The Lost Dragon Christmas Special: A Very Special Christmas

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Tsubaki's pov

"What are you doing?!! Get away from that!!" I was woken up to loud arguing coming from three distinctive voices, one coincidentally came from my boyfriend. I sat up, rubbing my eyes as I let out a yawn. I was annoyed seeing as I was extremely tired. Besides, our entire team which also included Kai, Laxus, Gajeel and Juvia went on a job last night and because of it, we got home very late. My brothers also came along seeing as they had to end up joining our team, since nobody wanted them on theirs. I was extremely tired, but had to somehow pull energy from deep in my body to set up the party. Since Lucy's apartment was too small, we decided to have the party at my place. We had much more space, plus this was our first Christmas with First Master Mavis. I had invited her to the party, because she had done so much for us within the past seven years. I shoved the covers off, throwing my legs over the side of the bed and stood up. As I rubbed my eyes, I didn't realize that I didn't have pants on, I was in one of Gray's oversized hoodies. I walked out into my living room, spotting Gray, Ezra and Natsu which was weird. I was shocked to see that the place was decorated, so early in the morning. "What are you three doing?" I asked, scratching my head. Gray and Natsu stopped arguing, the three looked over at me. "Well, I wanted it to be a surprise. Since we got back from the job so late, I wanted to decorate the place before you woke up. Since we have a long list of what to do for the party, I wanted to make it easier on you." Gray explained, making me smile lightly at him. I walked over still half asleep and wrapped him in a large hug, "Thank you, Gray. You're so sweet. You too, Natsu, Ezra." I smiled at the two, who only gave me a smile back. "Now that you are awake.... Can you explain why you're not wearing pants?" Ezra asked, pointing to my exposed legs. "Oh come on, I live here. Get used to not seeing me wear pants, I wear Gray's hoodie to bed." I said, "You only wear that to bed?!!" Ezra shouted, "Oh here we go... I'll go get ready... Jeez." I let out a sigh, walking away from the three of them and headed back towards my bed. I grabbed some fresh clothing and headed into my bathroom. After getting dressed, I heard more arguing and a large boom was heard from the kitchen. Ezra and I headed to investigate to see the kitchen was covered in cake batter and flour, I looked to see that Gray and Natsu were covered in the same thing and still arguing. I bursted into laughter, watching the two fight each other as they were covered in all that flour.


Everyone started arriving at my place, the first person to appear was First Master Mavis and Gramps. "So this is where you and Gray live?" She asked, staring everything in awe. Gramps just sat on the couch, watching First  Master Mavis stare at things in awe. "Yeah," I smiled, watching as Lucky gave her a tour of the place. The next set of people to arrive were Ethan, Lisanna, Mira, Elfman, Erza and Lucy. It wasn't long before Laxus, Gildarts, Gajeel, Wendy, Cana, Carla, Pantherlily and the others to arrive at my place which was now crowded. "Wait, so these two were in a kitchen together?" Erza laughed, "Yeah, odd enough. Yes.. Ezra and I were out here setting up the table, when we heard a loud boom." I explained, "Who blew up the cake?" Lucy asked, "I bet it was the pyro." Gajeel taunted, making Natsu glare at him. "I did not blow up that cake!! The ice princess did it!" Natsu snapped, pointing to Gray. Natsu was lucky that I had some of his clothes stashed here, I know, it's odd but Natsu has come here with his clothes torn up before. The two of had changed before Master Mavis and Gramps arrived, so they had enough time to clean my kitchen. "Who you calling ice princess, flame-for-brains? If you hadn't overheated the batter, it wouldn't have exploded!" Gray argued, standing to his feet.

"Oh here we go..." Lucy sighed, "Do they always fight like that?" Kai asked, looking to Lucy and I. "Yes, they do." I said, watching as I saw them drag Gajeel into the argument.

"So how long have you two been living together exactly?" Uncle Grayson asked.

"Well, they started living fully together after we got back. Apparently Gray used to sleep over here all the time and we had no clue until, Ethan barged in one day while they were making out!" Ezra raised his voice slightly, making the others flinch slightly. "Oh come on, I apologized for not telling you guys!! But to honest, I'm old enough to be living with my boyfriend. Jeez." I threw my arms in the air, annoyed with him.

"Alright!! Alright!!! Everyone stop arguing!" Erza snapped, making all of us go quiet. "Look, we're here to celebrate Christmas together.. So let's celebrate, instead of fighting each other." Erza smiled.


"Oh yeah, I just want to dance with you all night!!" Ethan screamed into the mic, as a result Gajeel and Natsu started to make fun of him while Ezra and I just sighed. First Master Mavis and Gramps were shocked to see what was going on, but it seemed that they were enjoying this. Laxus wasn't paying much attention to what was happening, but when Gildarts fell off the small stage he couldn't help but laugh. Bixlow was laughing just as hard, as Natsu and Gajeel were. I shook my head, watching Ethan stumble around drunkingly and singing horribly into the mic. Levy was nearly drunk due to Hairi and Cana trying to out drink each other, while Uncle Grayson just shook his head at what they were doing. I could tell from the way that Uncle Grayson looked at Hairi, he must have been interested in her in some way.

"He does this every year... Maybe, we should confiscate alcohol from him, like, forever." Ezra sighed, "Yeah, we should..." I took a sip of my drink, before bursting out into laughter as Gildarts climbed back on the stage and tackled Ethan for the mic. "What are they doing?" Natsu cracked up, which resulted in him falling out of his chair. This is absolutely crazy... Maybe this Christmas really is just crazy. I smiled, watching the others laugh and have a good time. Lucky was talking with Pantherlily, having a great time as Wendy was talking with Kai and Erza. Jellal, Lyon and Meredy were all talking with Juvia and laughing.

"Hey," Warm arms wrapped my waist, I could instantly tell who it was. "Hey." I smiled, "You okay?" Gray asked, but I didn't answer as I was looking over at my Uncle Grayson. When I didn't answer, he turned me towards him. "I'm okay.. I just.. I just miss my Dad.. Uncle Grayson looks just like him.." I sighed, looking at the floor. "I'm sorry, I know how much you loved your Dad, Tsu. But don't let that keep you from getting to know your uncle, he seems like a cool guy." Gray put his hand under my chin, making me look up at him. "By the way, I got you something." I quirked an eyebrow at him, he pulled out a small jewelry box out of his pocket.


"I love you with all my heart, Tsubaki Klein.. One day, I hope that you will want to continue to be with me enough to live the rest of your life with me." He opened the box, showing a beautiful ring which was attached to a beautiful necklace. He put the necklace on my neck, making me look up at him with a teary smile. "I will always want to spend my life with you, Gray Fullbuster.. I love you." I sniffled, "I, uh, got you something too." I pulled out the small box from my back pocket, I had gotten him the same kind of necklace he got me. "I love you too, Tsubaki Klein." He smiled, as I put the necklace on him. I took a small step back but before I could get further, Gray grabbed my face and kissed me. I immediately kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck. Outside the snow started to fall and for the first time in a long while, I felt truly happy with where I was.

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