Chapter 76: The Door Of Humans!!

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Third person's pov

Gray was still carrying an unconscious Tsubaki, but this time she was on his back. Lucy and Cana were worried about Tsubaki, seeing the shape she was in. "Look, her clairvoyance magic seems to be doing less harm. Either the battles have stopped or she's getting used to the new power. Either way, she's still in bad shape. We need to get to camp." Cana brushed her brown hair back. Lucy was nervous about how the fight, Leo was fighting.

As the fight continues, Capricorn summons and sends the Hunter of Belparaso Samagui to hunt Lucy. Tsubaki opened her eyes slowly, looking around as she tried to register where she was. She was still on Gray's back, "Where should we go?" Lucy sat down on a boulder, "My best guess is to try and find the camp. I'm pretty sure Mira is there. If we can find the camp, then Tsu can get the rest she needs. That last attack, really took it out of her." Gray suggested, as Cana looked over to Tsubaki.

"Tsu, you're awake?" She nodded slowly, as Gray turned his head towards her. The three of them smiled happily, knowing Tsubaki was okay. "Are you really okay?" Gray asked, as he set her down next to Lucy on the boulder. "Are you okay?" Gray squatted down in front of Tsubaki, "Yeah, I think we should go find the others first. When I felt what they were feeling, I knew that something was definitely up. We should go." She looked up at the three as they smiled, "What? Why are you three smiling at me like that?" She gave them a skeptical look, not knowing why they were happy.

"Look at you, putting others before yourself. You are amazing. Let's go." Tsubaki smiled, as Gray helped her up.

"Where have you been the last 17 years?" Leo stood defensively, Capricorn was contracted to Layla Heartfilia, Lucy's mother. Since Layla passed away that means, Lucy should be his master but she doesn't know about any of this. "I tried to break the rule with my magic." He starts laughing, as Leo scowls at him.

Meanwhile, Natsu slips on a leaf upon landing making Happy giggle. "Natsu, are you okay?" Natsu groaned, as he sat up and rubbed his butt. "Yeah," Natsu stood up, as Happy spotted Zeref not knowing who he is.

"Natsu, who's that?" Happy points his paw to Zeref, "It's the guy who turned my scarf black. What is he doing here?" He sniffs the air and looks up, "Hey!!! You're the guy I fought on Galuna Island! You're Zalty!! Why are you dressed like a girl?!" Natsu pointed to Ultear which pissed her off, "That's because I'm a girl!! Anyways, my name is not Zalty but it's Ultear. I'm here on Tenrou Island for him." She explained and afterwards Natsu scolded her which made her laugh.

Erza, Juvia, Ezra and Ethan started their journey, looking for the others on the island. But then they come to a sudden halt, which was created by Ezra. "Why'd we stop?" Ethan looked up at his brother, "Someone's here." He spoke calmly, "He's right. Someone is here, to take all of you down." A young girl with short spiky pink hair steps out in front of them, but her spunkiness and confidence is what makes Ezra smirk. "You know she reminds of Tsu, when she was a little girl." Ezra looked at his twin, who gave him a smirk.

"I see it." The two stood protectively in front of the girls, as they all got ready to fight Meredy.

"She must be one of the seven kin of purgatory. There's no doubt about it." Ethan stood defensively next to Erza, Meredy attacks them first with her Magic Blades. "Those blades can't cut through me, my body is completely made of water." Juvia becomes confident in her abilities, "Yeah, maybe you won't be affected. But we're not made of water." Ethan retorted, as they jumped out of the way of the incoming blades. But to everyone's surprise the blades hit Juvia which put Erza into a bit of a panic, Ethan blocked the rest of the blades sending them back to Meredy.

"It seems like my mission will be to destroy you fairies." Her monotone voice pissed off Ethan and Ezra.

Tsubaki falls to the floor in pain, cradling her stomach as Gray, Cana and Lucy were walking. "Oh my god! Tsu!" Lucy rushed back towards Tsu, who was crying out in pain on the floor. "Tsu!" Cana and Gray lifted her up, "Tsu, what's wrong?" Lucy's tone was full of worry as Tsubaki cried out, "Someone's hurt." Finally the pain passed, Tsubaki took in deep breathes to calm down.

"Tsu, are you okay?" Cana bent down in front of her, worried that more of their friends were in trouble. "Yeah, yeah.. The pain is gone now. Don't worry, I'm fine." She spoke.

Back with Leo, Capricorn casts a spell called Huma raise, which allows for Human Subordination magic to capture the human.

"That must mean he's being controlled by a human." Leo thought to himself and uses regulus on Capricorn but he is possessed by Capricorn's master, Zeldeo. Capricorn finally recovers from the blow and uses the same magic to cast Zeldeo out of Leo, before he could fully him take over.

"Well, it looks our fight is done. What are you going to do now, Capricorn?" Leo turned to him, as Tsubaki began to feel at peace. "Would I be able to join miss Lucy?" Capricorn asked, "Yeah, come on." Leo and Capricorn retire to the celestial spirit world.

Leo's key shines in Lucy's belt, which meant he was done with his fight. "So how'd it go?" Gray turned his head to Lucy, "It went well. Thank god. And I have another gold celestial key. He says that he's too tired to continue and is sorry for bailing out on you." Lucy sighed, she felt a bit bad that Leo had abandoned Gray.

"What?!! He's my partner!!! He can't just leave like that." Gray yelled making Tsubaki laugh, the three turn their heads to see her laughing and smiled.

"We should split up into two groups, so we can find the seven kin of purgatory faster." Cana suggested, "I know what you're doing! You're trying to get me away so you three can find Master Mavis's grave." Gray pointed out, "Ohh, I think different. Or did you to see me compare cup sizes with both Lucy and Tsu." She grabbed of Lucy's boobs and one of Tsubaki's, who blushed. "No!!" Gray blushed a light of pink and yelled, but he decides to go with it anyway.

"I'll go with Gray. It's better so that if he has trouble, he has help." Tsubaki patted him on the shoulder, "Alright then, just be careful you two!" Lucy waved, "You too!" Tsubaki waved back as they left.

Back at the main camp, Elfman and Evergreen arrive completely exhausted and injured. Levy starts to cry out for everyone on the island to unite, so they could defeat the enemy. "Tsu, what's wrong?" Gray heard her sniffle as he turned back to her, he saw tears. "Levy's crying. Elfman and Evergreen are severely injured and everyone is separated." She wiped her tears and continued walking.

Cana asks Lucy about what she figured out, before as they sat on some boulders. After Lucy relays this information to her, Cana betrays her. She casts a spell on Lucy, making her fall asleep immediately as Cana took Lucy and put her behind some bushes. But after Cana leaves, a large figures shows up standing over Lucy.

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