tears, "I love you, Tsu." Edolas Tsubaki cried, tears streaming heavily down her face. "I love you too, Tsu." Tsubaki and Edolas Tsubaki let go of each other, "Take care of each other okay, Ethan?" She hugged him, "Don't worry. She'll be just fine." Ethan said and they let go, "Bye!!! Bye, everyone. Take care of yourself!" Lucy waved to them, "Take care of yourselves Fairytail! Make earthland Fairytail proud. We will be proud of you guys no matter what." Tsubaki cried more, holding onto Lucky. "Bye Lucky!" Earthland Tsubaki cried, waving to her. "Bye Tsubaki!!!" Lucky waved and Gray holds onto Tsubaki.

Once they are far enough for the edolas citizens to not see them, they gave one final smile to Mystogan.

"Bye Mystogan, I'll miss you. No matter what happens, you spend your life the way you want to! You are going to be an amazing leader, never doubt that!! Even if you weren't always around at the guildhall, you were still always interesting to talk to! Take care of yourself!!! Please watch over the Fairytail Guild here for me!" Earthland Tsubaki waved to him, and he smiled giving her one last nod. He had always been her amazed by her crazy, yet caring personality.

He raises his staff in the air, "I will lead this new world we will continue living even without using magic." Mystogan yelled, and all of the citizens yelled out in happiness. "Tsu, are you okay?" Edolas Lucy put a comforting hand on Edolas Tsubaki's shoulder.

"Yeah, I think I will be. Tsubaki really opened my eyes, while she was here." Edolas Tsubaki looked up at the sky and then to Lucy. "I'm so glad that we got you back." Edolas Lucy teared up, finally happy to see her best friend. "I'm glad to be back home." She smiled and Lucy walked away. Gray came up to her, "Hey Tsubaki, how have you been?" He gave her a worried look, "I'm alright. I'm glad to see you haven't changed one bit. I saw you and earthland Gray argue and let me tell you it was funny. But I realized if you would strip like he did, you wouldn't be the same. I love the way you are." She hugged Gray, who blushed a deep red. "I'm glad you're back." He said, "Natsu must have been worried-" Gray planted his lips on hers, and her eyes widened and pretty soon she melted into a kiss.

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