Chapter 83: Frozen Spirit

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Tsubaki's pov

I smiled knowing that everyone was now capable of protecting themselves, I looked up at the sky but I started to worry about Lucky. I hadn't seen her since we were on the ship together, coming to tenrou and I was surprised when Ethan didn't show up with her by his side.

"Tsu, you okay?" Natsu looked back at me, "Yeah, I'm just worried about Lucky." I sighed, looking back at Natsu. "You haven't seen her?" Gramps asked and I shook my head, "No, not since we got off the boat to get to the island. She was with Ethan and Ezra. Now I don't know where she is." I shrugged with a sigh and then pouted at my older brother, "Oh come on, Tsu. You know I didn't mean to lose her, right?" I sighed and shook my head as we walked. At the time I didn't realize that something big was going on behind the scenes, but I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Why did you decide to tell us about one of your owns schemes?" Ezra stood next to Erza as they both stood in front of Azuma. "I needed to." Azuma stated, "Why are you trying to build the ultimate magic world?" Ezra questioned but before he could tell the reason why they wanted to build it, he turned into a giant tree.

"What's happening to you?" Ezra questioned, "I overused my magic, this is a side effect." Because of his defeat, everyone on the island was able to continue with their battles and have their magic back. Gildarts sends Bluenote flying back shattering his black hole, which caught Bluenote off guard.

"Hairi, are you okay?" Lisanna rushed over to Hairi's side, "Yeah, I will be. I just need to rest for a moment. I am very lucky that Lucky was there to save me from that last attack." Hairi suddenly got this weird feeling in her chest, although they had managed to take down Rusty Rose with the help of Lisanna and Elfman.

"Hairi, is something wrong?" Elfman asked, "I don't know. I just have a weird feeling that something bad will happen. It's like the feeling you get when you're anticipating an attack." Hairi explained to them, "Come on, we should sit you down on something." Elfman took Hairi from Lisanna and sat her her down on a small bench that managed to stay intact, although there was a huge battle that had just taken place. "Thanks Elfman, I should get as much rest as I can before going." She held her side and leaned back against the table, "What do you mean by leaving? Where are you going?" Bixlow questioned, turning his body to her. "I'm gonna see if I can find the other members. I have a bad feeling something will happen with Tsubaki and I need to get to her, before someone in Grimoire Heart does. That one girl can cause a lot of trouble." She chuckled, holding her side with one eye closed due to the pain.

"Why do you need to find her?" Lisanna questioned, "Because there could be someone in Grimoire heart after her for her powers." Freed realized that she was right, as he had learned what they did when she was found.

"The Tenrou Tree fell, that's why we couldn't use any magic. That tree provides magic and protection to anyone in the guild." Makarov explained as they headed to the main camp. The bushes rustled making Elfman, Freed and Bixlow be on their guard but then a figure came crashing down which so happened to be Ethan. "Itetetete, Tsu did you have to shove me?" Ethan asked, looking up at his little sister. "Yes, I did." The three men relaxed, "Elfman!! Lisanna!!" Tsubaki called out as Lucy and the others came from behind the bush. In that moment, Lucky had just come from tending the wounds and saw Tsubaki hugging Lisanna. "Tsubaki!" Lucky cried out, which made her let go of Lisanna and run towards her. The two embraced each other happy to finally see each other after being attacked separately, "I was so worried when Ethan told me, he separated from you and Ezra. Thank god, you made it here." Tsubaki had tears in the corners of her eyes, relieved to see that her best friend was okay.

"It's nice to see everyone. What happened here?" Makarov looked to Freed and Bixlow, "We were attacked by one of the seven kin of purgatory." Lisanna explained fully to what had taken place and they decided to split into two teams.

One for attacking and the other for defense. "It's great to see you are okay Tsu, I was start-" A beam of light shot out from among the tree line and before anyone could react, the beam hit Hairi through the side and another one through the shoulder. "Hairi!!!" Lucy shouted in shock and they all had their guard up. "Who did that?! Show yourselves!" Ethan shouted, out as he looked around the area and a figure stepped out, "You!" Tsubaki and Ethan said in shock, as the figure tried to shoot Natsu but it was blocked by Tsubaki's sword.

"Why are you here?" Tsubaki gave the person a deadly glare and instead of answering, the figure laughed.

Currently, Ultear managed to convince Gray into using Iced Shell against Hades, to fulfill Ur's mission of avenging her husband. She soon leaves and meets up with Meredy, "I've turned him into a pawn, by feeding him worthless lies about my mother." She explained to Meredy, noticing Juvia's unconscious body. So she decides to kill her, but Gray steps in and stops her. "I could never fall for your lies." Gray held onto an unconscious Juvia, while he solely glared at Ultear.

"You shouldn't underestimate me. I'm the leader of the Seven Kin of Purgatory." Ultear stated, but Gray didn't care for her statement and landed the first blow.


"What the hell are you laughing at?" Ethan quickly became frustrated with the guy, "What did you come here for?" Tsubaki stood guard in front of Natsu, who was still holding onto a slightly conscious Makarov. "I've come on an important mission to kill both you and your brothers." Makarov's eyed widened, as he remembered something.

Flashback... A week before The Class trials...

"Master, can I talk to you in private?" Makarov looked up to see a man, "Yeah sure. Follow me." The young man following Makarov happened to be a member of Tsubaki's family. He was the youngest sibling out of the three siblings on her father's side of the family and joined Fairytail way before Natsu and the others did. He has short black hair and blue eyes and mostly resembled his older brother which was Tsubaki's father, when he saw Tsubaki after she joined he learned a great deal of things especially that his older brother was now dead. "What is it that you wanted to talk to me about?" Makarov asked, sitting on his desk after he had closed the door. "Since I've been tracking this guy. I learned that he might be in a small group that killed my older brother and his wife. I tracked him all the way and found out that he's in a dark guild called Grimoire Heart. I need you to be on the lookout for a guy named Carson but I have a feeling Tsubaki, Ethan and Ezra already know him." He handed Makarov a picture of the guy, he had short brown hair and red eyes.

"Why do you think that Tsubaki and her brothers will recognize him, Shiroichi?" Makarov questioned looking up at him. Shiroichi was his first but he had changed it so that Tsubaki and her brothers couldn't recognize him, he never liked his full name so he simply shortened it. "Sorry, I forgot you changed the name. As I ask again, why do you think Tsubaki and her brothers know him, Shiro?" Makarov questioned, "Because I believe he was there that day in the house with Tsubaki when they killed her parents and he was the one to take Ethan after Tsubaki and Ezra escaped." Makarov's eyes widened at the news.

Flashback over......

"There's no way in hell that will be happening, I'm not letting anyone else harm anymore more of my friends just because you're after my sister." Ethan stated standing in a defensive stance, "Then I'd like to see you try." He chuckled, pulling out a sword. "No, Ethan. I'll handle him." She put a hand out in front of her older brother and stepped forward, "You're fighting me, Carson." Hairi had managed to stand up, but was in shock hearing the name.

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