Chapter 131: Getting Stronger Together

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Tsubaki's pov

I was surprised to find myself standing across a trio of people who used to be our foes just a few years ago, I had heard when we got back from Tenrou that Jellal had escaped from prison but I had no clue about Meredy and Ultear. Kai looked confused as to why we were all surprised by seeing the three in front of us, "I don't totally understand what's going on here.." Kai whispered to me, "Do you know these three people?" He asked, "Yes, we do." Was all I said, my eyes staying locked on Jellal. "We fought Meredy and Ultear back on Tenrou Island. They had come to the island in search of Zeref, who was on Tenrou when we had our S Class Trials." Ethan explained, "We fought and defeated them before the Island was attacked by Acnologia and we ended up in that seven year long coma." He finished, looking at Meredy and Ultear. "Jellal came before they did. It wasn't long after Lucy had just joined the guild. He and some others were friends of Erza's when she was a child and Jellal had become her villain after something happened to him. He basically decided to have their friends kidnap Erza and bring her to the place they had been trapped in. Natsu and Erza were the main ones who fought him in the end... Then we ran into him again when Nirvana threatened Cait Guild, which was Wendy's old guild. It was there that Jellal had been arrested by the council." I explained, Ethan and Ezra were not around at the time that we fought Jellal at the Tower of Heaven. "Wow.. All that happened in such a short span of you joining the guild?" He turned to look at Lucy, who stood closer to Natsu than I did. "Yeah, it's been so long since it happened though. We've been through a lot together as a guild." Lucy frowned lightly, "That's why you are so protective of everyone." Kai turned his attention back to me, I only nodded and looked at Erza in concern. Both of my brothers looked very wary of the three in front of us, I noticed that Meredy looked older than what Juvia had described back when she first fought her.

"Jellal," Erza started, "You haven't changed, Erza. I take it you've heard about my prison break?" He asked, "Yes." Erza said.

"We all heard about it when we came back from Tenrou." I chimed in.

"It was never my intent, though." He said, "Meredy and I broke him out." Ultear said, I looked at her slightly confused as to why she had broken him out when he was serving time for all the wrong things he had done. Not just to Erza but to everyone else. "I didn't do anything. It was all you, Ultear!" Meredy exclaimed. "Meredy," Juvia whispered. "Long time, no see, Juvia." She smiled, I couldn't believe this was the same young girl that Juvia had to knock out and fight on Tenrou. The same girl who used her Link magic to make Juvia, Gray and I suffer while they fought.

"Jellal broke out?!!"

"They're members of Grimoire Heart!" Everyone behind us started freaking out, I could understand as the last time we saw any of these people, we had fought them in battles. "Take it easy." I called, there was no reason that we needed to harbor any ill-will towards them anymore and it seemed that they weren't here to cause problems. When I looked at Jellal, I got the sense that he had finally come to terms with what he had done in the past and that he was looking for a way to help us. "They're not our enemy now." Erzaa stated, "Right?" She and I looked to Ultear and Jellal, "Indeed." Jellal nodded, "I've committed too many sins in my life for me to atone for them all. So I want to at least bring salvation to the people whose lives I've ruined. That is my wish."

"Jellal, for example."

"It's okay. You and I were both possessed by the darkness."

"It's all in the past."

"Jellal. Your memory..." Erza trailed off, I remember that the last time we saw Jellal, he had no recollection of anything that happened in the past. It had seemed that he lost his memory and when he was taken away, we all felt very upset about him having to be put in prison. "I clearly remember now. Everything. My memory returned six years ago, while I was still imprisoned." He said, I shuffled away from Gray and stepped closer to Erza and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Erza..." He started, "I'm... not sure how to apologize to you.." Jellal trailed off once more, trying to find his words. "I bear the blame for what happened at the Tower of Heaven. I was the one controlling Jellal. So, please, don't blame him too much." Ultear spoke, I looked between her and Jellal in confusion. Then it hit me, Gray had told me that during his battle with her on Tenrou, she revealed herself to be Ur's daughter. The one that she had lost, according to what Gray told me about his fight with her, she explained that she was locked in the Tower of Heaven. "I could either spend the rest of my life in prison or to be executed. I had accepted that. Until they broke me out, at least." Jellal chimed in. "Does that mean you have a new purpose to live for?" Wendy asked, "Wendy.." Jellal turned his attention over to her. "I should note that the Jellal you know and I seem to be different people."

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