Chapter 34: Gildarts Comes Home!

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Tsubaki's pov

I saw Gajeel break the big red thing in it's chest and Natsu started beating the dragon up. He was super angry, which made things a little overboard. "Now, you're gonna see an angry dragon!" He shouted and finally he beat the dragon.


The next day, I was sleeping in because I was tired. "Come on Tsu, wake up!" I heard a familiar voice "No, five more minutes Ethan." I rolled over and pulled the covers over my head, not wanting to be bothered. "Fine, you give me no choice." I was picked up and thrown over someone's shoulder, which woke me up. "Hey, put me down!!" I pounded on his back, "No, let's go." He said and walked out of my apartment. "Natsu! This isn't funny!!" I yelled, "Good morning, Natsu!" A villager yelled out on the other side of the river, I lived next door in another apartment building next to Lucy's. "Morning!" He shouted back, "Natsu, you put me down right now!!" I yelled, but he kept walking. My hair fell in my face, as I was slowly becoming much more agitated with him.

"Hey Natsu, why did you come in my apartment and grab me?" I asked him, trying to hold in my anger. "Well... Today's the day, Gildarts is coming back home." He said and I smiled. Gildarts was one of my favorite guild members to hang with, he always beat Natsu with one punch. For me it was harder, I always landed a hit on him but then I couldn't hit him again.

Flashback 10 years ago...

"Gildarts is coming back for the first time in months!" I heard Natsu shout, "Yay! He's coming back!" I yelled, I was sitting on top of the bar. "Hey, guys, what's up?" Gildarts stood at the entrance of the guild, I jumped off the counter of the bar and took off towards Gildarts. "Hey there, Tsu. How's it going?" He smiled, as I jumped up onto him and he laughed. "How was your mission, Gildarts?" I asked in complete curiousness. "It went well." He smiled, as he hugged me back. "Hey Gildarts, come fight me!" Natsu jumped up in the air, trying to punch Gildarts. His reaction made me laugh as the other guild members panicked from what happened. He punched Natsu and Natsu hit the ceiling, making a giant crack in the roof.

"Oh my god! Natsu, are you okay?" Lisanna asked, but I was laughing. I was still in Gildarts's arms, not wanting to get down. "That is not funny, Tsu!" Lisanna yelled at me and Gildarts put me down. We walked over to the bar, "Hey Cana, what's the matter?" I sat next to her, noticing her sour mood. "Nothing." She said and I got irritated, "You better tell me what's wrong with you!" I punched at her, but she dodged it. "Hey! Why'd you try to punch me?!!" She yelled, "Because you're an idiot. You are so stupid!" She sent some card magic at me, but I dodged it. I lost my footing and tumbled into Gray, who at the time did not have a shirt on.

"Hey, watch where you're going!!" He yelled and I punched him. He punched at me and I dodged him. "Fire dragon iron fist!" He dodged me and kicked under my legs, trying to get me to fall. "That was a dirty trick, stripper!" I yelled and we kept fighting. "Stop fighting you two!!" Lisanna got in the way. "It's not fair! He started it!" I yelled at Lisanna.
Flashback over.....

"Hey guys, I'm here with Tsubaki!" Natsu announced to the guildhall, setting me down. I kicked him in the stomach and walked over to the bar. "Gray, your clothes!" Cana yelled at him, making him jump. "Crap, where are my clothes?!" I shook my head, not knowing what to think about Gray. "Hey Luce, what's up?" I sat down next to her, "Did Natsu drag you out of bed?" I nodded and she sighed. I realized, that everyone was rejoicing about Gildarts finally coming home. "By the way Tsu, why is everyone partying and acting this way?" Lucy asked, looking around the guildhall.

"Gildarts is coming home for the first time in three years! He is my favorite mage." I told her, "Why is it his first time coming back home in three years?" Lucy looked at me, "He picked a century quest. He is one of the strongest members of the guild. I have a close bond with Gildarts. He's like the fun uncle." I said to her. The ground shook and I ran outside, with Lucy trailing behind me.

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