Chapter 74: The Ultimate Magic World

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3rd person's pov

Hairi was looking around for Ezra and Ethan. After their battle had ended, she was separated from the two siblings. "Where did those two boys run off to? Something is going on, on this island and it isn't good." Hairi kept running, looking around for any other member when she was suddenly ambushed. She took all of them out, in less than a minute and moved on.

"So it looks like Grimoire heart planned to be on the island. They must be looking for something or someone and I have feeling, I know who it is. Could they be looking for Zeref?" Hairi kept running, noticing some different about the island. As she ran around, she heard loud thumps coming from the right side so she went to check it out.

Mirajane's fight with Azuma, had turned serious. "So you're the she demon, Mirajane." He said, but Mira became reluctant to fight in that form.

"Fine, then. If you won't fight like that then will you do it for your sister?" Azuma lifted a hand up, which sent branches towards Lisanna. Just as this happened, Hairi came from out of the woods.

"Lisanna!!" Hairi used her magic, trying to ward off the branches but it didn't work. Azuma turned his attention to her, "Hairi, what are you doing here? I thought you were with Ethan and Ezra." Mira said, looking over to her. "I got separated from them. Who's he?" Hairi's short black hair blew in the wind, "That's Azuma, apparently he came from Grimoire Heart." Azuma got pissed that Hairi had interrupted the fight. He moved his hand slightly and the branches went to Hairi, who used her blast magic to block it. "You won't be getting me that easily." She spoke seriously, "Look out!!" Hairi turned around, only to be smacked into a tree and tied up by branches while Lisanna was trapped by branches with an explosive on her.

"The only way, you'll be able to free your sister and stop the bomb from detonating is to defeat me. You're gonna have to chose who to save, your friend or your sister." Azuma smirked at Mira, whose eyed had widened at the news. "You bastard! Making her chose isn't the way to go." Hairi growled at him, as she struggled against the branches. "I'm sorry, but you're not gonna get out of there that way." Azuma said, "Lisanna, Hairi." Mira thought, as she got ready to fight. She transformed into her she demon form, and got ready.

The two start their battle, "Mira's grown stronger since I was there last. But they seemed to be heavily matched. Hang in there, Mira." Hairi struggled to get out of the branches and vines, but soon Mira realizes that she doesn't have enough Magic to sustain her Satan Soul. She returns to where Lisanna was trapped, concedes defeat and shields her as the explosion occurs.

Hairi screams Mira's name loudly, as the explosion occurs. Hairi was now being squeezed to death and could barely breathe. "Requip!!" She managed to break free of the branches, and ran towards Mira and Lisanna. "Mira!! Lisanna!!" She yelled. Lisanna is saved, but Mira loses consciousness. "Mira?" Lisanna yelled, surprised at her older sister's actions.

"Huh, I'm disappointed. I thought she would have put up more of a fight than that. Instead she risks herself for her little sister, how pathetic." Azuma huffed, making Hairi angry.

"What's pathetic, is that you decided to pick on her little sister. You should never underestimate, what people would do for their families. And right now your hurting my family, back off." Hairi stood protectively in front of the unconscious, Mira and Lisanna.

"Hairi, please. Don't risk yourself for us. I don't want you to get hurt. Please let him go." Lisanna sat up and begged, Hairi turned her head to Lisanna giving her an angry look. This scared Lisanna mainly because Hairi had never given her the scary glare, she would give Natsu and Gray when they fought. Lisanna was taken back by this but as they made eye contact, she could tell Hairi really cared for them.

"Lisanna, you shouldn't judge character and let him go. He hurt Mirajane, and for that he's gonna have to pay. I know why they're on this island, anyways. I'm going to fight him, whether you like or or not. I'm not letting him get away, with hurting Mira and threatening your life." Hairi turned her head back to Azuma, ready to fight him.

"So you're gonna fight with me now? Interesting, well bring it on." Azuma unfolded his arms, as Hairi took off her jacket and threw it on the ground. "Don't underestimate someone like me, I've been with this guild since they were young kids. I'm not one to give up easily." Hairi got into her fighting stance and the battle commenced.

Wendy, Carla, Happy and Pantherlily find Makarov and Natsu injured. "Natsu!! Master Makarov." Wendy gets to work right away, but it appears she can't heal Natsu. "What's going on? Why isn't it working?" Happy asked sadly, as Makarov regained consciousness.

"You have to remove the malevolence from his scarf. Can you do that? His scarf isn't white anymore and all that malevolence is blocking your magic." Makarov explained to them, "Alright," Wendy got to work on healing his scarf, hoping that it would work.

"That man with the black hair that did that to Natsu's scarf. He must be Zeref and I bet that's what Grimoire heart was looking for when they go here." Pantherlily said, "That's not good." Happy said, looking to Pantherlily. Natsu opened his eyes slowly, "Natsu!!" Happy yelled, "He's awake!!" Wendy smiled and Happy cheered.

Elsewhere on the island, Ultear finds Zeref. She pays him her respects, telling him that they desire his whole existence. But this only angers Zeref greatly. He informs her that he desires no strife in this age, and orders her to leave the island at once. Ultear begins to shake in shock and fear of the angered Zeref.

Elfman and Evergreen start their battle with Rusty Rose, who has the upper hand on them. "The reason why we want Zeref so bad, is because they will let me be king for the new world." Elfman looked up at Rose, as he smirked. "And what exactly kind of world would this be?" Evergreen asked, she wasn't too trusting of Rusty Rose.

"A world where those who cannot use Magic cannot exist, the Ultimate World of Magic." Both Evergreen and Elfman's eyes widened at the news, and they looked up at him in shock.

Tsubaki and Leo were still fighting Capricorn but she was shocked to hear the news, with her clairvoyance powers she knew what they were planning.

Zeref attacks Ultear, in an attempt to chase her away. However, Ultear strikes back in order to capture him. By accident he releases Death Predation while battling her. With his guard down, Ultear manages to take down Zeref though she suffered a few injuries herself. She gladly exclaims, "I have Zeref!" She grabs him, walking away.

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