Chapter 48: Kazuki vs. Ethan vs. Ezra

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Lucy's pov

"So you decided to show your dirty face after all?" Ezra sneered, "Yeah, well I'm surprised to see you alive. I thought that I had killed you already. Well, it seems that's not the case, and look at how big you've gotten, Tsubaki." He smirked, he was wearing a white long-sleeved shirt and black pants. He also had on a black leather jacket, and his pink hair laid close to his head.

"Oh, don't look so mad at me Tsubaki, or is that fear?" I looked to Tsubaki, her facial expression gave it away. She was angry, but her eyes held an emotion I couldn't read. "You better leave her alone." Natsu growled, "Shut it, Fairy." The pink-haired guy snapped and turned his head to Ethan, "So Ethan, why exactly did you call me here?" He walked over to them, "Hey, you stay away from Tsu!" Gray shouted, as I realized this entire time she had still been chained up.

"Well, you should know. Considering the fact you attacked my siblings, as kids and you are one of the people behind the murder of my parents." Ethan stepped forward and stopped next to Tsubaki, "He what?" All of us looked at Ezra, seeing his face made me realize that this was affecting him too. "You bastard." His hand glowed and I backed up along with Gray, Natsu, and Lyon.

Pretty soon a red aura surrounded him, and the wind around us picked up. "It seems someone's angry. I have to say you are a pretty tough dude, but is your little sister?" He pointed his hand at her and suddenly a large flash of light was released and Tsubaki was hit in the side, causing all of us to shout.

"Tsu..." Tears filled my eyes, as I saw her face go from panic to nothing. Her pupils clouded over and she fell backward, "You bastard..." Ethan looked so angry, the wind around us picked up, and I looked back at Ezra.

"Tsu?" Ethan bent down next to his sister and shook her to see if she was okay. His eyes widened and his face contorted in pain and Ezra realized something, "No, she can't be." He said in shock and I looked down at Tsubaki and then something scary happened. It didn't even take a minute before Ezra lost all of his composure, and his powers started shining through. "Whoa," Natsu said, standing in shock. "So you're gonna fight me, huh?" He taunted, making Ezra growl. "Kazuki, you're dead!!" Ezra charged at him at the pink-haired guy named Kazuki, who dodged him. "Flame Dragon Roar!!!" He let out a giant cloud of fire that seemed different from Natsu's flame, I could feel the heat all of us could feel the heat.

It was intense, "These flames it's so powerful and intense. This is truly amazing. Could this truly be the power of the siblings?" Erza said and we all felt the ground shake.

"What's going on?" Sherry asked, and a figure came flying our way. It was headed straight for me, so Gray acted quickly and pulled me out of the way and the figure landed. "Ethan, you'll pay for this!" Ezra shouted and charged at his brother, and the two started fighting. They were able to keep up with each other, it was incredible. "No, stop it." I squinted my eyes, seeing a figure sitting upright. "Tsu." The smoke cleared and I saw Tsubaki trying to stand to her feet, but her brothers weren't paying attention.

"You should have stayed down, kid." Kazuki said from behind me, he shot his hand out again. "Ice make lance!" Gray stopped him, from attacking her. "Hey! You two stop fighting! Can't you see Tsubaki is sitting up?" I yelled at them, but they ignored me.

"They aren't gonna listen, Ezra is too angry at Ethan to back down." Erza said, "Which means?" I turned to her, this is getting too out of hand. "It means we have to stop them ourselves," Mira said, with a stern look on her face. "Don't get in my way!!" Kazuki shot a big blast off at us, sending everyone flying back. "I gotcha!!" I looked up, seeing Lucky holding me "Thanks Lucky." She set me down next to Gray, who had been badly injured. "Gray, are you alright?" I asked and helped him off the floor. "Alright, that's it. We're getting involved now!" Lyon shouted and charged forward, towards the brothers. "Wait, Lyon stop!" Erza called out, stopping Lyon in his tracks.

"What's wrong?" Natsu asked, looking back at Erza. "Those two won't stop for nothing. They'll keep going until one of them falls." Erza said, "Which means it's gonna be impossible to stop them. Once Ezra goes for something, he doesn't stop." Lisanna said to us, "Sore O tomemasu!!!!" The fighting between Ezra and Ethan stopped as soon as we heard Tsubaki shout, her brothers' turned their attention to her. "Tsu..." I trailed off, watching her closely.

"You two need to stop fighting! This isn't the time to fight each other. Mom and Dad would not have wanted you two to do this! They would have wanted us to work together, not fight each other!" Tears were streaming down her face, as her brother's stared at her in shock.

"So we have to work together. We have to take down the person, that killed our parents. Don't you get that? So stop fighting and help me take him down!" She shouted, looking up at them and both boy's eyes widened.

"Oh, Tsu..." Levy said, she was close to tears herself. 

"Hahahhahahahahahahah!" Kazuki started laughing like a crazy person, which caught everyone's attention. Erza, Gray, and Natsu were ready to take him down, they looked like they could murder someone.

"What are you laughing at?" Gildarts asked, finally stepping forward. "This is just perfect. I can finally kill all three siblings like I wanted to from the beginning. And this time I'll make sure you two will surely die," He pointed at Ezra and Tsubaki, which made me narrow my eyes at him.

"And I'll make sure to make you suffer, by watching the death of your siblings and then kill you myself." He laughed more, "Not if we can help it." I declared, glaring harshly at him. "You think, you can take me on." He laughed and then he composed himself, and turned serious. "Don't get involved. Now, let's see who I should pick first." He smirked and set his eyes on someone and that someone was a huge surprise. He shot a blast at someone and I swung my head around.

It seemed as if time slowed down, as he turned to us and looked directly at Mirajane. "Goodbye, Fairy." He smirked and Mira stood there in shock, before someone jumped out in front of Mira, taking the hit for her.

"No," Tears fell down my face, as I watched Tsubaki jump in front of Mirajane.

"Tsubaki, No!!!!!" Lucky screamed, as she fell backward and I rushed forward without thinking. I wasn't going to let him get away with thinking he could hurt Tsubaki, not without paying for it.

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