Chapter 31: I'm with You!

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3rd persons pov

"The Nirvits are the people who created Nirvana, a powerful weapon that can change light to dark. The descendants banded together to form the guild Cait shelter. Now the Oracion Seis's Master, Zero, is using its creation against them. With Nirvana aimed directly at the Cait Shelter guild hall. Natsu and the others must do everything in their power to stop Master Zero before time runs out."

"I can feel my friends' determination and strength flowing through me." Natsu shouted, as fire enshrouded his body. "I shall return you to the nothingness from whence you came." Zero said, as Natsu charged at Zero. "It's go time! Alright guys, let's do this!" Gray said, getting ready to use his ice powers. "Open gate of the Golden Bull, Taurus." Gemini, who turned into Lucy, making her shout at them. "Mooooooooo!!" Taurus shouted, "We're both counting on you, Taurus." Lucy and Gemini said together, "Mooo, if I can do this, do I get a smooch from the two of you?" Taurus asked, "Odor parfume to the max!!" Ichiya shouted, while he charges up an attack.

"Requip! Dark Wing Armor! Here we go!" Erza says, "Grandeeney, lend me your strength." Wendy thought, as she charged up her attack. "Wendy, you can do anything just stay focused." Carla stood, watching and cheering on Wendy.

Natsu charges at Zero, who uses a spell called Genesis, dark purple hands reach out at Natsu. He tells them to eat his soul and Natsu gets overwhelmed with it, disappearing into a large black hole where nothing was to be found. "What the? This sucks, I can't see anything and I'm all out power. What do I do?" Natsu complained, "Natsu, how could you let him defeat you so easily? So disappointing and you call yourself the son of Igneel." A voice says to him and Natsu remembers something. "Oh come on. You don't expect me to shatter this giant rock, do you?" Young Natsu shouted at Igneel, "I'm not asking the impossible, I know you have the power to do it. Stop doubting yourself." Igneel said, "Never forget you are a true dragon slayer and you should take pride in that accomplishment. Know that whatever happens, I, Igneel, will always be proud of you." Igneel says to young Natsu, "Okay, I'll try again." Young Natsu said, with a smile etched on his face. "But I still don't know what to do?" Young Natsu calls out.

"Let's go, ice cannon!" Gray shoots a cannonball, made of ice at the giant lacrima. "Here we go!" Both Gemini and Lucy called out along with Happy, as Taurus jumps up and smacks it with his giant Axe. Ichiya jumps in the air, twirling and punches the giant lacrima calling out odor parfume. "I only have one chance, so I'll put all of my remaining power on this blow." Erza charges at the giant lacrima with her sword, ready to stop Nirvana.

"Sky dragon roar!" Wendy unleashes a giant amount of wind at the lacrima, and Natsu breaks the spell. "How did he come back from the void?" Zero questioned, as Natsu runs towards him. "Just brilliant golden flames, my magic is being punched away!" Zero shouted, as Natsu screams, sounding like a dragon. Natsu's fist collides with Zero's face, "I'm done playing games with you, pal. Dragon Slayer Secret Arts: Crimson Lotus Phoenix Blade." Natsu sends Zero through all of the walls, destroying the first lacrima, in which everyone is able to.

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