Chapter 52: My first Mission with my brothers

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Tsubaki's pov

After the entire chase down yesterday, I went home. Lucky had already fallen asleep in my arms, "Hey! Tsubaki, how's it going?! I heard your brother is back and your other one is alive." I turned to the guy across the stream, "I'm alright, thanks for asking. See ya later!" I waved at him and he waved back.

I finally made it to my apartment, only to find my landlady outside my room. "Ms. Namaki, what do you want?" I got to my door and began shuffling around in my pocket for my keys, as I shifted Lucky in my arms. "Where is my rent?" She yelled at me, when I put the key into the keyhole. "I'm going to ask you again, where is my Rent?" She screamed in my ear, making me irritated. "Listen here, Lucky hasn't had much sleep so I'd appreciate it if you let me inside my own damn apartment and give me a moment to get the damn rent." I said in anger, she rolled her eyes in response and I opened the door.

I walked to the bed and put Lucky down, covering her up with one of my jackets. Then I walked over to my living room, only to see Natsu and the gang sitting around my coffee table. "Ahhhhhh! What are you all doing in my room?!" I shouted, "Natsu dragged us here." Lucy said, throwing her thumb back at him.

"You better have my rent, Tsubaki!!" I internally groaned, throwing my head back. "Is that your landlady?" Natsu asked, as Lucy opened the door. "Tsubaki!!" Her shrill voice called and I rubbed my temples, I walked over to my shelf and grabbed an envelope off the top. I turned around, shoving it in her hands. "You got your money now, you can leave." I turned her around, pushing her out of my apartment. "Well, looking-" I cut her off, "I already paid for three months' rent. So bye-bye." I slammed the door in her face, and walked back into my living room where everyone else had been sitting.

"You all need to keep it down, Lucky hasn't been getting much sleep and she finally fell asleep so keep it down. Now, what the hell did you come here for?" I asked, putting my hands on my hips. "Well, first the good news. Both Ethan and Ezra have been accepted into the Fairytail guild." Erza said and I sucked in a breath of relief, "And what's the bad news?" I asked, brushing my hair back since it became longer.

"They can't join another team because they keep fighting, so no teams want them. So now they are in our team, hence why they are here." Erza said, making me stare at her in shock. "What?!!!" I yelled, my eye twitched. "We have a job. Do you want to come?" Natsu put the paper on the coffee table, and I picked it up. "What are we supposed to do?" I asked, looking up from the paper to Natsu. "We have to travel through Onibus to save a town, that has been harassed by a dark guild." Lucy said, "Alright, I'm in." I sighed, "Yes!!" Ezra yelled and I shook my head. "I don't think, I'm gonna take Lucky this time." I looked over to her, she was still asleep.

"Why not?" Natsu asked, "She hasn't been getting much of any sleep, so I think I'll have Mira watch over her for me." I turned back to them, "When do we leave?" I asked, "Right now." Natsu stood up, "Alright, let me grab Lucky." I walked over to her and picked her up off the bed with my jacket still wrapped around her.

We walked out of my apartment, locking the door behind me. Then we all walked to the guildhall, "Mira, can you watch over lucky for me? I'm going on a job with Natsu and the others. She hasn't gotten much sleep and I don't want to overexert her." I asked, "Yeah sure," She smiled and took Lucky out of my hands. "Make sure you tell her, where I went." She nodded and we walked off outside.

We were traveling to the train station and I slumped over, I was tired. "Tsu, what's wrong?" Ethan put his arm around me, I wanted to smack him. "Nothing, now leave me be." I removed his arm from around me and pushed him away. "Oh come on, Tsu. Tell your big brother, what's wrong?" Ethan said in a weird voice, making me shake my head and I continued walking. But each step I took, Ethan kept popping up behind me over my shoulder.

"Tell me." He popped up on my right, before he disappeared again. "Come on, Tsu." He popped up to my left before disappearing again, which started to agitate me. "Come on!!!" He said and finally, the others took notice of my situation, but it made everything worse.

"What's wrong?" Ezra asked, looking at the two of us.

"She won't tell me!" Ethan threw his hands up in the air, being overdramatic. "Come on, tell me!" Ethan pleaded, putting his hands together as if he were begging me. I rolled my eyes at his actions, looking in the opposite direction.

"Tell me!!" He begged, I finally got fed up with his constant begging. I turned swiftly around, kicking him in the face.

"You need to shut up!!!" I shouted as a yellow energy ball formed and hit Ethan, causing his to roll down the hill we just walked up from.

"Whoa, that was awesome!" Natsu shouted, making Lucy smack him over the back of the head.

"That was lightning. You really get your new powers." Gajeel said in surprise.

"Tsu, what's wrong?" I made a face at the others, making them recoil back. "Maybe we should leave her alone." Gray suggested with a look, I shook my head in agreement and kept walking. We finally reached Magnolia station, I decided to get the tickets.

It was Ethan, Ezra, Erza, Gray, Gajeel, Happy, Pantherlily, Lucy, Juvia, Levy, Natsu, and me. "Hey excuse me, I need twelve tickets to Onibus, please." I asked, "Why do you need twelve, I only see you?" The guy asked, irritating me even more. He was barely paying attention, since he had a newspaper in his hands.

"The next train doesn't leave for another two hours. It's about 1:10 and I'm off the clock until 1:50, so sorry lady. Can't help ya." I growled at him, grabbing him by the front of his uniform and I guess the others saw my reaction.

"Give me twelve damn tickets. I recently found out some people are after me and the people I love, because of my powers. So give me the damn tickets now!" I yelled and I heard rushing footsteps. Natsu grabbed me by the waist and tried to pull me off, so he gave me the tickets. "Here you go," He handed me the twelve tickets and I smiled at him sweetly, letting Erza take the tickets out of my hand and put the money on the counter. I kept my big smile, but really my eyes were saying 'Next time you won't be so lucky' and Natsu pulled me away. After two hours, we left the train station heading to Onibus station. It was weird because I still wasn't getting any motion sickness.

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