Chapter 42: Celebrating Old friends' return! Someone comes to Fairytail!

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Tsubaki's pov

We got back to the guild hall, and once we got through the door Cana and the others smiled. "Hey, how was your trip?" Gramps walked over to us, "Gramps!!" I yelled in happiness, it is so good to see him and everyone else just fine. "Master!!!" Lisanna suddenly tackled Master Makarov into a bear hug, tears streaming down her face and I giggled at his reaction. "Lisanna!!!" Everyone shouted with joy, "Don't touch her!!" Elfman punched all of the guys, rushing to hug her. I stood beside Gray and laughed, as Elfman protected his little sister. "I'm glad she's back home, where she belongs." I thought to myself, as the others kept trying to hug Lisanna. I leaned against the wall, watching everyone. "This calls for a celebration!!" Gramps yelled loudly, "Hey Lisanna, it's nice to have you back home." Gildarts said and I sighed. I closed my eyes and kept to myself, I was so tired.

"Take care of each other okay, Ethan?" I asked edolas Ethan, "Don't worry. She'll be just fine." Ethan smiled at me, my eyes widened at this and then I smiled. He's gonna take good care of her, I don't have to worry about Tsu or Ethan. They'll take good care of each other while I'm here in Earthland." I thought to myself, and heard a loud crash. I opened my eyes and saw someone flying towards me. I froze not knowing what to do, and I was suddenly pulled out of the way. I hit a hard chest, but it felt familiar like Gray's chest. "Hey Tsu, are you alright?" My blue hair fell in my face, as I stared at the floor in shock. "Tsu? Tsu? Are you alright? Hey, say something?" Gray shook my shoulder gently, snapping me out of my daze. "Hey, are you okay?" I looked up and shook my head. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'll be back." I walked away from Gray and started walking home. I didn't see Lucky, meaning she stayed at the guildhall. "Hey Tsu, it's nice to see ya!" The guy, who was in the boat in the river on the way home waved to me. "Hey! It's nice to see you." I waved and continued walking home. I was gonna come back to the guildhall, but first I had to shower and put on a new outfit. I was getting anxious at the fact that Ethan would come back and try to kill me.

"If edolas Ethan and Tsu can get along, then maybe we can. Does he even know if Ezra's dead? I never told him about that day. The day he sacrificed himself to save me and give me a chance." I thought and I finally reached home. I opened the door, I walked in dropping everything and headed straight into the bathroom. I took a bath, it was really relaxing the water was incredibly warm.

After I got out, I wrapped myself in a towel and walked out of the bathroom into my room. "Hey Tsu, what's up?" I screamed loudly seeing Erza, Gray, Natsu, Lucy, Gajeel, Lucky, and Happy in my room sitting around my small coffee table. "What are you doing in my room?!!!" I kicked Gray into the wall, "What are you all doing in my room?!!" I shouted, embarrassed that I was still in a towel. "We came to check on you. You seemed very out of it back at the guildhall and we were worried, so we came to see how you were doing." Erza said, "Wow, thanks for caring for me. Anyways, I'm fine. I was just thinking. There's nothing to worry about." I headed back into the bathroom and got dressed. I was wearing a blue sleeveless shirt, that matched the pants I wore. I had on a black belt and my long hair was let down, I also had on black boots. When I walked out, they were still in my living room.

"What are you still doing here?!!!" This time I kicked, Natsu and Gray into a wall together. There was a knock on the door, so I went to go check it out. "What is it, Ms. Namaki?" I sighed, I hated this woman. "Don't call me that!! It's Ms. Kizuki! Now, where is the money your friends owe me?" She questioned, holding out her hand to me. Namaki was her first name, her full name was Namaki Arya Kizuki. I called her Ms. Namaki to get on her nerves, since she likes to bother me a lot.

"What money?" Erza asked, walking over to the door. "The money those two boys owe, for destroying half of my building." She yelled, pointing to Gray and Natsu. "Like I said before how do you know they did it, if you weren't even there when it actually happened?!!" I asked agitated, I could see that both Natsu and Gray looked confused. "Those boys and your guildmates are destructive people! They destroy everything!" She said, "Not all the time and half the times they destroy things, is when it's on a job where we're trying to save a town and deal with a big problem!!! Now goodbye!!!" I slammed the door in her face, growling in agitation.

"Let's go to the guildhall," I said, jumping out of my window. The others followed and walked with me, "You look nice in that outfit, Tsu!" The guy, who was across the river shouted. "Thanks!! You not looking too bad either!" I waved back and he smiled at me, "Have a good day! And good luck catching something!" I yelled, as we walked away. "Thanks, you have a good day too." He waved and we walked past a shop.

"So what do you think Mystogan and the others are doing in edolas without any magic?" Natsu asked, "They are probably rebuilding the town and I'm pretty sure Mystogan is now in charge of everything." I said and got the feeling something big was about to happen. "What's wrong, Tsu?" Gray asked, "I don't know. I just have this weird feeling something big is gonna happen." I shook my head.

We finally reached the guildhall. I walked in but everything was completely silent and everyone looked serious and dead at me. "What's going on?" I asked, "There's something here for you." Gildarts said, "What do you mean? From who?" I asked and Gramps walked out, with a letter in his hands. But when I looked at the writing on the front of the envelope, tears started to build up in my eyes. There was no way, this could be from him.

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