Chapter 73: The Battle Between Celestial Spirits!!

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Third person's pov

Tsubaki was thrown into the trees, having some land on her from the impact. "TSUBAKI!!" The four shouted in alarm, when they didn't see movement. "Oh my god," Lucy walked forward, wanting to check on her best friend. "Lucy, look out!!" Leo blocked the attack, taking the hit.

"Cana, go check on Tsu." Leo instructed, but before she could go Capricorn attacked her. "Cana!!" Lucy yelled and rushed forward, just as this happened the area where Tsubaki was began glowing. She cried out in pain, while the area glowed brightly.

Elsewhere on the Island, Natsu was fighting hard against Zancrow, who was trying to overpower him. Lisanna was battling Azuma. Tsubaki could feel everything, for some reason. With Leo fighting Capricorn, the others were able to get to Tsubaki.

"Oh my gosh," Lucy stammered out, seeing her in so much pain. "What the hell?" Gray moved some trees off of her and helped her up. "What is that stuff?" Lucy took hold of one her arms, as Gray held her up. She was leaning on him, and had purple marks running up her arms.

"Tsu, what's going on?" Lucy asked "Gramps is-" Tsubaki let out a yell of pain, clutching gray's shirt tighter. "Tsu?" Cana walked forward, worry etched all over her face. "It must be her clairvoyance magic. She must be feeling what's going on around the island." Cana pushed Tsubaki's hair back, "This isn't good at all. I have a bad feeling about this." She said, as they watched Leo and Capricorn.

Meanwhile, Natsu and Zancrow's battle ends and Natsu finds Makarov lying on the ground. "Gramps, don't die on me." He said, as Makarov opened his eyes. "Natsu, please. Get the others and get off the island. We will surely lose to Grimoire Heart." Makarov pleaded, "I can't do that. I'm not gonna do that. Have you seen Tsu anywhere?" He asked, "Not since we split off. I am worried about her." Makarov spoke, "Why?" Natsu asked, "Because one of the many dragon powers she has, is clairvoyance. I'm most certain she can see and feel everything that happens to all of us Fairytail members on this island. She's emotionally, physically and Mentally connected to us all." Makarov explained, he was honestly worried.

"That means..." Natsu trailed off, realizing what he was getting at. "She's gets hurt, if we get hurt." He said in complete shock, he couldn't believe what he had just found out.

"Come on Gramps, we gotta find her." Natsu went to pick him, but was stopped by none other than Zancrow. "Tsu, hang in there." Gray sensed the utmost urgency in Lucy's voice, fearing how much Tsu was really hurting.

Natsu begins to shake in fear, which didn't go unnoticed by Makarov or Zancrow. "Are you shaking so much in fear because you can't beat me?" Zancrow laughed at Natsu, "What troubles him enough to make him shake with such fear? Where did he learn this?" Makarov thought to himself, "No!!! That's not what I fear! Someone might defeat Hades before I do." This throws them both for a loop and for Makarov to yell, while Zancrow gets angry.

On another part of the island Lisanna, Mira and Azuma's battle begins. Lisanna attacks with such speed and has the slight advantage, since she can shift quickly into different things using her take over spells. Mira stood back, watching as her sister fought. "It's amazing how fast she can attack and change her spells. She really has grown into an amazing mage." Mira thought as she watched, but noticed that Azuma could dodge and manages a counterattack.

Soon enough, Mira steps in seeing that Lisanna is starting to have problems with him and she becomes serious. "You shouldn't underestimate the mages of Fairytail. You'll grow to regret that later." Mira said sternly, making Azuma chuckle.

Zancrow and Natsu's battle begins again. Zancrow soon overpowers Natsu, trapping him in his Fire God's supper, a type of fire that is inescapable and does not stop until the target has been burned to ashes. Natsu tries eating it but fails, realizing that he couldn't eat it as he started to yell in pain. This causes Makarov to use his Giant Magic and grabs Zancrow. He begins to squeeze Zancrow, in an attempt to stop him from hurting Natsu. So in turn of him begining to panic a bit, Zancrow to set his flames on Makarov but Makarov's grip strengthens even more. "Stop hurting him!" Makarov started to feel the toll and pain this took on his body.

Tsubaki falls over onto her knees, but all three of them caught her before she hit the ground. "Tsu..." Lucy started to worry and it only got worse, with Leo getting beat up. Tsubaki stops crying in pain and is lifted back onto her feet by Cana, Lucy and Gray, she pants heavily but opens an eye enduring the pain. Seeing Leo in trouble made her want to help, so she pushed down her pain.

"Tsu, are you feeling any better?" Lucy sounded worried, as well had a concerned look on her face. "I'll be fine. It's nothing, I can't handle. I gotta help Leo before that guy does some serious damage and I won't be able to help him." She said, "Are you crazy?! You're in no shape too. Obviously, your clairvoyance magic is causing you pain." Lucy argued, she didn't want Tsubaki to fight in her condition.

"And what should I do then?! I'm pushing down the pain to help our comrade. Remember Leo and I are the only ones, who can actually handle this guy." Tsubaki stood up a little more, not wanting to back down.

"But Lucy is right. Your dragon slayer magic is playing against you right now. Just look at you right now." Cana argued back, "They both have valid points, Tsu. I think it wouldn't be a good idea either, your simply not in the best condition to fight." Gray agreed with Cana and Lucy, "Uh oh, lover boy's siding with us now." Cana said smugly and Lucy shook her head.

"Didn't you realize something? Leo is in trouble and I'm the only other person that put a scratch on Capricorn. Remember your attacks did nothing, you couldn't put a scratch on him which makes me the only one left to help him." Tsubaki insisted, "Alright," They sighed, as Tsubaki stood up straighter.

Eventually Natsu's Magic reserves fall empty, and for a moment they thought he was finished. However, he proves them wrong as it turns out emptying his body of Magic lets him eat the inedible fire of Zancrow. Natsu then casts his final attack, Dragon God's Brillant Flame, to defeat Zancrow.

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