Halloween Special

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Tsubaki's pov

Everyone was excited for Halloween to come around, the entire town had already started decorating and even Ms. Namaki was decorating the entire building. Currently, I was sitting at a table in the guild hall trying to collect my thoughts. Natsu was staring at the mission board trying to find something for us to do, when I heard Happy shout.

"Natsu, this one!! This is the best one!" I turned my head, just as Natsu rushed over to the table. He slammed down a paper scaring Ethan enough that he fell off of his seat and Lucy jumped. "What is it now Natsu?" Erza questioned, as she looked up at him. "I found us a great job. One that will pay all of us." I leaned into Gray seeing the weird face Natsu made, which honestly made question his sanity.

"What is it?" Gray looped his arm around me, despite the look he was getting from Juvia. "Well, this job is huge. Apparently, a little girl got lost in a haunted house but it's too scary for anyone to go through to find her. They need a group to go in and find the little girl." I leaned forward taking a look at the paper and sighed.

Despite my fear of things jumping out at me, I decided to go anyways. "Alright then, let's go." Gajeel stood up with Erza and I sighed again. This is gonna be a great night. We handed in our mission to Mira and headed off by train, poor Natsu. He hung out of the window as my brother's were leaned against each other, just as sick as Natsu and Gajeel. I shook my head and held onto a sleeping Lucky, while I sat next to Lucy.

"Well that's a first." Gray spoke, "What?" I asked looking up at him. "I think he means, seeing Ethan and Ezra sick like that." Juvia pointed out, making me look at my brothers. "They are just as sick as Natsu and Gajeel." Happy spoke, making me sigh. "Yeah, I know. They're so useless." I groaned as I heard a small wail come from Ethan.

"I wish I could help them... But my troia won't work on Natsu anymore and I've used it on Ethan already." I sighed and shook my head. "We gotta a long way to go from here to Elmina." Erza stated from her seat and I groaned, looking back at my brothers. Natsu was sitting right next to them still hanging out of the window, why can't my brothers be a little more reliable?

Hours later....

We met with the client and got  the information, as to how the little girl got lost in the first place. "We will try everything to get your daughter back, Mrs. Nariaki. Please don't worry to much." Erza comforted the mother as she cried, "We would go in ourselves but we're not as young as we used to be. Not to mention, it's hard to find your way through that haunted house. There's not much light and things pop out around almost every corner." A shiver went down my spine, which didn't go unnoticed by Gajeel. When we left the house, Mr. Nariaki had given us directions to the haunted house.

"Do you think that the haunted house is really that scary?" Lucy looked over to Natsu.

"Nah, I doubt it's anything." Natsu shook his head.

"Right, Tsu." I jumped and quickly swung around, punching Ethan in the face. He stumbled back and hit the ground hard, while everyone looked at me in shock. "How many times have I told you not to sneak up on me like that?!!" I shouted at him, as he chuckled and stood up. "Sorry sis. I forgot you punch people, when you're jump scared." He shook his head and I glared at him.

"What are you all looking at?!" I snapped making them look away quickly.

Before long, it was around maybe nine o'clock at night and we finally made it to the haunted house. Things were already bad enough that it decided to start storming so we went into the house soaking wet, "Hello? Is anybody in here?" Erza called out as I heard a distant creak in the echo of the house, which made me a bit nervous. I got a feeling we weren't going to have any other help but each other to find this little girl.

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