Chapter 128: An Unexpected Celebration!

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Tsubaki's pov

I was nervous to say the least about going to the Celestial world, I had never been there but I assumed that it would be very interesting. Kai looked very excited and I had to guess that he was excited, because he would be able to see his celestial spirits. We didn't take long to get to the Celestial World either, Virgo managed to take all of us that were going. When we got there, I couldn't believe how everything looked. That's when I noticed that we were standing in front of a giant archway, it looked so pretty and very fancy. "Wow, this is not what I pictured the Celestial World to look like at all." Ethan said, his eyes flitting everywhere. "Guys, our clothes!" I looked down, finally taking notice that all of our outfits had changed. I was now wearing a sleeveless white buttoned up shirt and a short blue leather jacket, my stomach was showing as the shirt and the jacket were crop tops. Along with this new white crop top, I was wearing a matching skirt with blue undertones, it was short and reminded me of the same style as some of Lucy's outfits. "Wow, Tsu. You look hot." Natsu said, as I noticed his outfit. I blushed lightly hearing that compliment come out of Natsu's mouth, "Thanks Natsu. You don't look too bad yourself." I looked around the group, noting that everyone's outfits were unique to their body type. When I looked at Gray, I couldn't stop oogling over my boyfriend's outfit. He looked really good and his abs were showing as the shirt wasn't too long, "Damn, babe. I, for once, agree with Natsu. You look hot in that outfit." I blushed darker at Gray's words, "Well, I can say the same for you, Gray. You look really good in that outfit." I complimented, "Thank you," Gray pulled me into him, his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Hey!! Don't get all touchy with her like that!!" Ethan snapped, his outfit was similar to Ezra's, both of my brother's looked very handsome in their outfits. Gray only ignored my brother, who was ready to throw himself at Gray to stop him.

"Tsu, you look beautiful." Kai blushed, "Thank you, Kai. You look handsome." His blush only deepened as he rubbed the back of his head and smiled at me, "T-Thanks, Tsu." He stammered, "Why are you flirting with my girlfriend?" Gray stared at Kai with an intimidating look on his face, his eyes silently threatening to kill him if he said the wrong thing.

"No, I wasn't flirting- I just wanted to compliment Tsubaki." He waved his hand nervously, obviously terrified of Gray's reaction.

"Gray, stop flustering him like that. He was only complimenting me. Jeez." I slapped Gray's chest, "Fine. But he shouldn't be so flustered to even say a compliment to you. People who have crushes on others get that flustered." Gray retorted, Kai only looked away and struck up a conversation with Juvia.

"Welcome, Lucy and Lucy's friends." I stared up at the Celestial Spirit King in awe, I had only ever seen him once and that was the day we went looking for Loke aka Leo. He had appeared before Lucy that night, I don't remember much of their conversation because I only saw him from a distance. "Whoa!" Ethan and Ezra shouted, looking up at the Celestial Spirit King. "Who is that? And why is he so huge?" Ezra looked over at Lucy, "He's the Celestial Spirit King." Kai spoke up, the look in his eyes were nothing short of awe and wonder. I heard Natsu call him Mustache Man, which only served to amuse me. He always came up with the funniest nicknames for people, especially when he didn't know their name. "That's the Celestial Spirit King?!! He's freaking huge!!" Ethan shouted, I smacked him over the back of the head for saying such negative things while in front of someone of high importance. "Ow, what was that for?!" Ethan held the back of his head, glaring at me with angry eyes. "You can't say such negative and rude things to someone you just met!!" I snapped, he crossed back slightly and rubbed his head, turning his face away from me.

"What is the crisis that Virgo mentioned? Is something the matter?" Lucy stepped forward, instead of answering her question the Celestial Spirit King chuckled. "No, Lucy. There is nothing wrong here. Everything is going well in fact. We all decided to hold a baaaash to celebrate your return. We wanted to celebrate it as a group, but we can't all manifest in the human world at once, you know? So we summoned you all to the celestial spirit world instead!" Her Celestial spirits explained, "With that, I say let the party begin." Everyone stood dumbfounded, not even Lucy and Kai, the Celestial Mages of our group anticipated something like this. I let out a chuckle in disbelief, shaking my head as the Celestial Spirits welcomed all of us. "The crisis was all a ruse to give us an excuse to summon all of you to the Celestial Spirit World. It's not everyday that something like this can happen. It was a once in a lifetime chance to bring you all here." With that, we all joined in on the festivities.

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