Chapter 72: Dragon protector vs. Celestial spirit

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Tsubaki's pov

We were all mostly exhausted, seeing as none of our attacks were hitting Capricorn properly. I stood up across from Leo, behind Capricorn. "Damnit, how is it that none of our attacks are affecting him?" Cana panted, "I have no idea." Lucy spoke, "Well, I'm gonna try something." I stood up, "What are you doing?! Are you nuts?" Leo yelled at me, he didn't like my idea. "No, I'm not. But since none of the attacks we laid on him has had any effect on him, I'm gonna try something else." I put my hair up in a ponytail, and walked from my spot.

After I had gotten my powers, Gray and I were out training one day and we ran into Hibiki. He taught me something, about being a dragon protector.

"So you've come to fight me on your own?" He asked, "Yeah, I have." I threw my jacket and purse on the ground. My boots dug into the ground, as I took my fighting stance. "Everyone, stand back." I shifted my eyes to them and back to Capricorn.

"Wait, Tsu... Are you seriously thinking about taking him on your own?" Gray didn't seem to like this idea, I didn't blame him but I also didn't like that he was doubting me.

"Yeah, I am Gray. And no matter what you say, I'm not changing my mind. I think the only other person other than me, that can actually handle him is Leo. And I believe this because he's a celestial spirit as well." I got into my defensive stance, "Let's see how you fair out then." I charged at him, "Lightning Dragon iron fist!!!" I punched Capricorn, but he deflected it somehow and sent the force right back at me.

"Tsu!!" Cana yelled as I flew back, but I used my hands so I wouldn't fly far back. I flipped over onto my feet, and rubbed my cheek. "He reflected my attack. But how did he do that?" I dodged another attack, "Iron dragon iron fist!!" I caught him in the place he wasn't guarded and actually hit him.

"She hit him!!!" Leo shouted, in shock that I hit Capricorn. "Alright!! Keep at it, Tsu." I slid back on my feet, holding my ground. "You seem to have caught me off guard. That will not happen again." Capricorn turned around to face me, "You sure about that?" I pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear, looking at Capricorn.

"I'm sure of it, that you will not be able to hit me again after this." I charged at him, but he dodged me and I quickly retaliated before he could hit me.

I flipped over him, landing on my hands and sliding back making sure I was looking for him. But I didn't see him at all, "Behind you!!" I quickly turned around, making an X with my arms blocking his hit. Most of the hit took a toll on my arms, but I slid back all the way.

"Above you!!!!!" I leapt out the way of his attack and retaliated, "Fire dragon secret arts: Dragon God's Brilliant flame!!" I used this attack, because I could tell Natsu was giving it his all on the other part of the island. "She learned Natsu's secret arts attack?!!" Cana and Leo shouted in alarm, while Capricorn flew back from the attack.

"I see you're no ordinary dragon slayer. You have multiple dragon slayer magic. What exactly are you?" He asked, he seemed cautious.

"I'm the one they call, The Dragon Protector. I was born and destined to have the many powers of all dragons and dragon slayers and my one job is to protect them all. But my one true job is to my guild and guild mates, and that's to protect them with all I've got. I will not let you hurt my friends anymore than you already have."

Lightning surrounded me, as I walked towards him. "Feisty. I like a good fight." He moved swiftly, kicking me in the back. Some spit flew out of my mouth, as I was flipped on my back. "Tsu, get up!!!" Cana yelled, but I couldn't get up. "Damn it!" Leo yelled and I heard rushing footsteps.

"Stop!!! It's trap!!!" I turned onto my stomach and struggled to my feet, "Ha! I got you!!!" I growled, "Gray! Leo! get out of there!!!" Lucy shouted in fear, as I stumbled around.

I pushed myself to run faster and kicked Capricorn in the back, "Get back!!!" I shoved Gray and Leo out of the way, as Capricorn flipped over me. I turned my head quickly but before I could do anything, I was kneed in the stomach and slammed onto the ground making Gray really angry.

"Tsu!!!" Lucy yelled in horror, as I kicked upwards hitting Capricorn. Capricorn fell back, stumbling on his feet.

"Lightning dragon Roar!!!!" I attacked him with full force.

"Damn," He caught the attack, throwing it back me. I jumped into the air, flipping over.

"Lightning Dragon iron talon!!!!" I kicked Capricorn, but he used his arms to block it. "Don't think I'm gonna let you win this one!!!" I flipped over, making sure he couldn't grab my leg. I slid back holding my ground, but what I had noticed was the way he looked at Lucy and that was what scared me.

"Why is he looking at Luce like that? She doesn't know him does she? I can tell that he wants something from her or he wants her. But why? Why is he looking at Luce like she's his prey? I don't have a good feeling about this. It seems like he can't tell, she's Lucy Heartfilia. I gotta keep him away from Lucy."

Sweat dripped down the side of my temple, as I shifted my gaze back and forth from Lucy to Capricorn.

"You shouldn't let your guard down!" I caught Capricorn's fist, and slid back at bit at the impact. "Fire Dragon Iron Fist!!!" I punched at Capricorn, but he dodged it and I ducked. I flipped over him, kicking him directly in the back but he quickly retaliated and kicked me harder than I did. I flew back, hitting the trees behind Cana, Gray and Leo.

"Tsu!!!" Cana, Leo, Gray and Lucy yelled, as the trees collapsed on top of me.

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