Chapter 44: Ethan comes to Fairytail!!

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Tsubaki's pov

After all the tears were shed, we partied really hard, which turned out to be a very bad idea. The entire guildhall was a complete mess and everyone, well almost everyone, was passed out. The only ones that weren't passed out were Lucy and I. "This is crazy. The entire guild hall has been wrecked, that means Mira is gonna have to clean all of this up." Lucy said, looking around. "Yeah, why don't we start cleaning up? It will help her a lot." I rubbed my eyes and stood up. I stepped over Warren, who was holding onto Max's leg. "Whoa, look at what Natsu and Gajeel did!!!" Lucy yelled and I looked over at her.

Flashback less than 9 hours ago.........

"So how are you and Gray going?" Lisanna asked me, making all the girls around us look at me. "No, there's nothing between me and him." I shook my head quickly, I didn't want them to know. "Sure, you know Warren told me something," Cana said, with a smirk visible on her face. "And what was that Cana?" I asked, quirking an eyebrow at her. "Oh... That you and Gray may or may not be secretly dating." She said, "Ooohhhhhhh," The others cooed, making my eye twitch.

"WARREN!!!!" I shouted angrily, I can't believe he told Cana and Happy. "What?" He popped up by my side, which startled Lucy. "You told them? You told Cana and Happy something I told you not to tell nobody." I said, as my eye twitched ever so often. "Uhhhhh.... See it wasn't my-" I cut him off by punching him, sending him hurtling into a wall. "Whoa, calm down." I spun around towards the girls, "You won't tell anyone including Juvia, won't you?" I smiled at them sweetly, I could tell some of them were sweatdropping at the two of us. "No, we won't." The only one not intimidated by me was Cana, "And what if I tell Gray, that I know what you two did?" Cana smirked, as an irk mark appeared on my forehead. "You wanna go!! Cause if you want to, I'm so ready to fight you Canana!!" I shrouded my hand in fire and my other hand in ice, as I stood closer to her. "Sure, I'll be glad to fight you, just like old times. What do you say?" Cana pulled out her cards, giving me a familiar smirk. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm down. We should all-"  Lucy was cut off when we heard a large explosion, "Fire dragon Iron talon!" Cana and I turned our heads at the same time, watching Gajeel and Natsu fight. The two rolled around on the ground and it wasn't long before Gajeel had thrown Natsu into the table Elfman, Macao and Wakaba were currently sitting at.

Natsu broke the table in half and popped back up, rolling up his imaginary sleeves. He looked just as angry as Macao and Wakaba did. "Hey! Watch it! We were playing a game here!!" Wakaba shouted, standing up to his feet. "Yeah, well that ain't my fault. It's the metalhead's fault." Natsu yelled at him, "Only real men would take responsibilities for their mistakes!" Elfman shouted, towering over Natsu. "Stay out of this!" Natsu punched Elfman, making him fly back and both Gajeel and Natsu continued to fight and argue. Before long, Gray ended up in the battle and all three boys fought until Erza stepped in. And when she did, it wasn't a good thing. "Oh, Gray!" Cana yelled out, making all three boys and Erza turn their attention to her and me.

"What is it Cana?" Erza asked, "Well, I know something that's going on between you and Tsubaki." She smirked, making me glare at her. "Wait!! What?" Gray looked to me and I shook my head, signaling that I didn't tell her and to not say anything about it. "What do you know?" Gray asked calmly, "I know that you-" I tackled Cana and covered her mouth. "She knows that we raised Lucky. And nothing else, so don't worry." I looked at them with a smile, hoping to draw attention away from us. "Alright, then." Erza turned back to the three boys and scolded them for destroying a part of the guildhall, we spent hours rebuilding. "You seriously just tried to tell the entire guild, what is going on between us?!!" I stood up, as Cana brushed herself off.

Flashback over......

Lucy and I had cleaned almost the entire guild hall and had to have Leo, Virgo, and Taurus help us repair the damage that Natsu, Gajeel, and Gray had caused during their brawl. I was standing over Gray, but my feet were on either side of his head. It was the only way I could get around to cleaning the area, he was passed out in. I looked down at him, watching as he slept peacefully. He looked so peaceful and so adorable, this made me remember back to when I first met Gray.

"Tsu, what are you doing?" Lucy asked, making me jump. "You were watching Gray sleep, weren't you?" She gave me this look as if she had already known what I was doing. "Uhhh.." I trailed off, looking away. "It's alright. I won't tell anyone, you can trust me. What made you fall for Gray in the first place?" She asked, looking up at me. "Well... It all started the day after Lucky was born." I looked up, trying to remember.

Flashback..... a day after lucky was born...

"Hey Gray," I walked into the guildhall, ever since we raised Lucky together, the two of us had grown a strong bond. I thought that the crush I had developed when I first met him went away, but I was wrong. As to both of us raising lucky, until she hatched that feeling grew a lot bigger. I'm sure Erza could have noticed by now, she was really keen on telling how I was feeling. "Hey Tsu, what's up?" I saw Natsu and Gray arguing, which was something I was used to seeing.

"Oi, ice stripper, you're the idiot!" Natsu yelled, "Will you two stop fighting?!" Erza got in between the two.

Flashback interrupted...

"Luce, what's wrong?" I came out of the memory, as she shook my shoulder frantically. "Luce?" She looked at me and I noticed how frightened she looked, it made me worry. "What's wrong?" She pointed to the doorway of the guildhall, and I followed her line of vision. There stood in the doorway, was the person that I thought would never show up again.

"What do you want, Ethan?" I threw my rag down on the ground, my voice dripping with venom. "So you hate me?" He asked, walking into the guildhall. "What are you doing here?" I asked, "Well, I came here to get you, of course." He said, with a sly smirk on his face. "No way am I letting you take her!" Lucy stepped in front of me, "Lu-" She cut me off, before I could stop her. "Get out of here." She said, slightly turning her head to me. "Luce, I can't just leave-" Ethan chuckled, before waving his hand forward which sent Lucy flying into the bar. This caused a large sound to echo through the guildhall, waking everyone up. "Lucy!!! Lucy, are you alright?!" I became worried and agitated at the same time, "What do you want me for?" I asked, turning my head back to my older brother. "Tsu, what's going on?" Gramps asked and I looked back, seeing that everyone was now awake due to the loud noise.

"Stay back," I turned my head forward slightly, keeping an eye on Ethan. I didn't trust his intentions for coming here, so I knew that I needed to keep my guard up around him. "Like I asked you before, what do you want me for, Ethan?" I got serious and he waved his hand, throwing everyone back into the walls. I stood my ground, but then he attacked me when I least expected it. The last thing I remember hearing was the sound of rushing footsteps, as well as the screams coming from my guildmates.

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