Chapter 20: Amazing speed! Gray and Lyon vs. Racer

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3rd persons pov (A/N this will be Tsubaki.)

Gray was still fighting with Racer, who wanted to go after Natsu. He threatened to kill Gray twice, but Gray stopped him for a second time. So Racer challenges to his Dead Grand Prix to summon forth many motorbikes, and the two use the bikes to race and exchange blows with one another. Soon enough they run across both Sherry and Lyon, the two join the fight jumping on the back of Gray's bike. Lyon destroys Racer's bike and he responds by destroying Gray's bike and starts dodging all of the Ice mages attacks. To their surprise the two ice mages remove their shirts, Racer avoids all of their attacks and hits them.

"I'll finish you off." Racer stated, "Gray, I've found his weakness." Lyon says to Gray. Gray and Lyon confab a little, but is unexpectedly blocked in a high pillar of ice by Lyon.

"I don't need you and the victory goes to Lamia Scale." He said as he and Sherry begin to fight with Racer, but Sherry is quickly taken out. Before he can be struck too he uses his ice make: hedgehog, covering himself in ice. "You can't hit me. Your fatal weakness is your low offensive capability." Lyon tries to lead him away, but Racer breaks through his ice and hits Lyon several times.

Meanwhile, with Natsu, Wendy had woken up and healed Tsubaki, who immediately rushed off to find Gray and Lyon. She took off without taking Lucky with her, which was odd but she wanted Lucky to be with Lucy. "Where are you going?" Natsu asked, he was confused that Tsubaki had left Lucky in his care. "To find Gray and Lyon. I think they are in trouble right now. Take care of Lucky for me, Natsu!" She disappeared into the forest, Natsu nodded in response before turning back in the right direction and continued on in the path leading to Erza. Tsubaki headed for the place, she last saw Lyon and Sherry. "Where could they have gone?" She thought to herself, as she looked around, and then she smelled Sherry's scent. She rushed off following the scent of Sherry, running faster.

"I hope they're doing okay. I can smell all three of them, Gray, Lyon, and Sherry. Please let them be alright." Tsubaki thought to herself, as she kept running. As she finally got closer, Racer held Lyon at knifepoint but he reveals Racer's weakness. "You're magic doesn't enhance your movement speed tremendously, but instead slows down the perception of time for everyone in a given area aside from yourself, making it seem like you move at unholy speeds," Lyon stated, although he was still at knifepoint. Gray breaks free from the ice pillar, with a bow in his hands. Realizing that it was all part of their plan, Gray shoots his arrows at him. Tsubaki pushed herself harder, finally reaching the opening where all three of them were.

"Gray!!! Lyon!!! Sherry!!!" She shouted breathless, "Tsubaki, what are you doing here?" Lyon asked, as she raced past him and jumped onto Gray.

"You're okay. Oh thank god, I was worried about you Gray." Tsubaki cried out, as she flung her arms around his neck. "T-Tsu. I'm okay, I see you're okay yourself. Did you guys get Wendy back?" Gray asked Tsubaki, who was standing in front of all three of them. "Yeah, we got Wendy and Lucky back. She healed Erza but I didn't stick around, because I picked up on your scents and followed my nose." Tsubaki rubbed the back of her head, with a nervous smile. "Were you worried about us?" Lyon asked Tsubaki, "Yeah, you guys are my friends." Tsubaki said.

"Look out!!" Gray shouted and she turned to see Racer coming towards her, he was angry and not wanting to accept defeat so he was going to take Tsubaki's life with him. Lyon steps in taking action pretty quickly, shoving Tsubaki out the way. The two fall off the cliff and the lacrima bomb, he had strapped to him, explodes.

"Oh my god, LYON!!!" Tsubaki shouted and Gray forms ice stairs. Tsubaki rushed down the stairs fearing Lyon had just died in front of them. Tears filled her eyes as she rushed down, beginning to toss around pieces of rubble. She was doing everything she could to find Lyon, secretly hoping that he would be alive. Gray followed after Tsubaki down the stairs, growing worried that they wouldn't find Lyon.

"Lyon, you can't die on us. Sherry loves you, Gray needs you to be alive. I need you to not die on me. Please Lyon, be alive. Please." More tears streamed down her face, Gray grabs her arm pulling her into his chest.

"Tsubaki, stop! it's too late. I feel the same way you do, but it's too late." His eyes met hers, as Tsubaki looked at him in the eyes and started crying. "He's gone. He's gone." Tsubaki couldn't believe that Lyon was just gone in an instant, her heart broke as she sobbed into Gray, who held her tightly wanting to cry for Lyon.

Natsu hears the explosion, as well as Brain. Who became angry, that the allied forces have taken a life of the Oracion Seis. He wakes up Midnight angrily and orders Midnight to kill all of their opponents. Midnight agrees to do it, while the others are left to wonder what causes the explosion.

"What caused that explosion just now?" Wendy looked back, "I don't know. But whatever caused it, I can tell nothing good came from it." Hibiki shook his head, "Natsu, I don't like this." Happy looked over to his best friend, while Lucky stayed quiet. She was extremely worried that Tsubaki may have been caught up in the explosion, but she didn't say anything since she didn't want to cause any panic. But as for Sherry, she started to act weird wondering who is to blame for Lyon's death. "This can't be happening, Gray. One minute, he's here and the next, he's not." Tsubaki shook her head, looking up at Gray.

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