Christmas Special #2

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Tsubaki's pov

I rolled onto my side, hearing soft snores come from my left. When I opened my eyes, I smiled as I looked at my boyfriend who was sleeping peacefully next to me. Before I knew it, I was using my index finger to trace every inch of his face. My fingers ended up, tracing his lips which were nice and soft. I jumped slightly when I was met with his indigo eyes, "I didn't tell you to stop." He gave me a smirk, which only made me slightly blush. "Honestly, I would love to wake up to this every morning." He suggested, making me blush a little redder. I cuddled closer to Gray, who gladly let me. "Is there anything we have to do today?" He asked as I laid my head on his shoulder, "Yeah, we gotta set up for the party here." I stared at the ceiling, letting out a small sigh.

"How long do we have till they get here?" He asked, I looked over at my alarm clock seeing that it was still really early. "Seven hours. That'll gives us enough time to finish the decorations, set up the little stage and make the food." I explained, "Great. Can we stay like this for another hour then?" Gray asked, scooting closer to me. "No, Gray... I would love too, though." I laughed when Gray groaned in annoyance, which made me smile. "Come on," I sat up, tapping Gray's leg which made him sigh. He sat up in bed, turning his head towards me as I was about to get out of bed.

"Who'd you invite?" He asked, making me turn towards him.

"Well, obviously our team. My brothers and Hairi. Wendy, Carla, Levy and Gajeel. Mira, Lisanna, Lyon, Juvia, Laxus and some others." I said, "You invited Lyon?" He made a face, making me laugh as he sighed. "Why'd you invite that fool?" He asked, "Because he needs some time with us. We've missed seven years with most of our friends." I smiled, "Wow, you are something else." He smiled, making me laugh as I leaned my head onto his chest. He laughed as I lifted my head off of his chest, "Yes, I am. And you absolutely love that." I smiled, "Yeah, yeah. I do." He leaned forward, wrapping me in a hug making me giggle loudly as I landed on my back. "Gray, stop." I laughed loudly, as he snuggled into my neck. "Nah, I don't think so." He smirked, he pulled his head from out of my neck to look at me. Our eyes locked as a smile formed on my face, Gray stared into my eyes and suddenly he leaned in closer to me. Our lips touched and nothing but sparks flew as I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer as our kiss deepened. The more we kissed, the more passion and emotion I felt radiating from Gray.

A few minutes later, we pulled away after things got too heated between us. "Come on, we gotta start fixing up the place." I tapped Gray's chest, making him groan as he crawled off of me. I laughed as I sat up and crawled off the bed, pulling out a box of Christmas decorations and placing it on the bed. Lucky and I had already set up the tree, with all the decorations and even placed the star on the top of the tree.

Hours later.....

By this time my brothers and Hairi along with Lucky had already made it. Erza, Happy, Natsu and Lucy along with Gajeel, Levy, Mira, Lisanna, Pantherlily, Juvia and Laxus had all arrived. "Merry Christmas, guys. Come on in," I greeted, just as I set the food on the table. "Who are we waiting on?" Ezra asked, "Cana, Gildarts and some others." Gray announced, as he stepped off the of the ladder. "Hey, you need a hand?" I turned to left, spotting Lucy and Levy. "Yeah, thanks. You guys are life savers." I gave them some things to do and started decorating the cake. I heard the front door open, "Hey, Tsu.. Cana and Gildarts are here." I looked out of the kitchen, spotting Cana and the others. Lyon, Jellal, Meredy and Ultear finally made it so the gang was all here.

"Alright, let's get this party started!!!" Ethan and I shouted in unison, making Ezra sigh and everyone else cheer.


"Oh, I just want to dance all night!!" Ethan shouted into the microphone, he was standing on the stage Gray and I set up. "Where does he get all these songs from?" Laxus laughed, "Move your body to the rhythm." It made it so much worse that Gildarts was drunk and up on the stage with Ethan. I shook my head, regretting getting that Karaoke machine and setting up the stage. "Pffffttttt!!!!" Natsu and Gajeel were cracking up so hard, that Gajeel fell off of his chair.

"I have an idea!!" Meredy announced, "What is it, Meredy?" Lisanna asked, looking away from the stage. "We should play King!" I dropped my french fry and looked over at Meredy as if she was crazy. Before I could speak up, Erza did and she got all excited about it. "Oh, this is going to be just great." I muttered, as Erza gathered the sticks for the game and before we started playing Ethan fell off the stage making Natsu, Gray and Gajeel crack up. "Sometimes, I wonder why we even let him drink alcohol in the first place." Ezra shook his head, while I nodded in agreement. We gathered around to play king and by this time, I had a little alcohol to drink. I didn't want to over do it because I knew things would get crazy if I did, so I didn't drink much.

We picked our sticks and of course, Erza got the king stick. So the first person to get picked was Levy, who apparently was supposed to strip tease which made Gajeel blush. I quickly covered Gray's eyes as well as Lyon's, when Levy stepped on the table to strip tease. We went another round and this time Lucy was picked, she had to give Natsu a lap dance which made things awkward for them. When Gajeel was picked, I couldn't stop laughing when he tried to sing twinkle twinkle little dragon. It was a parody made from Twinkle, Twinkle little star that Gajeel wrote.

"I have to got to say, this Christmas might be the best one I've ever had." Jellal smiled, watching as everyone scrambled to catch Lucky and Happy. "Me too, Jellal."

"Alright, I got the king stick this time!!!" I sighed when I saw that Cana was holding the king stick, "My baby girl got the king stick!" Gildarts wrapped Cana in a large hug from behind, making Cana get annoyed. "Will you get off of me?!" Cana used her hands to shove Gildarts' face away from hers, as she held onto the king stick. At some point, Cana managed to get Gildarts off of her and dared Erza to tie a cherry stem with her tongue. I couldn't believe just how crazy this night was about to get and it was only nine o'clock. "Tsubaki, I dare you to take off Gray's underwear with only using your teeth!" Mira dared. "Mira!!" I blushed beet red, when she said this.

"You can't back out of it." She nodded her finger, making me sigh as I looked at Gray who was blushing just as much as I was. Oh, this night has just gotten even crazier.

"Guys, look!!" Lucky called from the window, "What is it, Lucky?" Laxus asked, "Oh my gosh!" Lisanna exclaimed, "You guys have to come see this!!" Wendy waved us over, "What's gotten you guys so--" I stopped in the middle of my question as I looked out of the window, the first snowflake had fallen and more snow followed.

"Come on," I grabbed both my brother's hands, grabbed my jacket before rushing outside into the snow. A lot of snow had already covered the streets and sidewalks, which meant fresh snow was now falling. "Whooo!!!" I spun Ethan around, before letting him go and jumped around as the snow fell. Everyone followed us outside, playing around in the snow as we all laughed and smiled. I laughed, when Gray suddenly swept me off of my feet and carried me bridal style.

"Now that's a cute couple, don't you think?" Hairi asked Gildarts, the two were standing together watching as everyone was having a good time. "Yeah.. For as long as I have known those two, I never thought they would tell each other how they felt." Gildarts said, "Well, they did. I knew it was going to happen." Hairi shrugged her shoulders, watching Tsubaki like an overprotective mother.

"Hey, stop that!!" I yelled, as I was pelted with snowballs by Natsu and Gajeel. Ethan and Ezra were pelting Levy and some others with snow, causing them to have a snowball fight. "Oi!!! Come back here!" I gave chase to both boys, who laughed as they ran from me with Gray following after.

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