Chapter 12: Titania falls

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Tsubaki's pov

All of us were watching the tower from afar, still standing in the water bubble that Juvia made. I didn't listen to their conversation, hoping that Natsu and Erza would be alright. "What's that!?" Happy pointed and something was flying right towards the bubble. I was hit out of the bubble, which caused everyone else to scream. "Tsu!" Gray shouted, as we hit the crystal. I groaned looking up at my attacker, Ruyo. I kicked him off of me, but he struck me in my wound which made me cringe in pain. Ruyo kicked me into the water, but I climbed out of the water. I was then kicked clean across the crystal, landing near Erza. "Tsu!" I heard her shout, but I wasn't paying attention.

"Black Shadow Hammer!" He slammed a giant hammer on me, I blocked it with my ice mallet. "Ice dragon roar!" He flew pretty far back and the blast sent me flying backward. I hit the water, hearing several people call out to me. "Tsu!" Sho yelled. I couldn't move with all of the battling I did, I closed my eyes letting myself sink but I heard a splash near me and felt as if I was being pulled up.

"Come on Tsu, wake up." I heard Lucky pleading for me to get up, but I couldn't open my eyes or move. I felt lips on mine and my chest being pushed. I coughed spitting out water and sat up quickly, still coughing out water. "Oh thank god, you're okay." Gray smiled down at me, "Gray, where's Erza and Natsu?" I asked, I was hoping that they had gotten off that godforsaken lacrima. "They are still on the crystal." He said, making me look towards it, I gasped when the place lit up and it was shot upwards. We were blown back and the tower disappeared. Where did it go? Where are Natsu and Erza, they should have been here?!

"Natsu, where are you?" Lucy shouted. I couldn't believe it, this can't be happening. It wasn't long before we made it to shore on the beach and walked along the shore, when we saw Erza and Natsu. I ran towards them, grabbing them both in a hug and cried into the two.

"Tsu," Natsu trailed off, I ignored his call and just held onto the two for dear life. I couldn't imagine just losing them, they meant too much to me. "Please, don't scare me like that again. I can't live without you two." I cried, as Natsu patted my head and Erza kept a tight hold on me. "I'm sorry." Erza whispered, as I continued to cry. Afterward, we went back to the hotel and Natsu had been asleep for three days. Juvia wanted to join the guild, so she left to go talk to Gramps. While I was covered in bandages, recuperating with Gray from our fight. Erza went to talk to Sho, Millianna, and Wally. They are good people, Erza told us everything about them from when they were younger. We had lots of fun with them, while we stayed at the hotel. That fun came to an end when I learned that Sho and the others were leaving, so we threw a small celebration for them. I gathered Natsu and Gray, going off to the store to get the fireworks. We met Erza down on the beach and set the fireworks, all of us had used our magic to create the fireworks and watched as they sailed away in their boat. "Bye!" I shouted, waving as they left. I saw a tear slip down Erza's face as she stood in the sand watching their boat drift away. "Take care of yourselves!!" Lucy shouted, with a tear in her eye as she waved to them goodbye.

Finally, we got back to the guild it was so big, which made me happy as I came to learn we had a small shop in there. Gramps came out, giving the announcement that Juvia was now apart of the guild.

"That's awesome, Juvy." I gave her a hug, in which she returned but kinda considered Lucy and me to be her romantic rivals. Gramps let out another announcement and this time Gajeel had now become apart of the guild. I did not like him but if he was going to be in the guild, I was going to have to deal with it. The stage opened up and Mira started singing, I smiled at her song which brought tears to my eyes. I love this guild, no matter how crazy these people are. I sat next to Lucy and was eating a piece of chocolate cake. We cheered after her song ended, but Gajeel then got on stage and started singing. It was so bad. I laughed, watching Natsu and the others complain about his singing. Natsu stood up from his seat on the other side of the table, "That's the worse song, I've ever heard!" Natsu shouted and in response, Gajeel threw his guitar at Natsu, hitting him square in the face. Gajeel angrily played the harmonica, while Natsu shouted at him and the two started fighting. I saw Gray get up from his seat next to Erza but accidentally knocked over Erza's cake but before Erza could fully react, Elfman stepped on it making her kick him. As a result, the whole guild got into a fight, while I sat out of it and watched in amusement.

Later that day, I went home and took a nap. When I woke up, my window was open and found team Natsu in my house. I let out a loud yelp, they nearly gave me a heart attack. "What are you all doing in my house?!" I hit Natsu in the face and kicked Gray into the wall.


I was in the Guildhall the next day, when I heard that we were having a pageant for the girls. I decided to just sit back and watch, while Mira went on and the others. I sat with Natsu and the others. Lucy went on, she tried to do a cheer routine but Evergreen interrupted her. What the hell? Lucy looked her in the eye and she turned to stone. The crowd left scrambled away out of fear only leaving Gray, Natsu, and the others. The next thing, I know all of the girls had been turned to stone and Laxus appeared on stage.

"I have placed Thunder Palace across the entire town of Magnolia and I will destroy Magnolia if the old man, doesn't hand over the title for guild master over to him." I growled at his audacity, becoming severely angry at him. The Thunder legion was here with Laxus, which made me even more agitated. Hopefully, we can find a way to get the girls back to normal, it would be the only way to stop Laxus and the Thunder Legion. I remembered that Lucky was in the pageant, I wanted wring Evergreen's neck.

"No, Lucky. No." I rushed backstage to see that she had been turned to stone as well, which only made me even more angrier with her. "Evergreen, I'm gonna kill you if I get my hands on you!" I whispered, I heard shouting and saw Natsu get shocked when he charged at Laxus. We were going to have to fight Freed, Bixlow, Evergreen, and Laxus himself. We had only three hours before they turn to dust, almost all of the guild members rushed out the door to save them. Natsu was still on the floor, recuperating from Laxus's attack.

Before Gramps could get to the door, Laxus stopped him. "Anyone 80 or older can't exit the guild," Laxus stated, which meant Gramps couldn't leave. Natsu tried but he couldn't, I tried to get out but not even I could leave. "You're over 80?" Natsu shouted at me, "Do I look over 80 to you, you dumb idiot?!!" I smacked Natsu on the head, angry that he had insinuated that I was old.

"How the hell are we supposed to get out of here!!??" I yelled in frustration, it wasn't fair that we were stuck in here. "Where's Lucky?" Gramps asked, he must have noticed she was not around making slump to the ground. "She's up on stage." I sighed, "Oh man, she's a statue too?" Natsu said and I groaned. "What do we do now!!!?? Damnit, Freed and Laxus." I broke a table, not being able to control my anger. I heard that Jet, Droy, and Alzeck were fighting, in which Alzeck won. Natsu got angry as I stood there with a glare on my face, I wanted to get out there and beat the crap out of Laxus. That idiot has now set every other member against each other, just so he can have the title of Guild Master.

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