Chapter 9: A Star Removed from the Sky!

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Tsubaki's pov

We had been fighting bandits, who were causing trouble for another town. They all were down and we headed back to the town, when we came across Loke. "Loke! What are you doing?" I waved to him but as soon as his eyes landed on Lucy, he took off which left us in confusion. Since we completed the mission all of us decided to head to a spa, it was so refreshing.

"This feels so nice." I said and soon we got back to the room, we were staying in. I smiled as a pillow hit Gray in the face, so I threw one at Gray. Lucy came into the room, grabbing a pillow ready to throw but was hit with all three pillows and our fight continued.

Of course Natsu and Gray took it a little to far and it got much worse, so Erza and I sat out and just talked and laughed with one another. The two ended up injured while Lucy, Erza and I were completely fine. The next day we headed back to the guild hall, which actually was still under construction. Lucy seemed angry, "Luce, what's wrong?" I sat down next to her, "It's just Loke and his stupid charm." Lucy said, "Was he playing that 'I'm not going to live long' charm on you?" I looked at her, with an eyebrow raised. I had asked because he tried that with me and it didn't work, instead, I literally smacked him several times for trying to use his charms on me. "Yeah," She nodded, "Lucy, didn't I win?" Natsu and Gray were arguing behind us, then turned their attention to Lucy.

"Put a sock in it." She turned her towards the two, giving off a scary look causing them to shrink back, which made me laugh really hard. "Hey Mira, have you seen Loke?" A girl to my right asked, "No. I haven't, why?" Mira answered, "He broke up with me," Another girl to Lucy's right said, oh this was just great.

"And me too," Another girl cried, "Do you know where he is?" They all started arguing with each other, when they realized that they all had been with Loke. "Ahhh Lucy, Tsu!!! Help." Mira threw her hands up in the air, which made the girls get in our faces. One of the girls insulted Lucy, causing Lucy to run off crying. "Why did you have to get us involved in this, Mira?!" I sighed, "Where is Loke anyways?" Natsu and Gray were next to me, while I was walking away. "Poor Luce," I walked past them, checking the board for any jobs. There was nothing interesting, so I just went back home.

It was now eight-thirty, I had fallen asleep while reading a book that Levy let me borrow. I took a shower, got dressed and walked out into my living room. "Wow, your place is neat." Gray was sitting on my chair, with no clothes on. "Get out of my house!" I kicked Gray square in the chest, and he flew into the wall. "Why are you naked in my house?!!!" I was extremely pissed off with him, I couldn't believe he was sitting in my chair naked. "Whoa! Whoa! I was already naked when I got here. The reason I came here was to tell you that Loke quit the guild and now he's missing." Gray stood up, still in his underwear. "Oh no," I mumbled and Gray took me outside, so I could help look for Loke. "Did he say what made him quit the guild?" I looked towards Gray, I had become worried about him. "No, he just quit." Gray shook his head, "Loke!" Gray shouted as we were walking around, we were searching around my area. "Go tell Lucy!" I yelled to Gray, he turned around and left. "Loke, please come back!" I checked another building, but didn't find him. "Loke!" I yelled, where could he have gone? This doesn't seem right at all. I didn't want to give up, but with not being able to find him I had to go back home. Lucky had slept through the entire situation, I didn't want to keep her alone.

The next day, Loke explained what happened last night and that he was a celestial spirit. When he gave us the tickets for a spa, I smiled and literally jumped on his back. "Thanks Loke!" I didn't notice that I was nearly choking him, until Gray pulled me off. "Let's go, we don't want to be late." Erza pulled a wagon behind her, "Whoa, that's a lot of stuff!" Natsu and I shouted in unison. "Come on Gray, let's go!" I grabbed his arm and ran off. "Bye Loke!" I waved, giggling as Gray tried to get away from me. After we got to the island, we went to the beach and had some fun. We were all just having to much fun, I laughed when Natsu stole Gray's bathing suit which resulted in him using Happy to block his thing. Lucy and I got dressed up and went to Erza's room, only to see that she was still in her armor. "Hey Erza, don't you think that's a little to-, nevermind." I sighed, when she requipped into her dress. Lucy, Lucky, Erza and I walked downstairs into the casino. "Hey Natsu, what are you doing?" I walked over to him, he was playing a game on this slot machine. "Oh come on, baby." He said and then it turned to another number.

He freaked out and started hitting the machine, making me chuckle at him. I was wearing a nice purple dress and black laced boots. An attendant came over to us, telling Natsu not to hit the machine. Since I became bored watching Natsu, I walked over to Gray, who was currently sitting at the bar. "Hey, Gray." I smiled at him, "Take a seat." He patted the seat next to him and I sat down. "Where did you just come from?" He asked, "I was with Natsu. He's currently losing to a slot machine." I pointed my thumb towards him, "That idiot is losing to a machine. That's just stupid." Gray laughed and I took that he was playing cards, so I joined. "Gray, my darling." My ears outside when I heard a familiar voice call to Gray, when I turned my head. I nearly lost my temper as Juvia was standing beside Gray. Ever since what happened between our guilds and what they had done to Lucy, I had grown to despise both her and Gajeel. "Juvia, what are you doing here?" I growled but Gray calmed me down by placing a hand on mine, so Gray, Juvia and I were holding a conversation.

"Gray fullbuster? Tsubaki Klein?" We turned our heads, seeing a tall guy looking at us. "Yeah, that's us. What you want?" Gray asked, "Where is Erza?" He asked, I didn't trust his intentions. "Why do you need Erza? What business do you have with her?" I asked but instead of answering us, he blasted us with a spell and turned the lights off before hand. Juvia acted quickly, saving both Gray and I as she pulled us inside her. "Thanks so much, Juvia." I could see the lovey dovey eyes that she was giving Gray, it was pissing me off. I literally wanted to strangle all of the life out of Juvia, despite her saving Gray and I. Lucy soon found us and Juvia let us out of her, Gray helped me up and I looked for Natsu. After finding him, I looked around as Lucy explained that Erza was taken.

"Where's Happy and Lucky?" I asked, "They were taken too. I'm so sorry, Tsu. I couldn't do anything to stop them, it's my fault." Lucy said "No, Luce.. It's not your fault." I looked down at the ground, this wasn't supposed to happen at all. "Hey, it's okay. We will find Lucky." Gray put his hands on my shoulder, snapping out of my daze. Gray had no shirt on, Natsu took off and we followed after him. Gray, Natsu, Lucy, Juvia and I ended up on a boat, heading to find Erza. "Oh, good grief." Natsu was hanging over the edge of the boat, "You think he could be a little more helpful." Juvia said, "This is the last time we're taking you anywhere." Gray shook his head at Natsu, while I just sighed. "Look at the Army ships. They were completely destroyed." I pointed to the debris, floating around us and the boat.

"What happened here?" Gray looked over the edge of the boat, something or someone must have done this. But what or who exactly did this and why did they attack the army?

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