Chapter 8: Fairy law

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Tsubaki's pov

I was slammed into the wall again and flew out, holding on to the wall. With a hole in my side, my arm and leg broke I couldn't bear it. "Tsubaki!!!" Erza was still screaming, while Master Jose was squeezing her with his magic. I was pulled up and set down gently on the ground, I felt a warm glow and turned to see Gramps standing on some rocks. I was glad to see that he was fully recovered from Aria's attack, I had a feeling he came here to deal with Jose himself. Gray, Mira, Elfman, and Erza cheered while I sat there and smiled, I thought that Ethan would still be here but when I looked around I noticed that he wasn't around. Gramps told us to get out of here, so we did what he said.


I had found an egg, like how Natsu was. "Guys, look what I found in the forest!!" Natsu and the others rushed over, to see what I had found. "Oh lookie, it's another egg." Mira teased, "Stop teasing her, Mira." Gramps warned, "Come on Gray, I want you to help." I dragged Gray by the arm, out of the guildhall. "So why are we in the woods anyway?" Gray asked, all grumpy. "Don't be like that Gray, besides I think it'll be fun raising this egg with you." I gave him a big smile, which made him blush. I gave him the egg to hold and it started bustling around, the egg jumped back into my arms which made both of us laugh. After a couple of weeks of waiting, the egg hatched and everyone was excited to have another cat, that was just like Happy. I decided to name her Lucky, because I felt lucky to be in a great guild like Fairytail.

Flashback over...

I smiled at Gray and the others as we all stood together, happy that Gramps had defeated Jose. I cheered with everyone else, but I got too excited and kissed Gray's cheek. He blushed a bright red which made Erza laugh, along with the others. I smiled at him when he looked at me with his cheeks tinted pink, we all settled near the guildhall even though it was destroyed and Lucy got there. I wonder where Natsu was, he should be around here somewhere. "Lucy!" I smiled brightly at her, happy that she was alright but she still seemed down about the whole situation her father caused. "We don't blame you at all," Levy said, she had finally recovered from her injuries and stood outside with us.

"Nobody places blame on anything you did, this wasn't your fault." I shook my head, leaning on Gray.

"Lucy, although our feelings of happiness and sadness are tiring, share them. That's what happens in a guild, one person's happiness becomes everyone's happiness, one person's anger becomes everyone's anger and one person's tears become everyone's tears. There's no reason for you to feel guilty, so don't cry, you should already know how much everyone here cares about you. Hold your head up high, my dear, because you are a proud member of the Fairy Tail family." As soon as these words left Gramps' mouth, Lucy started to cry which brought a few stray tears to my eyes. Levy cheered up Lucy and out of the blue Gramps started crying, he must have been upset because of the amount of damage done.


A week after defeating Phantom and me recovering, the guild started rebuilding the guildhall. The Rune Knights showed up with the guy in charge, questioning us for a week which took so long. Natsu and Gray started arguing, as we were all helping with the rebuilding. Mira drew plans for the guildhall, proudly showing us her accomplishment. "Wow, that's the worse drawing I've ever seen. What idiot drew that?" Gray made a face, Mira stayed quiet for a moment before she burst into tears. "I'm sorry, Mira. I didn't know it was you, who drew those." Gray shook his hands quickly, he wanted to make things right. After we had settled down, Gray received a lunch box with his face on it which made me curious as to who made it. It also made me a little jealous, because it seems that somebody has gained a crush on him. Erza took a bite out of the food, so did I which made Gray scream when we poked into his face in the food. I laughed at his expression, just as Loke arrived with Lucy's gate keys. Lucy took the keys from him, placing them back on her hip. "Thanks, Loke." I patted his shoulder and he turned around and left. A little while later, Lucy had gone home but the others wanted to check on her. They wanted to make sure she was okay, after what had happened. "I'll go... But, I am not going through Lucy's things." I stated. When we did get to her place, we found out that she wasn't home which prompted the others to break in.

"Are you guys crazy?! Lucy would kill you if she was here." I exclaimed, "Where could she have gone?" Natsu asked, I looked around the apartment and spotted a piece of paper on her desk.

"What's this?" Natsu looked at the letters, which were all addressed to her mom. Erza found a note that she was going home, which made Natsu, Gray and Happy freaked out and I sighed. I knew that Lucy was having a hard time back with her father, just as I did with Ethan. I looked out the window as we were on the train, going to get her back. When we got there it was so big, which made Luckily and the two idiots excited. "Luce!!!" I spotted her standing in front of a statue, she turned to look at us and explained what happened.

We said our goodbyes to her cleaning crew and I wrapped my arm around Lucy, she told us that this was just her garden and that it ended by the mountains, Gray and Natsu freaked making me chuckle.


When we got back to the guild we heard that Gramps was being put on trial, in my mind I was a bit worried about him. The guildhall was still being rebuilt, Natsu didn't like the way the guildhall was changing. I was out on a small job without lucky and had just finished it, I came back and sat at the bar with Lucy. "My butt stings, just thinking about it." Lucy said, "Well, I could cool it for you." Gray said, but from the glint in his eyes, I could tell that he was messing with her.

"That sounds like sexual harassment," Lucy said, making Lucky and I giggle. Natsu and Happy started talking about her butt some more, which made Lucy yell at him before something was thrown at him. All of the fun and jokes were cut short when Laxus showed up and he was pissing everyone off, including me. "Laxus, just shut up! Nobody wants you here if you're just going to keep pissing everyone off!" I yelled, it wasn't long before he decided to leave after pissing Erza off. Laxus was one of the closest friends I had when I was growing up, he was so sweet back then.

"He is such an arrogant jerk," I muttered, just loud enough for Natsu to hear me. "You said it." Natsu agreed. From now on we were officially a team, although Natsu and Gray didn't like being on the same team. Erza confronted them about it and they instantly stopped. Our job was to stop some people, that were causing trouble in another town. In doing so, Natsu, Gray, and Erza went a little overboard and destroyed half the town. Lucy and I sat at the bar, talking to Mira about the job. Lucy and I were the only rational and calm ones during the whole mission, which made it worse.

"Don't even get me started on Erza!" Lucy yelled. Mira found us a job in Onibus, we were supposed to draw a crowd to a run-down theatre. We met the guy who ran the place and he cried, telling us that all of his actors left. "Oh lord," I mumbled with a groan, Lucy wasn't the only who didn't want to do this. We only had one week to rehearse, so we were all rehearsing and even Gramps decided to come to see us. I swear that Bora guy was crazy.

Then it was time for our performance, Lyra went on first and Erza was on but she froze up and stuttered over her words. So Lucy ran on stage and Gray came out saying he was Julius, I heavily sighed because he was wrong. Erza decided to attack Gray with her ten swords, which only scared Gray and caused him to run off stage. I ran onto the stage, hoping to fix this mess but only made it worse.

"Prince Frederick, the castle is under attack." I grabbed Erza's hand as Gray walked back on stage and summoned a dragon, which was Natsu's role. When Gray said, "Let's work together,"  The crowd got confused, "We will handle this problem." Lucy looked to me, which let Gray and Erza run off stage. Happy and Lucky dropped Natsu by accident, burning off my dress completely. Lucy was on fire, so Gray tried to help but Erza cut the dress. I screamed trying to cover up my body, since I was still naked. "Oh my god." Gray rushed over, giving me his cape. This play was a disaster... Taurus appeared on stage, while Gray fought Natsu, who wouldn't stop spitting fire. The whole theatre split in half, making me cry. The crowd loved it though. One week later, we had to keep performing the play three times a day. I was laying on the table next to Gray, "I want to go home now!" Lucy cried.

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