Chapter 5: Just do Whatever

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Tsubaki's pov

The next morning, I woke up in the same area I fought Eines in. I sat up, feeling a bit dizzy as more memories flashed through my brain. I slowly stood up to my feet and started limping. I came across an open path, but didn't watch where I was going and tripped over a rock. I face planted and sat up in a daze, as more memories came flooding back. I heard talking and saw Erza, Lucy, Lucky, Happy and Gray. "Tsubaki... Oh my god, what happened to you?" Lucy ran up to me, I looked down my clothes but didn't answer her. "Hey come on, say something." Gray helped me up, taking the brunt of my weight. I could tell that Erza was mad at me for going, but I didn't care for that at the moment. I almost fell as soon as I got on my feet, but luckily Gray caught me before I could hit the ground. He put his arm around me, helping me walk. Something clicked in my mind, when he said he met my brother. That means that Ethan is alive, I haven't seen him in so long. He told me about what happened and we ran towards the temple. Gray was helping me, and explained to us why Lyon wants to do with Deliora.

"Gray, what do you mean Ur is still alive?" I looked at him, "Is she the shell of ice that is trapping Deliora?" I asked.

"Yes, when the spell is cast, whoever casted the spell becomes the shell itself." Gray explained, "Oh my god." I whispered, I remember Ezra saying something about that. Gray then explained how they found him and how this started. Suddenly we were attacked, soldiers were blocking our way from every side. Erza told us to go deal with Lyon, but Lucy stayed back to help as well as I did. I sent Lucky with Gray, so he couldn't get hurt any worse than he already was. They were surrounding us and it was looking like fun.

"Fire ice dragon roar!" I took down 20 men with one attack.

"Erza, I'm gonna go check up on Gray and Natsu!"

"Alright, but be careful." She said, I could tell she was still angry. I ran off towards the temple, hoping that Natsu and Gray were alright. "Gray! Natsu! Hello!" The temple shook heavily, which meant Natsu must have been fighting someone so I followed the path. "Natsu!" I saw him standing on a rock, "Tsu, what you doing here?" He shouted, looking over to me. "Where's Gray?" I asked, "Fighting Lyon!" He shouted and I ran off, "Where are you going?" He shouted, as I turned to run off. "To find Gray!!" As I made my way down the hall way, I came across Toby but he wasn't that hard to beat. I started running again only to fly into a wall, I sailed past Lyon and Gray. "Hello Tsubaki," Eines spoke, coming through the wall. "Eines!" I charged, hitting him full on back through the wall. Lucky was nowhere in sight, which began to worry me. "Eyes on your opponent!" He kicked me in the stomach, sending back into the wall.

"How do you know my brother?" I got up slowly, wiping blood from my chin.

"Why should I tell you?!" He threw a kick and I dodged it, grabbing his ankle and slamming him down.

The temple shook and I noticed it was set in place, not good, c'mon Tsubaki think fast. I slammed both of my fire covered fists into the ground, making a huge crater. Before I could do any more damage, I was kicked in the stomach and then kneed harshly. Hitting the ground, I felt a foot hit my back. I quickly reversed it, I kicked him in the face and then down in his crotch. He hit the wall, flying back into where Lyon and Gray were fighting. "How do you know my brother?" I kicked him in the back, he flew forward hitting another wall close to Lyon. He stood up wiping his blood from his chin, "Why should I tell you?" He smirked and I growled. "Tell me.... Where he is and how do you know him?" I clenched and unclenched my fists, but all he did was laugh. "Stop laughing, it isn't funny!" He charged at me, Gray and Lyon were locked in a fist fight. I dodged him as Gray managed to beat Lyon, but before we could celebrate a loud sounded roar. "Ha! That bastard, did it!" Eines laughed and I growled. "It's not funny!" Gray said, "Ice fire dragon roar!" I finally knocked him out, as Deliora let out another roar.

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