Chapter 53: Mission Incomplete

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Tsubaki's pov

I took a seat next to Gray, I was squished in between him and Ezra. "This is just great," I muttered, as Natsu started to groan. Since he was in our seat as well, he got the window seat with Lucy squished between the two boys. Gajeel had the window seat, while Levy sat in the middle between him and Ethan. Erza and Juvia had the seats, leading towards the aisle. Levy had Pantherlily sitting in her lap, while Happy was in Lucy's lap.

"Why did I get squished between the stripper and the idiot?" I asked, crossing my arms. "Well, I guess to make sure those two don't fight." Levy said, motioning to Ethan and Ezra, who wasn't paying attention. "So Erza, how long will it take us to get to Onibus?" I asked, "Well from the time we left which was around 3:00 PM, we should get there early tomorrow morning around 6 AM." Erza looked at the map, then looked at us. "Will Natsu and Gajeel even make it that far?" I leaned over Lucy and Gray and poked Natsu, who in response groaned. "Poor Natsu." Lucy said, "Poor Gajeel." I shook my head, moving back to my spot.

"How come you haven't gotten motion sickness? You are now the guardian of all dragons and dragon slayers and you control their powers. So how come?" Pantherlily asked, "I'm not sure, I guess it only affects males." I shrugged and laid my head on Gray's shoulder.

"Erza?" I asked, "Yeah, what is it?" By this time everyone had fallen asleep and the only two that were awake were Erza and I. "Can I ask you something?" I lifted my head and felt Gray stir but he fell back asleep, leaning his head on my shoulder. "What is it?" She asked and I looked at her, "Do you think I'll be strong enough to protect everyone?" I looked down at my hands, I was beginning to doubt myself. "I know you'll be strong enough. You are strong, you have faced everything with our help and sometimes on your own. You will be strong because you are strong." She started laughing, "What's so funny, Erza?" I narrowed my eyes at her, in a suspicious way. "I heard that you asked Gray to help train you. I know that's true. I also know how much you like him, I even heard you two kissed." I looked at her like she was crazy, "What?!!! Who told you that?!!" I yelled, making Gray stir a little in his sleep. "Well, who else would have?" She said, raising an eyebrow. "Warren," I whispered angrily, I'm gonna kill him. "No, it was Lucy. Gray was fine with her telling me. I won't tell anyone else, I promise." I sighed and petted Gray's head.

"Erza, what are we going to do if someone goes after Fairytail?" I asked, looking down at my hands. "We'll fight. You don't need to worry so much and we should be getting some rest. Good night, Tsu." She smiled at me and I smiled back. "Night, Erza." I leaned my head on Gray's and drifted off into sleep.

Ten hours later.....

"They look so cute together sleeping like that." I recognized Lucy's voice, "This is not cute. He needs to get his grubby hands off my baby sister." Ethan grumbled out, "Ethan, don't be like that. Let the two be." Erza said, "I agree with Erza. Besides she is a bad riser." Natsu's voice wavered, "She is. You do not want to wake her up right now," Gajeel stated, I could hear him munching on something. "They are adorable. Especially with the way Gray, is holding onto her. Those two make the cutest couple." I heard Levy and Lucy squeal together, while Erza just let out a small chuckle at the two girls. "She needs to get her hands off my man." I felt Juvia's jealous stare burning through my skin, making me move.

"Guys, I don't think we should wake them. Both of them have been exhausted, especially because of what has been happening in the last few days." I yawned, opening my eyes. "Why is everyone crowded around me?" I asked sleepily, letting out another yawn. "You two are so adorable." I gave Lucy a look of confusion, as Ezra pointed next to me. I looked down and saw Gray sleeping soundly with his arms wrapped around me, his head laid on my chest. He also was half-naked, he had no pants or a shirt on and I blushed a deep red. "Erza, why did the train stop?" I asked, trying to get my mind off the current situation.

"We're here in Onibus. Come on." She and the others walked away and I turned back to Gray. "Gray..." I said and he didn't stir, "Gray, come on. Wake up. We're in Onibus." I shook him lightly, and he stirred. He opened his eyes and looked straight into my blue ones, making me blush. "We gotta go. And you're laying on me." Gray blushed, quickly unwrapping his arms from around me. "It's okay. I'm not mad. Besides, it feels nice." I told him, making him blush as we shuffled to get up.

We grabbed our stuff and I walked out from behind Gray, but as we were walking some guy bumped into my shoulder and something wasn't right. All I could sense around him was evil and he smelled awful, but the aura around him was so strong that even I had started shaking. "Tsu, what's wrong? You look pale. Are you feeling okay?" Gray said, snapping me out of my daze.

"I'm alright. That guy though." I trailed off, as we walked onto the platform. "The guy who bumped into me. He gave me the chills." I looked back at the train, then to Gray. "Why?" I screamed in fright and spun around quickly, seeing Ezra behind me. "Why so jumpy?" Ethan asked, cocking an eyebrow at me. "This guy that I bumped into had a suspicious aura, it felt like something was gonna go wrong." I heard a  scream from the train and I rushed forward, but the train had taken off already. "My baby!!!" A lady yelled, "Ma'am, what's wrong?" Ethan stopped a lady, as more screams erupted from the train station. People started to run and shoved other people and in all the chaos, I could feel the panic of everyone else.

"That man, he took my boy and hijacked the train. His friends are trying to hijack the station." The woman cried, "Please, save my boy." She cried and looked up into Ethan's eyes. "So much for our mission," Gajeel muttered under his breath, as I stood next to him. "You can say that again," Juvia sighed, while Levy and Lucy stared at the train in horror.

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