Chapter 58: Chief Koen and The Monster!

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Tsubaki's pov

"So you're saying that the chief of this village, is your older brother?!!" I shouted at Hairi, who just chuckled at our reactions. "Yes, he is. I grew up in this very village until I left for Magnolia and joined Fairytail." She smiled, "Hey! I said let them out of the cage." The chief instructed, and the villagers worked on us getting out of it. When they finally let us out, Natsu took one step out of the cage and fell face first into the snow. This time instead of just me laughing, Gray and gajeel started laughing at Natsu, who shot up quickly.

"Hey!! That is not funny! Stop laughing me ice princesses!" Gray and I immediately stopped laughing, while I got pissed. "What'd you say flame brain?" Gray reacted first, "You heard me! Ice princesses." Natsu retorted again and my hand caught fire, but with the two arguing they didn't notice.

"Uhhhh......" Lucky hid behind Gajeel's leg, scared by my sudden change in mood. "This won't end well." Lucy huffed, giving off a funny expression. "You wanna piece of me, pyro?!!" Gray yelled as he got in his face, getting tired of their arguing before Erza did something I did. I jumped onto Natsu's back and kicked Gray away, so that I could beat Natsu up. "Get off of me!!" Natsu tried to pry me off of his back, "You shouldn't have called me a princess. Do I look like one to you?!" I shouted, beating on him with my fists until Erza yelled at us.

"Will you two knock it off?!!" She smacked us over the back of the head, and I held my head with a tear in my eye. "Oww," I rubbed my head and heard laughing. I turned my head, to see Hairi and Koen laughing. "Hey! You're not supposed to be laughing at me!" I shouted, which made them laugh more. After they composed themselves, Koen led us to a house. It wasn't as destroyed as the others were, did they rebuild it?

"So you joined Fairytail after you left home?" Koen asked his sister, as we sat down on a small couch. "Yeah, before I officially joined the guild I met this one right here." She ruffled Natsu and I's hair. "Hey, stop that!" I yelled, making her laugh. "Oh, don't be like that." she smiled, still ruffling our hair.

"So how exactly did you meet these two?" Koen came up from behind and ruffled our hair, making me irritated. "Hey!!" I yelled, making the two siblings laugh.

"I was coming from the train station and was walking around in Magnolia. I had heard stories of the Fairytail guild, I wanted to check it out. So I headed in that direction and came across Tsubaki, who was chasing after Natsu. Gray and Erza were right behind them, trying to stop her from fighting him." She started laughing at the memory, while I just scowled. I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest. Of course, she would remember that. "It was funny. Cause right when I walked by, she had jumped onto Natsu and was messing with him. I couldn't believe, how strong those two were. Erza noticed me and introduced herself and then took me to Fairytail. I am glad to be apart of this guild." She closed her eyes, smiling and showed Koen the Fairytail insignia on her left shoulder. "So did you train them?" He asked, "Well actually, I only trained Tsubaki. Her and Gray used to argue all the time, and she didn't know how to fist fight properly. So I trained her and in doing so she went off on a dangerous mission, without bringing anyone with her and that caused me to go after her. She was badly injured which left me to stop the monster. I almost died and ended up in edolas before ending up back in earthland and finding her." She explained, to her brother.

"So what's been happening with the monster?" Erza asked Koen, who took a seat down in front of us. "For some unknown reason, the monster started to attack the village after Hairi left. I don't know why exactly, it started attacking the town. I need you to find out, why this monster is attacking my village. Please." He explained to me and I nodded as we all stood up. "Don't worry Koen, if I know these kids they'll find out what's going on." Hairi reassured, putting a hand on his and he covered her hand with his. "So where is the monster living?" Koen stood up and motioned all of us to follow him, he walked outside back into the snow and pointed to a mountain that wasn't to far from the village.

"It lives up there. But be careful, I sent one of my best men up there and he never came back. He was a magic user. Just stay safe." He turned to us, worry etched all over his face. "Don't worry about us!" I gave him my signature smile and he smiled.

"I'll stay behind to help clean up the village. We need to get rebuilding the houses, so everyone has a secure place to live." Hairi spoke up, "Alright then, do you guys have a library?" Levy turned to Koen, "Yes, it's just past that house a few miles from here." He nodded, pointing her in the direction of the library. "I'll be there looking for information on the monster." Levy said, "Take Lily with you." Erza said and handed Lily over to Levy. She smiled at us, before walking in the library's direction. "Be careful!" I called after her, "You too!" She walked away, soon disappearing out of sight.

"Alright then, let's go. Hairi keep an eye and make sure Levy stays safe." Hairi nodded and we walked off towards the mountain. We had to climb up the hill, but while we did that Natsu and Gray got into an argument and they started shouting at each other so I got in between the two. Usually when that happened, we would all start yelling at each other and then get physical.

"Shut Up!! Both of you! This is not the time to be arguing!!!" I yelled, which caused an echo off the mountain. It got quiet for a moment, before a loud roar shook the mountain. "What was that?" Lucy started shaking in terror, as I stared up at the mountain.

"I don't know." Ethan shook his head, as they all turned their heads to the top of the mountain.

"Whatever is was, I don't have good feeling about it." Ezra shook his head, my eyes shifted over to him for a moment.

"I agree." Wendy nodded her head, while Carla stared at the mountain.

"It came from up there. It must be the monster." Erza said, "Well, let's go found out." Gray said and we started walking up the mountain.

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