Chapter 105: Trail of Myth

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3rd person's pov

Natsu and his team encounter both Dan and Coco, inside the underground crypt. It didn't take long for things to go awry with this group, especially after Dan spotted Lucy standing behind Michelle. In Lucy's arms was Lucky, who was wary of both Dan and Coco considering the last time they ran into them. "It's destiny that we keep crossing paths." Dan spoke in a loving tone, causing Lucky to shiver slightly. She didn't like the way Dan would come onto Lucy so strongly, especially because Lucy was also uncomfortable with it too. Ezra rolled his eyes, starting to feel a bit protective of Lucy. To him, Lucy was like a sister, not only to him but the other two Klein siblings. The three of them care very much for Lucy, because Lucy has done a lot for them. Natsu attacks Dan, but he reflects it, causing the attack to set Lucy on fire.

"AHHHHHHHH!!" Lucky panicked, "Natsu, you idiot!! Watch your surroundings!!" Ezra snapped, looking over at Natsu.

"It's not my fault!!" Natsu shouted, irritated at Ezra. "Yes, it is!! You didn't bother to pay attention to where Lucy, Lucky and the others were standing!! She could have seriously been hurt!!" He argued. The group then takes the chance to escape using the distraction accidentally caused by Dan, destroying some ruins to run away. Dan pops up out of nowhere, scaring Lucky as he talks to Lucy about their love, which still freaked Lucky out.

"Hey, I know you want to be all lovey dovey right now, but we still have a mission to do." Coco reminded, rolling her eyes at Dan's behavior. Natsu takes this time to attack Dan again, but he reflects the attack and sets Lucy on fire again. Ezra acts quickly, using his powers to put out the fire and attacked Dan. "You need to stay away from Lucy, you weirdo!!" Ezra's fist lands squarely on Dan's jaw, since he didn't see that coming. "How did you manage to hit him, but I couldn't?" Natsu whined, "Shut up, Natsu! Maybe if you paid more attention to fighting Dan. You would be able to hit him!!" Ezra snapped, making Natsu yell at him. Dan tries to use Habaraki to shrink down Natsu and Ezra, but he misses and hits Lucy and Lucky instead. "Ahh!! He shrunk us!!" Lucky shouted, "Damn it." Ezra muttered under his breath, standing to his feet. "Turn us back to normal!" Lucy said, "No, I don't think so. I'd much rather keep you this small and put on my desk as a decoration. I wouldn't mind keeping the cat either." Dan said, smiling down at Lucy and Lucky. "Ahh!! He's creepy, Lucy!!" Lucky cried, "Ezra!!! Help!!" She added, "It'll be okay, Lucky. I promise."

"Dan, fight him later. We still need to find that clock piece." Coco said, as Lucy begins to feel dizzy so she summons Sagittarius, only to find that he was affected by Dan's magic as well. Sagittarius fires and arrow at Dan, but it has no effect on him, so he uses it as a toothpick. Lucky begins to panic, as Sagittarius had no effect on Dan. Dan is about to attack Sagittarius, when Happy tells him to look out and steps on the spirit himself. "Happy, watch where you're going!!" Lucky shouted, clinging to Lucy's leg.

"You bastard!! Didn't I tell you to stay away from Lucy?!!" Ezra charge forward at Dan, who quickly dodged him. Dan uses his lance, trying to hit him but he narrowly dodges it.

"Dan, would you like to marry Lucy in the crypt?" Michelle asked, "It's perfect place and it's holy." She added, "I would love too!" Dan allows Michelle to do the bridal plan, "The Honeymoon will be an all around-the-world cruise, you will be constellations called the "Married Lovebirds" that will decorate the sky." Michelle explained, making Dan smile brightly.

"She really had this whole thing planned out, didn't she?" Ezra asked, sweatdropping as he looked at Dan and Michelle. "Yeah, it seems so." Lucy said with a sigh, not excited by all the wedding talk. Dan suddenly smells something horrible, which was Romeo's yellow fire. Romeo had snuck up behind Dan when he was distracted and set a fire underneath Dan's armor. The smoke pours out of Dan's armor, causing Lucky and Lucy to be flying from Dan. "I gotcha!!" Romeo tries to use his purple fire to catch the two, but they are caught by Happy. "Thanks, Happy!" Lucky smiled up at Happy, who smiled down at her. Before they could celebrate, they are attacked by Dan's Habaraki, but Dan misses his targets and hits Lucy, Lucky and Happy. Everyone is relieved when Lucy and Lucky are back to their normal size, but are shocked to find that Happy is now really huge.

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