Chapter 109: The Moment It's Activated

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Tsubaki's pov

Our large group came together after collecting the clock pieces as we were searching for Lucy, Natsu, Romeo, Michelle, Lucky, Ezra and Happy. Gray, Juvia, Lyon, Ethan, Kai and I met up with the first team was Erza's team. For some reason, Hairi seemed scarred from what happened during her mission with them, which made me wonder what had happened. The next team we ran into was Gajeel's team, which Grayson told me was an absolutely crazy time with Gajeel. He also told me that Pantherlily fought with Samuel and afterward, Samuel kept following them. I could tell by the tone that he used when talking about Samuel, that he was extremely annoyed with him. "Why do you sound so annoyed with him? I mean, yeah, he is on the bad guy's side, but why be so annoyed with him?" I asked as I was holding Pantherlily. I couldn't help it, he's just too cute and he wasn't complaining. "I just don't trust him." He said, crossing his arms. "Pantherlily, what about you? Did you find him as annoying as she did?" I asked, making him look up at me. "Just a little." He answered, "He really wasn't that bad." Jet said, "Yeah, okay." Grayson rolled his eyes, "So Sugarboy thought you were in love with him?" Lyon asked, barely able to keep a straight look on his face.

"Yes. He automatically thought that when I took my shirt off." Gray said, looking extremely annoyed as Lyon and Ethan started laughing loudly.

"It's not funny!! Shut up!!" Gray shouted at the two, clearly still pissed off at them for laughing at him while I shook my head in annoyance. I didn't remotely find this to be funny, "Will you two stop laughing?!!" I snapped, making Ethan and Lyon both stop laughing. "Why are you still so angry about that?" Lyon questioned, "Because Gray is mine. And I will not have crazy idiots like him, or Juvia take him from me! Now stop laughing before I choke slam the both of you down so hard that you won't be able to get back up." I threatened, making the two of them pale. Juvia let out a huff, knowing that I wasn't going to easily let Gray go.

"My goodness. You really hated Sugarboy hitting on Gray, huh?" Hairi placed an arm around Grayson's shoulder. "The next person who mentions this will have a foot in the face." This kept both my brother and Lyon quiet, while Hairi just chuckled at their reactions. "My god. You two are totally terrified of her." She laughed, teasing the two.

"I am not scared of her!" Lyon said, crossing his arms.

"Yeah! Why would I be scared of my own little sister? She ain't that scary." Ethan shrugged, "Yeah, right." Gray scoffed. "What are you implying over there, Gray? That I am scared of my own little sister?" He questioned.

"Dude... You stole her food and then you practically had a panic attack when she found that her food was stolen. Then you placed the blame on me, so that she didn't kill you." He explained, making me look over at Ethan. "You were the one who stole my FOOD and then tried to blame it on my boyfriend?!!!" I blew up, Ethan jumped at my outburst, he quickly hid behind Gajeel who shrugged him off. "Look.. Tsu... I was really hungry that day and the food was just right there... And I blamed it on Gray because I figured that you wouldn't beat him up. I mean... He is your boyfriend and the two of you live together.." He panicked, hiding behind Lyon as I glared at him.

"You live with Gray?!!" Kai shouted, "Yes. Is that a problem?" I snapped, giving him a look. He paled, laughing nervously. "No.. No.. No.. Not at all. You guys are dating after all." He laughed nervously, waving his hands at me while he shook his head. "Even Kai is scared of her." Hairi chuckled. "You are going to pay for stealing my food later." I turned my attention back to Ethan, who bravely stuck out his chest and put on a brave face. For the rest of the trip, everyone kept relatively quiet with a few of them making small conversation with each other. We got closer to where Natsu's team was when I heard fighting coming from one of the caves.

"Erza." I called out.

"I hear it." Just as soon as we followed the sounds of fighting, I saw that there was a girl who was going to get attacked. Erza quickly stood in the way, blocking the attack.

"Tsu!!" Lucky called out, flying over to me. I quickly wrapped her in a hug, happy to see that she was okay. "Lucy! Thank god you are alright!" I wrapped Lucy in a large hug, which she returned as we smiled at one another. "What are you all doing here?" Lucy asked, looking at our group. "We got all of our clock pieces, we were coming to meet up with you."

"Ezra!!" I looked over at my brother, I rushed over to him and gave him a huge hug. "Tsu, I'm glad to see you're okay." He said, as we pulled apart. They then gave us the rundown of the situation, so Erza, Lyon, Juvia, Mira, Levy, Gajeel, Cana, Natsu, Wendy, Ethan, Ezra, Kai and I all attack Byro simultaneously but he manages to nullify our attacks. This only seemed to agitate me much more than I already was, especially since nothing we did worked. But before anything else can happen, the clock pieces start glowing brighter and come together, letting out a horribly loud gong sound. I covered my ears, dropping to my knees as the sound echoed through the cave. I felt nauseous and dizzy at the same time, which was making the pain in my body much worse. Damn it. "Tsubaki!" I couldn't make out who shouted my name, because of the loud sound. I felt arms wrap around me and slowly opened my eyes to see Lyon on one side, while Gray was sitting on the other side of me.

"I smell something." I could barely make out what Natsu said, but the look on his face said that something was definitely wrong. I looked over to my right, following what Natsu was looking at, to see that a group of people were standing there at the top of the cave. And they weren't just anybody.. They were the people that I hated with all my heart. They were a group of people, I didn't think we would see again.

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