Chapter 3: Natsu devours a village

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Tsubaki's pov

We were now traveling back to Magnolia without anything to take us there but our feet. Gramps was traveling with us, but on our way there we had no food and were starving. "How long have we been walking?" I groaned, we haven't gotten home yet and we were in Clover's canyon. Happy got us lost, "Why are we following a cat anyways?!!" Lucy yelled, I sighed as soon as Erza's stomach growled. Happy found some fish, I smiled and we started fishing. I laughed when Happy yelled about the fish. Natsu managed to catch a fish and gave it to Happy, but as soon as he ate it, he said it was gross. We then found a town that seemed abandoned, it gave me the chills as we stood at the entrance of the town. I collapsed onto my knees, as my stomach growled even more. "Come on," Gray helped me up, "Do you think there's food here?" I looked at him. "I think so," Natsu and Gray picked me up by the arms, running off into a random house. "Why is there freshly cooked food here but no villagers?" Gray asked. Natsu was about to eat one of the freshly baked breads, but I slapped it out his hand. "What was that for?" He looked at me, "I don't trust the food." I burned the bread to a crisp, smacking out of his hand. "She's right." Erza came into the house, I knew she was just as hungry as we were and wasn't too happy about not eating the fresh food.

"Let's search the village, find mushrooms to eat but don't eat the food in the village. Meanwhile, Master and I will search for answers." Erza said. I walked off with Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Lucky and Happy.

Natsu and Gray ate two different mushrooms but as a result giant mushroom grew on top of both their heads, which made Lucy sigh. I slapped a mushroom out of Lucky's paws and picked her up, there was no way I was going to have her end up like Gray and Natsu. Happy ate a smaller mushroom, which made Lucy freak out as a mushroom popped up on Happy's head. Natsu and Gray's shrooms kept growing, but finally popped off their heads and fell to the ground. "Yay, the mushrooms fell off!" Happy shouted, but his shroom was still on his head. "Uhhh, Happy.. I'm sorry to say this but your shroom didn't fall off." Lucy sighed, which made Happy sad. We headed back to the village, as we were walking to find Gramps and Erza, the town started to shake and glow. We reached higher ground, as the town kept glowing and took the form of a monster.

"What's happening, Gramps?" I knew he would possibly know, he was a very smart man. "This town was turned into a monster..." He stated, "By who though? There was nobody in the village." Gray looked over at Gramps, "They used dark magic. From the looks of it, it must have been a forbidden spell. This must have been a dark guild." He explained, leaving all of us in shock. I sat down watching as Erza, Natsu and Gray were fighting the monster. I laughed at Lucy's reaction, when Erza rushed down the side of the mountain. I picked up a small fry made from the monster and bit into it, which I regretted. It tasted horrible, I made a face and stopped Lucky from eating it. Happy crashed into the side of the mountain, while Natsu and Gray thought he was playing around. The monsters came back and I started fighting them, but it was no use they just kept coming back. "Uhhh, Gramps!" The magic circle started glowing and we all fell. But somehow Gramps saved us all and we continued walking. When the monster disappeared, I looked up to see that there were a bunch of people standing around. Gramps was right about them being a dark guild, they explained everything to us after thanking us for saving them. Finally we got back to magnolia, I had just walked out of my bathroom to see Gray half naked on my couch. "Get out of my room!" I kicked him into the wall and he quickly got up as Lucy came walking into the apartment, "Why are you both here?" I yelled, "Natsu and Erza's fight is today." Gray said, "M'Kay, just let me get dressed." I said, turning away but I suddenly felt a large draft which made me shiver a bit. I looked down and screamed seeing as the towel fell off, Gray started blushing red and Lucy quickly pulled covered his eyes. I got dressed and we headed towards where the fight was taking place, a lot of the guild members had gathered to watch.

"Hey Lucy, hey Tsu." Mira said as I gave her a smile, she started talking about the strongest team. "Oh, what idiot fed you that lie?" Gray asked Lucy, which made Mira start crying. "Look at what you did," I smacked the back of his head. "Erza's pretty awesome." I said as she requipped into another armor, "This fight sucks." Gray complained and just before I could comment a loud bell rang, which made everyone go silent. "This fight is over, as a result of the Eisenwald incident a member of your guild has been charged with 11 counts of criminal property damage. Erza scarlet, you are under arrest." The frog lady said, "What?!!" Lucky shouted, as the frog lady took Erza away.

The whole guild was gloomy, Natsu had gone crazy which made Gramps turn him into a small dragon. I sat next to gray, as I laid my head on the table. When Gramps asked Natsu to be let out, he went quiet so I got up. Gramps removed the cup and we found out that Macao had taken Natsu's place, that only must mean that Natsu had gone after Erza. That idiot took off to get Erza without telling me, that jerk.


The next morning, Erza told us what happened. Everyone suddenly fell asleep and I know who had done this, he only does this when he comes to get another mission. I managed to stay awake with Gramps as Mystogan came in, I knew it would be Mystogan to do this. Mystogan never liked to show his face which to me was weird but then again, this guild isn't all that normal. Gramps scolded Mystogan for putting a spell on everyone to sleep whenever he showed up, the two of them also noticed that I was awake. "Bye, Mystogan." He walked out of the guild hall, grabbing another S-class mission. Mystogan counted down and they woke up, when Laxus decides to show up. He pisses me off, he is so conceited.

So Lucky, Lucy and I headed back to the apartments. I was over at her place since we were getting to know each other, but when we got there Natsu was sitting on her bed which made Lucy yell at him. Natsu pulled out an s-class mission making me scream out in horror, he's gonna get us killed by Gramps. "Natsu, he'll kill us. Take that back to the guild hall!!" I shouted, but he didn't listen and instead told us about the job. The request was to save a tropical island, I instantly turned him down and he left with Happy through the window. I looked over to Lucy to say something to her when I noticed that Natsu left the job request here.

"He left the job request here?!!" Lucky panicked as I grew agitated, I can't believe that idiot. He is going to not only get himself into trouble, but he's dragging Lucy into it too. "He did that on purpose." I growled, "Ahh, Natsu!! Come back here! You left this!!" Lucy followed after Natsu, which led me to follow Lucy. I didn't want her to get in trouble, because that idiot took the mission without Gramps' permission. I knew that there was no going back once we had gotten the courage to leave, but I also knew that I was going to regret the decision to go with him.

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