Chapter 54: Old Friends Reappear!!

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Tsubaki's pov

We headed for the train with Erza and Ethan staying back to stop the people at the train station, and ordered the rest of us to get to the train. "Ezra, step on it, I got an idea." I climbed through the window, onto the top of the magic mobile. "What are you doing?" Natsu asked, looking up at me. "I'm gonna jump onto the train after I do it. I want you all to do the same." I explained, turning my head to the train. "You sure about this?" Gray stuck his head out of the window, Natsu was hanging from.

"Yeah, I'm sure." I nodded, looking back at Gray then up at the train as my hair blew in the wind. "Just be careful, okay?" I gave Gray my signature smile, making him sigh.

"Alright, Ezra steady it out. We're close enough." Ezra tried to steady out and he finally did. I jumped off the top, making it onto the train. "Are you alright?" Lucy asked, sticking her head out the window. "Yeah, I'm gonna head inside to see what's going on." They nodded, "Just be careful in there!" Levy yelled, in response I gave her a thumbs up. I climbed inside of the train, spotting some people huddled in a corner. They were shaking and frightened, by whatever it was that took over the train. I also noticed that they were wet like they had water dumped on them. I sniffed the air, trying to track the different scents. "Shh, I'm from Fairytail." I lifted my sleeve, showing them my insignia. "I'm here to help. Which way did the person go?" They pointed to the train cars ahead and I nodded. "My friends are gonna be here any minute, let them help you and tell them if there others on the train, okay?" The girl nodded and held onto her younger sibling. I stood up, taking off in the same direction she pointed to.

"Iron make sword." I whispered quietly, as a sword appeared in my hand. I walked forward, breaking the door in the other train car. I walked forward and heard talking in the other train car ahead of this one, so I hid behind the wall making sure that I wasn't seen.

"You stay still." I recognized the voice of the female. "No, it can't be her. Anyone but her." I thought to myself, as I felt myself start to shake. "You need to let me go! Why do you want me so bad?" Another voice yelled and I recognized that voice too, making my eyes widen.

"But he... I thought he...." I shook even more, making my sword clattered to the ground. "No, I have to fight. I can't be afraid, not now. I have to fight." I clenched my fists, as I lifted it up to my face. "Alright then.." I picked up the sword and stood in front of the door, taking a deep breath. "Here goes nothing." I kicked the door down and two people I thought I would never see again, were standing there. Ryuu was tied up shirtless and looking pretty beat up, as well as a lady. "So you did come?" She fully turned around and I recognized her face, when she turned around.

"Hello Tsubaki, long time no see." She smirked, "No, it can't be.." I stared at her in shock and horror, there was no way. "Well, it is." She looked at me, "Master Hairi," My voice came out shaky, I was so shocked to see her.

"What? You look like you've seen a ghost.." She said walking towards me. "It can't be. You died eight years ago!!" I yelled, stepping forward. "Well I'm alive and standing in front of you, aren't I?" I took a step back and she smirked.

Flashback...... (8 years ago)

"Ahhhhhh!" 15 year old me ran towards Master Hairi, with my fist raised. She dodged me, making me fall forward. I regained my balance quickly, and swung around to kick her. For the past few years that I met her, she decided to train me and teach me how to fight. A few days later I decided to take a job, one that was a bit too dangerous for someone to handle on their own. "You cannot go on this job alone! Not with the way you fight now!" Master yelled, but I didn't listen. Most of the guild members had objected to what I was doing, even Gramps. We were standing in the guildhall when Hairi had objected to me taking the job. "I don't care! I'm going on this mission alone! It's the only way I can find him!" I yelled, around this time I was obsessed with getting revenge on the person that stole my big brother from me.

"Tsu, wait!! You can't go on this mission alone!!" Erza shouted, but I didn't care. "Tsu, get back here!!" Natsu shouted, I heard the concern in his voice but I didn't stop.

Five hours later.....

"It's too strong." I sat up on my knees and hands, looking behind me. This beast was way too strong for me, "It's okay." Master Hairi walked over to me, hugging me close to her tightly. "Master Hairi, what are you doing here?!" I asked, looking up at her in surprise. "I came to help you. There is only one way to destroy the monster. I am going to do it." She set me down and walked towards the monster, "Wait, master, don't do it!" I realized what she was talking about, it was the spell that would seal both the castor and the victim away forever. "No! Please don't do it!" Tears gathered in my eyes as I ran forward, but was held back by familiar warm arms. "No! Gray, let me go!" I shouted, trying to escape the arms. "I can't do that!" Gray shouted, "Let me go, Master Hairi. Don't do it!! Please!!" Tears started to fall, as she stood ready to fight. "I can't let you go, you'll get swept into the spell as well!" Erza shouted, she stood in front while Gray held me from behind.

"I want to free you from the darkness in your heart. Please understand, I want you to live your life to the fullest. Promise me that?" She looked back at me and smiled. Tears streamed heavily down my face, as she took the stance. "I will finish you off, you monster. You will finally be erased! Restraint Net bolt!" She yelled and I yelled for her. A bright flash erupted and she was gone along with the beast. "No!!! Master Hairi!!" I shouted, warm arms engulfed me not wanting to let go. "I'm sorry, Tsu. I'm so sorry." Gray spoke, I could hear the sincerity in his voice. "I'm sorry," Erza pulled me into a hug, as I just sobbed into her.

Flashback over....

"Stop looking like that!" She kicked me when I wasn't expecting it.

Natsu and the others had climbed onto the train and were in the train car, Tsubaki had first came across. "I don't like this. It's too quiet." Ezra said, shaking her head. "Yeah, me neither. I don't think we're in for something good." Gray said, as they looked around. "So what did you find out?" Pantherlily asked Lucy, "Well it turns out Ts-" A figure crashed into the wall, rolling in front of them. "Tsubaki!!" Lucy yelled, making the others looked forward to seeing who caused the problem.

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