Halloween Special: Fairytail (Part 3)

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Tsubaki's pov

"What the hell was that?!! Why the hell did you do that?!" I snapped, punching Gray in the chest. We were currently holed up in a building, which was not too far from where we were separated from Erza and the others. The first floor of the building we were in had been fortified for our safety, we had already checked and found that there were no other people in the building with us. Tears shone in my eyes, as I continued to hit Gray out of frustration. "Tsu..." He started, "We could have saved them both. Now we have no clue if Juvia and Ethan are alright. We could have saved Erza! Why didn't you let me save her?" I snapped, becoming furious with him. "Tsu!! There was nothing that we could do! You have to understand that! There was no way I was going to lose you too!" Gray snapped, as soon as I heard those words I just started crying. "Tsu..." Lucy started, as she wiped her tears. Gray pulled me into a bone crushing hug, as Ezra looked away from us. Levy sniffled loudly, wiping her tears as she held Pantherlily close. All of us were pretty shaken up by the fact that we just lost Erza, Ethan, Juvia and Ryuu. Gray looked so sad, but I could see he was pushing it down so that he could comfort me. I kept my arms around him, taking in his scent as I tried to calm myself down. "We need to pull ourselves together." Laxus spoke, he looked so calm despite all of this. "How do you expect us to do that when we just lost four of our own?" Lucky snapped, "Lucky.. Guys.. I know.. I'm angry and I'm hurting too. But we need to find out whose behind this. Once we do that, we can work on a way to get them back to normal. Nobody is too far gone and we haven't the need to kill them to put them down." He said, "That means we can use our magic to keep them at bay." Gajeel looked to Laxus, "Yes. And we're going to have to be more cautious with how we go about traveling through Lupinus." Laxus stated, taking full control over the leadership role. "That hospital.. Ryuu said something about the lab being past the hospital." Lucy said, "Then we're going to need to find a safer way to get there then going the way we were. We can't travel by night, that's when they are the most active." Ezra stated, crossing his arms. "What happens if we get to that lab but there is nobody there that can help us? What if that Lab is a death trap?" Lucky asked, making all of us look at her.

"If that lab doesn't have the answers... How will we change everyone back to normal?" Lucy questioned.

"We will find a way to turn everyone back to normal. Even if the lab doesn't have the answers. We will find them. And we will turn this town back to normal." Levy stated.

"Looks like we'll be camping here for the rest of the night. I'll stand on watch. Everyone else get some rest." Laxus announced, before walking away.

"Tsu.." I walked away from Gray without saying another word, heading over to a spot which was farther from everyone. I noticed that Laxus had taken a spot farther away from the group, he has now taken everything on his shoulders and it worries me. I sat down in the corner of the room, leaning against the wall as tears came to my eyes. I buried my head in my arms, hearing footsteps come towards me. I didn't lift to my head to look, since I already got the feeling as to who it was. "I know you're angry. I'm angry for having to leave them too.. But don't shut everyone out." He said. "I'm angry for letting myself talk Erza into going with Ryuu. I should have pushed her to go before us. But I didn't. Tsubaki." I lifted my head, my eyes meeting his olive ones. "We can't lose hope. Not now. Not when the people of this town need us. I know this is going to be hard... But we can get her back. Those people are not too far gone." He placed a hand over mine, as a tear ran down my cheek. Our eyes met as tears ran down my face, "I promise you. We are going to fix this. We are going to get Erza back. We are going to get Ethan and Juvia and even Ryuu back. So just promise me that you aren't going to give up on me now." He said with a smile, as he held my hand. I stared at him for a moment, before giving him a smile back. "Thank you, Natsu." I sniffled, giving him a smile. "It was no problem, Tsu."

~The next morning~

We got an early head start, heading carefully towards the lab which is where we needed to get to. Everything seemed to be very quiet which was both a good and bad thing, "Does anyone get a bad feeling about it being so quiet?" Lucy whispered, "Definitely." Happy muttered, "Yeah, I don't like this feeling either." Gray shook his head, "We need to be on alert. I have a feeling the closer we get to the lab, the more trouble we might find." Laxus stated, as we headed towards a corner. But just as we turned, Laxus suddenly stopped walking causing people to bump into his back.

"Hey! What'd you stop walking for?" Natsu snapped. I looked at Laxus, who looked incredibly disturbed at what was ahead of us. "Laxus? Did you hear-" I stopped talking, as I looked forward and spotted a huge horde of zombies. "Holy cow..." One of them turned around, spotting us and started groaning. A loud groan from it caught the attention of all the others, who came right after us.

Instead of panicking, I immediately took action and slammed my palms onto the ground. A huge wall of ice grew, blocking off the zombies from getting to us but I could tell it wasn't going to hold for much longer. "This thing will not hold for much longer! There are just too many. We need to go!!" I shouted, looking back at Laxus. "Then let's go!!" Everyone immediately took off, Gray grabbing my arm and pulling me away as the ice started to crack. As soon as the whole thing came down, we took off quickly as I threw up ice walls to keep other hordes from getting to us as we made it towards the lab. Everyone came to an immediate hall, when another large horse appeared in front of us, blocking the way to the lab which just a few miles away. When Happy screamed, the horde headed towards us causing panic among everyone. "Gray!" I looked in him in the eyes, nodding my head which signaled him that we needed to protect everyone. "On the count of three, I need everyone to get behind Gray and I." I stated, "What? Why?" Gajeel asked, "Just trust us! We don't have time for questions!!" I snapped, making him go quiet.

"On 1....." Gray stood by my side, while everyone scrambled to get behind us.

"2................" I took a deep breath, closing my eyes for a minute to focus. I tuned out all of the shouts, arguing and groaning and focused.

"3......" I opened my eyes, feeling the cold come to my hands.

"Now!!" Gray and I both made a huge ice dome, "Levy!! I need you to try and make a huge Fence!! If the ice doesn't hold we have to make sure that they can't directly get to us!" I shouted above all the noise, "Right!!! Solid Script Magic: Fence!!!" Once the fence and ice dome were done, we all took a breath of relief but it didn't last long as we heard banging coming from the horde outside.

"What are we going to do?" Lucy asked.

"They are blocking the only way to the lab." Ezra shook his head, looking to Laxus.

"There has to be another way to the lab, right? I mean coming from the front shouldn't be the only way to get to it." Pantherlily stated, crossing his arms. The ice started to crack, making everyone nervous. "Pantherlily may have a point. But we're going to need to do something to get through that horde to even figure out a way to get to the lab." Ezra stated.

"I have an idea." I raised my hand.

"What?" Laxus asked, looking to me.

"We fight."


"We fight. I'm saying that we fight our way to the lab. It might be our only chance to get there. What do you say?" I asked, looking among the group. Everyone became quiet for a moment, taking a minute to think about this.

"Let's do it." Gray said.

"I'm in." Lucy smiled.

"Yeah, same here." Ezra smiled at me.

"I'm all fired up." Natsu smiled.

"Then let's do it. Levy, take down the fence."

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