Chapter 32: A Guild For One

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Tsubaki's pov(the first one is Tsubaki's outfit)

I woke up to see Jellal getting arrested, which surprised me. I shot up out of my spot, but accidentally fell on top of Natsu and pushed myself up to my feet. "Tsu, you're awake." Gray turned his attention to me, as I brushed myself off. "What's going on? Who are they?" I asked, "The Magic Council's Army, they came to arrest Jellal." Lucy explained, "No, please don't take him away!" I heard Wendy shout from behind me, as Natsu stood up to his feet.

Jellal stood there in shackles, they had already cuffed him. Just what happened, while I was out? "It's not fair, he doesn't even know what he's done. All of his memories have been completely erased!" Wendy cried out, trying to defend him. "Ignorance of one's crimes is no defense. Penal code section 13 states this explicitly. You may remove the barrier now." A guy with glasses said, he looked important.

"Who is he?" I whispered to Lucy, not taking my eyes off the guy.

"That's Lahar, the one commanding the army." Lucy explained, "Hold on!" Wendy shouted, "It's alright, I will not resist arrest. Please forgive me. I wish that I could remember you. I'm sorry that I cannot. Truly." Jellal said as Carla walked up to Wendy, Lucky stood next to Happy. "When she was lost and alone, you found her wandering and saved her life." Carla explained, I doubted that this was the same person that saved her all those years ago. Considering, the story that Erza told us. Jellal had been locked in the Tower of Heaven with Erza, Wally, Simon and Millianna when they were just kids.

"Did I? I may never know the horror I may have afflicted on you and countless others, but at least I know at some point I helped one person. Erza. I won't forget your kindness." Jellal turned away from us, my eyes shifted over to Erza.

"You have anymore parting words?" Lahar asked, "No," Jellal said. "No way," Lucy stared in shock, they all weren't to pleased with the outcome. "In any case, you'll never see these people again." He said, making Wendy cry. "Hold it right there!" Natsu attacked two guards, catching me off guard. "Natsu!!" Gray shouted, Jellal slightly turned his head towards us. A bunch of soldiers started wrestling with Natsu, trying to stop him. "What is that idiot thinking?" I asked, crossing my arms. "I don't know," Gray said, "Outta my way!" Natsu shoved a guard and kept fighting against them.

"Jellal, why don't you come with us?" Natsu suggested, making my eyes widen as I looked at Natsu in shock. "No, don't do this." Jellal said, "Subdue that man!" Lahar shouted and more soldiers rushed forward. Gray punches a guard, which made me sigh. "Keep going, Natsu!" He turned to him and they both started fighting the guards. "Gray, what are you doing, you idiot??!!" I shouted as he punched more guards, while Jura got angry. "You would help this man for his sins, yet is not rewarded for his good deeds." I stood back from everyone else, watching everything for down.

"I know what Jellal did to Erza. But he doesn't remember anything, he doesn't remember what he did to hurt everyone. Why are they still gonna take him away for it? I can't let them take Jellal for Erza sake. Even when I was down and ready to give up, he didn't let me. He gave me the courage to keep fighting, even when I didn't want to. What do I do? Do I fight the guards like Natsu and Gray or do I stay put?" I thought to myself, as the others got involved even Lucky did. I stood back with Erza, contemplating what I should do.

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