Chapter 18: Blue Pegasus, Lamia Scale and Cait Shelter

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Tsubaki's pov

We finally got to the place, where we were going to meet up with three other guilds. When we got there, we were introduced to Blue Pegasus's four representatives that would be working with us to defeat the bad guys. "Wow, I've never seen such a beautiful lady before. My name is Hibiki, may you tell your name?" He introduced, taking my hand in his. I blushed lightly, also feeling a little creeped out with his direct approach. "My name is Tsubaki Klein. It's nice to meet you, Hibiki." I said, "Likewise. It is very nice to meet you, Tsubaki Klein of Fairytail." A tall blonde, handsome looking boy said. He held my hand, gently kissing it and I instantly pulled my hand away.

"Listen Hibiki... Thanks for the compliment, but I don't-" I was cut off when I was set on a couch as another boy sat down next to me, while Erza was on the other side of him.

"Here you go, beautiful lady. My name is Eve. It's nice to meet you." The younger blonde of the three gave me a cup of tea, in return, I gave him a small smile. "Well thanks, Eve. That's sweet of you." I said, looking over at Lucy. She happened to be sitting next to a guy named Ren, who seemed not all that interested. After the whole flirting session, which Gray didn't like much, we heard a silky smooth voice, and shivers were sent down my spine.

"Hey Tsu, you okay?" Natsu asked, he must have noticed my shiver.

"That voice... It seems familiar. Oh no, it can't be." Erza said, for the first time I saw her really freaked out. The voice spoke again and a person slides down the banister, to which the three guys said something about him being the boss. Finally, we saw the face behind the voice and I, along with everyone else nearly doubled over. His face was not what I was expecting, considering his voice was silky and smooth.

"Sniff, Sniff. Sniff, Sniff. Man. My beautiful lady, you have an exquisite parfume." He sniffed me, making me hide behind Natsu. This guy makes me uncomfortable, I think Natsu must have picked up on that.

"My lady!" He jumped towards Erza, who seemed to become more freaked out.

"Stay away from me, you creep!" Erza shouted, kicking him harshly. He flew back only to have his head frozen, he fell to the floor and I heard the three boys sigh. "Well look, what the cat dragged in." Gray said, I turned my head to see Lyon and Sherry.

"Lyon!!!!!" I was happy to see and launched myself at him, he caught me as my arms were flung around his neck. Since I was shorter than him, he had to bend down a bit.

"Oh, Hello Tsubaki. How are you?" He asked, looking down at me. He seemed a little surprised at my action, but after a while, he didn't seem to mind. "I'm good, how are you?" I asked, giving him a big smile. "I'm good," He nodded, as I let go of him. I noticed that Gray looked annoyed, when I hugged Lyon.

"So you guys joined a guild?" Natsu asked, "Yes, we are in the guild Lamia Scale." Sherry assured, "Sherry?" Lucy shouted, they must have been rivals back on Galuna Island. Lyon and Gray were fighting, while I just stood there with Natsu. Before Gray and Lyon's argument got any bigger, a tall, older-looking man stopped their fight. "This is Jura, he is one of the ten wizard saints." Lyon introduced, "I heard they were sending only one representative from Cait Shelter." Erza said, "But why only one?" I asked, crossing my arms. "I'm not sure." Lyon shrugged his shoulders, I turned my head as I saw a little girl trip over air and fall flat on her face.

"She's just a little girl!" We all said in unison, as we stared at the small girl. "Are you the wizard from the Cait shelter guild?" I asked as she stood up, "Um... Uh....." The bluenette was obviously shy, which made me wonder why she was the only one from Cait Shelter.

"My goodness girl, stop being so shy." A voice said, my eyes shifted to the door where a white female cat was standing. She must have come here with the little girl, which possibly meant she could be a dragon slayer. I just had a feeling that she must have been one, I had no clue how to explain it. "Carla, you followed me?" The girl asked, "Yes, you know full well that I wouldn't leave you alone to deal with this on your own." Carla explained to the young bluenette. "So what's your name?" Gray asked but before he got an answer Hibiki, Eve and Ren started to flirt with her and that made me angry. I don't know why but ever since I saw her my motherly instincts kicked in, so I kicked them away from her.

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