Chapter 120: Defeat the Reborn Oracion Seis

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3rd person's pov

Back at the guild hall, Jean-Luc, Levy and Freed were all working on the cracking the code. Luckily, they finally managed to break it completely. "The only way we can truly defeat Real Nightmare is by removing the carved seals of the Infinity Clock, which then will negate the owners rights using the artifact." Jean-Luc explained, looking to the Fairytail members he was with. "Happy's theory was correct. Man.. That is Incredible." Macao said, seemingly shocked that Happy's theory had been correct. "How much do you wanna bet that he wasn't the only one to think of that? I bet Lucky must have thought the same thing." Wakaba smirked, leaning forward in his seat. "Given how smart she is, she probably figured it out before he did." Macao said, looking proud. "There are only four members left of the Reborn Oracion Seis that they have to defeat." Makarov stated, "Come on guys... I know you can do it. And please, please bring Lucy back to us." Levy thought, as she looked down at the text they had been reading. Erza starts her battle with Cobra, his sound magic still being an effective way to fighting her. "I can hear the voices of my friends, their voices are what drives me forward to win." Erza said which seems to frustrate Cobra, he absolutely disliked when heroes spewed mess like this. It was something that always bothered him, especially because he could actually hear their thoughts. "Your words are grating and annoying." He pushes their fight to outside the clock, hoping to keep her away from it.

"I don't understand you, Cobra."

"What don't you understand about me, Titania?"

"Why do you want to bring despair to the people in the same way that you felt while being in the Tower of Heaven? It's not right. Most people who lived outside of the village did not know about the Tower." Erza questioned and instead of responding with words, Cobra just scoffed at her question. "I could care less about the people and their suffering." He said, "I have no friends so it doesn't matter, but you and various others are surrounded by friends. Especially that one blue haired dragon slayer that loves you so dearly." He added, Erza realizes just who he was hinting at. Cobra remembered how Tsubaki had fought harshly against others of his team back then when they first crossed paths with one another. He knew that she was one to stop at nothing to save her friends, no matter how hard it would be. For that Cobra found himself slightly admiring Tsubaki's will and determination, he had heard her thoughts before and realized that she never did what most heroes he encountered did. She never lied. "So you're just jealous at the fact that everyone is surrounded by those they love and cherish? You could have that too, but I doubt you really want that." Erza mocks, resuming their battle.

Meanwhile, the battle between Tsubaki, Ethan, Ezra, Natsu, Elfman, Lucky and Coco against Imitatia still raged on. Tsubaki had made it clear to Imitatia that she was not backing down from the fight and that she was going to get Lucy back. But before anyone could get to her, Lucy's body is finally absorbed whole by the Infinity Clock and sinks down into the depths of the Clock. "Lucy!! No!!" Tsubaki shouted, tears building in her eyes. She stopped in her tracks, as Ethan and Ezra gasped in shock. "Lucy.." Natsu whispered, watching on in complete shock at what he just witnessed. Even Elfman, Coco and Lucky were severely distressed by Lucy's sudden disappearance into the clock. Ethan stared helplessly at the large clock, while Ezra began to get angry. A dark blue aura started to form around him, his eyes finding Imitatia.

"You... You bastard!!!" Tsubaki turned her angry, blue eyes to Imitatia. Her entire body shaking with anger, as she suddenly shrouded herself with her fire, lightning and ice. "You're gonna pay for this!!!" She threw a large fireball at Imitatia, who dodged it but what she didn't expect was to get kicked in the side by Tsubaki. Natsu watched his best friend, shocked by the anger brought on when Lucy was sucked into the clock. The look in her eyes said it all, she was will in to kill in order to save who she loved which scared him. Elfman, Coco and Lucky are shocked by the anger now consuming Tsubaki's mind and actions. Ethan and Ezra couldn't handle this, they had never seen this happen to her. Yes, there were times where she would get so angry that she would fight with everything she had to get to her friends but this was a lot different. "We have to stop her before she does something she regrets!" Coco said, looking over at Elfman. "I know.. I know we have to. But I have never seen this much anger from her. Not even when I first told her that Natsu and Lucy had been kidnapped. This anger... It's different from what she's shown before." Elfman stated, his pupils slightly shaking.

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